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    • 1、重庆市江北区2023年考研英语一高分冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。At the end of 2014, Tulsa, Oklahoma, sixthgrade teacher Melissa Bour received a friend _ on Facebook from one of her students. She didnt accept the request, but a quick browse through the girls friends list revealed the names of dozens of kids from her _. Ma

      2、ny of the students Facebook pages were completely _, meaning even strangers could _ the kids personal photos and messages.“I saw middle fingers, students dressed inappropriately, and extremely _ language,” Melissa says. “It was _” When she brought up her _ in class, the students were not _ at all. So she created a _ of her own. With a bright green marker pen, she wrote on a piece of paper: “Dear Facebook: my 12yearold students think it is no _ that they are posting pictures of themselves. Please

      3、 help me show them how _ their images can get around.” She put a picture of the letter on her Facebook page and asked people to _ it.In hours, it was shared 108,000 times across dozens of states and four countries. She _ it after eight hours, but it continued to spread. “I wanted to _ them that its on the Internet forever,” she says.As she explained the results of her _ in class, the students eyes got bigger and bigger. “It scared a few of them into deleting their pages _,” she says. Others have

      4、 removed inappropriate posts and used privacy settings to _ their pages.Her _ wasnt to scare them off social media but to push them to be _ of what they post. Melissa says, “I tell them, It doesnt _ you have to just because everyone else is sharing.”1、AinvitationBdemandCorderDrequest2、AfamilyBcollegeCclassroomDcompany3、ApublicBfamousCsecretDunknown4、Awatch overBsearch throughChold backDhand in5、AproperBpoliteCsimpleDrude6、AdespairingBcomfortingCdisturbingDexciting7、AresultBdiscoveryCsuggestionDw

      5、ish8、AworriedBsatisfiedCpleasedDdisappointed9、ApostBpictureCarticleDnews10、AneedBbig ideaCwonderDbig deal11、AurgentlyBquicklyCslowlyDbadly12、AknowBdeliverCshareDsay13、ApreventedBkeptCcopiedDdeleted14、ApromiseBpersuadeCshowDask15、AexperimentBlessonCstudyDresearch16、AonlyBcompletelyCrecentlyDhardly17、AdisplayBcreateCmanageDprint18、AmentionBintentionCquestionDimagination19、AmindfulBfearfulCskilfulDthoughtful20、AmatterBworkCcountDmeanSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the followin

      6、g four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Researchers say public mistrust of vaccines(疫苗)is causing diseases like measles(麻疹)and yellow fever to spread. The scientists said the lower levels of trust can lead to people refusing vaccines. This, in turn, can cause diseases to spread quickly, they warmed.But the researchers said they also found a high level of support worldwide for vaccinating children against

      7、 disease.The researchers questioned 66,000 people in 67 countries to discover their ideas on whether vaccines are important, safe and effective. The survey showed people in Southeast Asia had the highest level of trust in vaccines. Africa showed the second highest level of confidence. Europeans showed the lowest level of confidence in vaccines. In France, 41 percent of the population questioned the safety of vaccines.Heidi Larson is with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She sa

      8、ys recent media reports of problems involving vaccines have hurt public confidence in France. Larson noted that many Europeans worried about reports of possible links between hepatitis B vaccines(乙型肝炎疫苗)and the disease multiple sclerosis(多发性硬化症). But she said scientists found no linkage between the two. Mistrust in France was also driven by public reaction to the H1N1 influenza(甲型H1N1流感)outbreak fears in 2009. The French government spent $1.4 billion on 94 million doses of the vaccine. The major

      9、ity were sold or destroyed.The findings come as a major yellow fever vaccination program has been launched in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola. The disease has already killed hundreds of people in the area. The World Health Organization aims to vaccinate over 15 million people in both countries. “If everyone agrees to be vaccinated, we can remove yellow fever from our country,” said Mosala Mireille, one of the doctors directing the program.1、The author develops the Paragraph 1 mainly _.Aby telling experiences Bby giving instructionsCby offering descriptions Dby analyzing cause and effect2、The underlined words “The disease” in the last paragraph probably re


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