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    • 1、考研英语一酒泉市2023年考前冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)About two years ago, I was at a stop sign when I heard whimpering (微弱的狗叫声) coming from inside a car parked on the street next to me. It was very 1 and the dog was trying to get some of the cooler fresh air outside the car. Without thinking I 2 my car and got out to help him.The car was locked and there was no way to 3

      2、 the dog. Thinking of the irresponsible owner I became 4 I didnt know if I should 5 the window and take the dog or try to contact (联系) the owner. Just then, I 6 a police car on the opposite side of the street. I ran out and flagged it down.When the police officer helped open the door, the dog 7 both of us and ran quickly behind the house the car was parked in front of. We 8 the dog to make sure he was OK. Then we saw 9 the dog had run: The dogs owner was 10 in the middle of his garage.Apparently

      3、 the man had a condition that caused him to have a(n) 11 This one was particularly 12 and required medical attention. After the incident I learned that had I not 13 , both the dog and the man would likely have died. I was overcome with 14 and my eyes swelled up. I realized how much of an effect you can have on other peoples lives by doing the 15 thing. I was so quick to 16 assuming the dogs owner was neglecting (疏忽) his pet. And had the police officer not have been around I may have just left a(

      4、n) 17 on the car after I took the dog.I cannot 18 what I would feel if I knew that man had died because of any number of things that may have went 19 It made me understand that things are not always as they 20 .1、AhotBdarkCquiteDdry2、AdroveBparkedCtookDlocked3、AfindBsaveCwalkDtouch4、AsadBboredCpuzzledDangry5、AbreakBopenCcleanDreplace6、AhitBcalledCstoppedDnoticed7、AdisappointedBfrightenedCsurprisedDexcited8、Awent afterBlooked afterCshouted atDpointed at9、AhowBwhyCwhenDwhere10、AlyingBsleepingCstan

      5、dingDworking11、AopportunityBrestCattackDfight12、AbadBstrangeCimportantDclear13、AknownBcontinuedCstayedDhelped14、AuncertaintyBanxietyCexhaustionDemotion15、ArightBhardCriskyDbig16、AactBjudgeCblameDagree17、AnoteBaddressCmarkDnumber18、AbelieveBimagineCfaceDremember19、AquicklyBperfectlyCdifferentlyDsmoothly20、AseemBhappenCexpectDpreferSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the

      6、ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 As is tradition, technology companies from around the world have flocked to Las Vegas for the annual Consumer Electronics Show. There are thousands of eye-catching items to swoon over, whether youre a nerd or not. Here are a few of the most interesting, exciting and possibly life-changing products seen at the show, which runs from Tuesday to Friday.Item 1You thought your curved TV was cool? The LG Signature OLED TV R is a 65-inch 4K TV that is, unlike your lame an

      7、d rigid screen, rollable, and can retract(收回) into its base when youre not enjoying it. While you can control it using either Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa, the TV R also supports Apples AirPlay 2 and HomeKit.Item 2Gaming laptops arent new, but they usually lack power compared to their beefier desktop counterparts. Nvidias latest announcement changes that, and brings the desktop-class power found in its RTX line of graphics cards to laptops. More than 40 laptop models will turn up by the end

      8、of the month with RTX graphics cards inside, which can produce more realistic graphics and boost performance for the most gamers.Item 3If sleeping is harder than it should be, the Dreem band might be able to help you figure out what youre doing wrong. The Dreem band is a fabric-covered headband that wraps around your head and uses a combination of sensors like the ones in your Apple Watch to detect various biometrics like your heart rate and respiration activity. It also uses bone conduction to

      9、communicate audio cues to you privately.Item 4Samsungs shown off its Micro LED technology in the past, using it to build The Wall, a 146-inch TV. The companys now showing off a smaller Micro LED TV. Using Samsungs Micro LED panels, you can create a variety of display sizes supporting different aspect ratios, going from an ultra-wide 21:9 screen to a perfectly square 1:1 display without losing image quality.454、If one likes doing things by himself, which of the items suits him best?AItem 1.BItem 2.CItem 3.DItem 4.1、Which of the following technologies appeared for the first time in the show?AThe TV R Users controlling the TV by Google Assistant


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