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    • 1、黑龙江省双鸭山市尖山区2023年考研英语一高分冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)One evening I was leaving from a supermarket. As I 1 my car, I noticed that some person stood beside me. He was the one that could be 42 2 as a bum (流浪汉). It seemed that he was homeless. I 3 that he would ask me for money, but he did not do that. He only said, “Your car is very nice.”After several moments of 4

      2、 , I replied, “Thanks.” And then the inner voice 5 to me, “Ask him if he needs help.” After a short 6 I asked him that. His response was 7 . I will never forget those simple three words “Dont we all?”It was a true 8 to me. I need help, just as those 9 . I had money and a place to sleep, but I 10 needed help. Then I opened my wallet and offered him enough money to get some shelter for a day. 11 I understood that no matter how much money, 12 , luxury things we have, we all need help. And on the ot

      3、her hand, no matter how poor you are, how many 13 problems you have, you still might be giving. 14 its just a nice word, it can be 15 to other people.Maybe that man was just a homeless stranger, but to me he was 16 that. Maybe he was a man sent to 17 me that there is one thing, among all 18 , which is very important and cannot be 19 for every person. Actually, it is a true gift and its called 20 .1、Aleft Blocked Capproached Dparked2、Aturn down Breferred to Cleft behind Dkept away3、Aexpected Bund

      4、erstood Cadmitted Drecognized4、Acontact Babsence Cconversation Dsilence5、Aresponded Breacted Cappealed Dwhispered6、Ahesitation Bdistance Cdrive Dbreak7、Acasual Bcautious Castonishing Dcharming8、Adefeat Bexploration Cdiscovery Dchallenge9、Ain reality Bin trouble Cin danger Din action10、Astill Beven Conly Dalready11、APreviously BObviously CGenerally DSuddenly12、Aachievements Btalents Cpotentials Dbudgets13、Amedical Bmaterial Cabsurd Dtheoretical14、AIf only BNow that CEven though DIn case15、Apricel

      5、ess Bharmless Cblameless Duseless16、Aother than Bmore than Crather than Dless than17、Awarn Bpromise Cremind Dassure18、Aefforts Bmemories Cfactors Dvalues19、Asubstituted Bassigned Cseparated Dbetrayed20、Ahelp Bgiving Cfaith DacceptingSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 A few months ago, I decided that I was going to treat myself to a 4

      6、-day getaway from Los Angeles and visit Chicago. I got a free airplane ticket, but had to pay the hotel in cash, which I really couldnt afford. I found a travel website where a discounted 3-night stay was purchased from a recently opened hotel.About three weeks before the trip, I had to regretfully cancel and only then did I realize the room, while transferable to another person, couldnt be changed to a later date and wasnt refundable. For the next two weeks I tried selling it on Craigs list wit

      7、h no success. Five days before the “big weekend”, I gave up trying to get any money back and decided Id contact some acquaintances who live in Chicago and offer someone a free “staycation”. After trying a handful of people, all of whom already had their own plans, I was determined to have the room not go to waste.Thats when it suddenly occurred to me that I was looking at the rooms in the wrong way. Instead of viewing them for vacation purposes, surely there must be a way to put them to good use

      8、, and that was when the idea that some sort of shelter might be able to use it hit me. I eventually found one whose focus is aiding victims of domestic violence. This particular one was willing to listen to my out-of-left-field story and made it easier to transfer the rooms. The shelter was working with a desperate woman and her daughter, who were fortunately able to make use of the room. I was later told by the shelter “they had a blast”.1、We can learn from paragraph 1 that the author _.Ahad a tight budget for his holidayBbought his flight ticket using cashCplanned to go on business in ChicagoDordered a 4-day getaway from a website2、What was the authors first choice when he realized the situation?AMaking the trip himself.BDoing a favor to a friend.CComplaining to the authority.DGetting his money back.3、What did the author finally do with his room reservation?AHe sold it to someone on vacation.BHe donated it to needy strangers.CHe put it off to a later holiday time.DHe used it


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