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    • 1、英语语法试题答案及评分参考 第 1 页(共 2 页)绝密启用前 202310 00831 I.Choose the best answer from the choices given and blacken the corresponding letter A,B,C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(1%20=20%)1.B 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.A 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.D II.Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET with one of the items given.(2%10=20%)21.in;have known 22.that;a 23.involved;minor 24.destabilize;as 25.yourself;gives 26.succumb;for 27.oxen;wove 28.elderly;is 29.Nevertheless;data 30.where;white

      2、ned III.Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET with an item as required.(1%20=20%)31.a 32.the 33.all 34.neither 35.should 36.will 37.by 38.on 39.below 40.with 41.who 42.which 43.why 44.when 45.and 46.but/yet 47.That 48.didnt it 49.is it 50.will you IV.Rewrite the following sentences as required.(2%15=30%)51.She enjoys her children being praised at school.52.This piece of legislation had been done away with reluctantly.53.I demanded that he(should)accompany me to the conference tomorrow.54.The st

      3、udents neednt attend the seminar if they dont like it.55.They cant have been waiting so long at the station on a rainy day.56.Was Cortes the first European ever to see/to have ever seen the Pacific Ocean?57.The accused admitted selling/having sold the stolen goods.58.In spite of the clear scientific evidence,people still refused to believe that cigarette 英语语法试题答案及评分参考 第 2 页(共 2 页)smoking was harmful.59.There was a wonderful view from the hilltop where we had stopped to have lunch.60.The house(wh

      4、ich/that)he bought in 1986 and which he sold two years later is again on the market.61.On his way up the hill John fell down and hurt his hands and knees,but/yet Danny got to the top all right.62.He dismissed the idea that they should invest a lot of money on the new project.63.Do you find it very dull living in the suburbs alone?64.It was at the railway station that we were met by a man carrying a copy of the Times 65.In this chapter will be found a partial answer to the essay question.V.Answer

      5、 the following question.(4%1=4%)66.The difference between inversion and fronting is twofold:first,inversion involves the reversal of subject verb order while fronting usually does not.(1 分)E.g.Never have I seen such a rude man.(inversion)An honest man he used to be.(fronting)(1 分)In the second place,whereas fronting usually transfers the information focus from the final position to the front,inversion may comply with either fronting or postponement depending on its structure.(1 分)E.g.The door bu

      6、rst open and in rushed a large angry crowd.(inversion postponement)(1 分)VI.Define the following terms with examples.(3%2=6%)67.Shortening is to shorten a long word by cutting a part off the original and use what has remained as a word.(1 分)There are 4 basic types of shortening:back clipping,front clipping,front and back clipping and middle clipping.(1 分)e.g.brother bro;telephone phone;refrigerator fridge;department dept(1 分)68.The subjunctive mood in the present system is a formal category,chiefly expressed by means of modals auxiliaries,past tense forms,past perfect forms,etc.(1 分)The trimmed subjunctive mood falls into two major types:the be-subjunctive and the were-subjunctive.(1 分)E.g.If he be found guilty,he will be punished.(0.5 分)If only she were here.(0.5 分)


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