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    • 1、铜陵市铜官山区2023年考研英语一临考冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)In 1956 Phoenix, Arizona, was a city with boundless blue 1 . One day as I walked around the house with my sister Kathys new parakeet (小鹦鹉)on my finger, I wanted to show Perky what the sky looked like. I took him into the backyard, and then, to my horror , Perky flew off. The enormous, blue sky swallowed up my sist

      2、ers blue 2 and suddenly he had gone, clipped wings and all. I told Kathy about Perkys disappearance and I was anxious that she would blame me. But , unexpectedly, Kathy managed to 3 me. With fake optimism, she even tried to convince me that Perky would find a new 4 . But I was far too clever to 5 that such a thing was possible. Decades later, I watched my own 6 growing. We shared their activities, spending soccer Saturdays in folding chairs with the 7 of the kids friends, the Kissells. The two f

      3、amilies went camping around Arizona together. We became the best of friends. One evening, the game was to tell Great Pet stories. One person claimed(宣称) to 8 the oldest living goldfish. Someone else had a psychic dog. Then Barry, the father of the other family, took the floor and _9_that the Greatest Pet of All Time was his blue parakeet, Sweetie Pie.The best thing about Sweetie Pie, he said, was the 10 we got him. One day, when I was about eight, out of the clear, blue sky, a little blue parake

      4、et just 11 down and landed on my finger.When I was finally able to 12 , we examined the amazing evidence. The dates and the locations and the pictures of the bird all 13 . It seems our two families had been 14 long before we ever met. Forty years later, I ran to my sister and said, You were 15 ! Perky lived!1、Alake Bsky Cparakeet Dbackyard2、Apleasure Bsadness Ctreasure Dsense3、Aforgive Bcomfort Chelp Ddelight4、Aparent Bhome Cnest Dfellow5、Aimagine Bsuppose Cdoubt Dbelieve6、Abirds Bhappiness Cwor

      5、ries Dchildren7、Aparents Bbirds Cinterests Dgames8、Acatch Bfind Cbuy Dhave9、Aannounced Bsaid Cretold Dhoped10、Aday Bplace Cway Dstory11、Afloated Bdived Csettled Dwent12、Athink Bspeak Cinterrupt Dexplain13、Acame up Bturned up Cturned out Dmatched up14、Aknown Bfastened Cconnected Dintroduced15、Aright Bwrong Csilly DmadSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.

      6、(40 points)Text 1For eight years, American Alex Honnold dreamed about climbing El Capitan in Yosemite National Park without any safety equipment. But whenever Honnold went to the park and looked up at El Capitan, he became frightened.That changed last Saturday. Honnold, a world-class rock climber, reached the top of the great rock wall in about four hours. He used only his hands and feet. He is the first person ever to climb the 914-meter high granite wall alone and without ropes or safety equip

      7、ment to catch him if he fell.Honnold began preparing for his historic climb two years ago. He climbed El Capitan while wearing safety equipment countless times. He tried to memorize every hole he had to hold and the positions of his body. He repeated the climb again and again, until he felt sure enough to try the so-called “free solo” climb.The most difficult part of the trip is about 700 meters off the ground. At that point, the very small holds in the rock are only big enough for a thumb to fi

      8、t. But Honnold said the climb was more mentally difficult than physically difficult. “Each year I would show up and it would seem just much too daunting,” he said.Observers say Honnolds climb has pushed the limits in a sport that requires a high level of physical ability, risk-taking and mental strength.The climb up El Capitan once took climbers several days to complete with the aid of ropes, safety equipment and a partner. But in the past 20 years, speed climbers working with a partner and using ropes have set records in reaching the top.In January 2015, Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson became the first to “free climb” the Dawn Wall, a very steep climb to the top of El Capitan, They used ropes only to catch them if they fell. They reached the top in 19 days.Honnold has an extreme ability to control fear and his body for a long period of time.1、Whats the most difficult part of Honnolds free-solo climb according to himself?AMental difficulty.BPhysical difficulty.CNo safety equipm


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