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    • 1、考研英语一鞍山市岫岩满族自治县2023年高分通关卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)One day I was driven by a rain-storm to take shelter in a little hut by the road-side, which was 1 by a shoemaker as his workshop. The man and his son were 2 at their work, and 3 saying, “Good-day,” we began to talk together.Before I had been with them long, the old man 4 his son out to get something that he 5 f

      2、or his work. The boy was only five minutes 6 , but it was too 7 for the active old shoemaker to be idle(懒惰的). He became 8 , moved about the room, and 9 took up a piece of leather and fell to 10 it, saying, “You know, sir, it will never do to be idle.”As soon as the rain was over, I went on my way home, 11 what I had heard“It will never do to be idle.” Some people are 12 idle; others are idle only now and then I was one of the latter class. I could work only 13 . So the old mans words came home t

      3、o me. They awakened my 14 , and I began to feel how wrong it was to 15 so much of my life in idleness.I had often heard and read that 16 is a very great evil, but now I began to see that it 17 far more sorrow than people are 18 . It is the man who is doing nothing that is drawn into disaster, while the busy man is 19 . It is only the idle that are unhappy. So I made up my mind to 20 the shoemakers rule for the rest of my life.1、Aregarded Btreated Cused Dcounted2、Astrict Bnervous Cawkward Dbusy3、

      4、Abefore Bwhile Cafter Dwhen4、Asent Btook Cpicked Dgave5、Atreasured Bneeded Cregistered Ddelivered6、Afar Boutwards Cforwards Daway7、Ashort Bchose Clong Dloose8、Arelaxed Buneasy Ceager Dhopeless9、Aat last Bat present Cat first Dat once10、Acut up Bwork upon Cput on Dcarry on11、Aworking out Bgoing after Cdating from Dthinking over12、Aalways Bsometimes Conce Dnowadays13、Ain particular Bat length Cat times Din advance14、Aenthusiasm Bconscience Chope Denergy15、Awaste Bcomplete Cachieve Ddeserve16、Apati

      5、ence Bpleasure Ccomfort Didleness17、Ashrinks Bleads Ccauses Dreduces18、Aaware of Bfond of Cconfident of Dcrazy about19、Atired Bsafe Cworried Danxious20、Areceive Bpromise Cexplore DfollowSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Want a wonderful travel in London? Dont miss the following!Cartoon MuseumThis highly entertaining London tourist a

      6、ttraction covers the history and development of British cartoons from the 18th century to the present day. You can find a detailed collection of all types of cartoons in this museum including caricatures (讽刺漫画) and rare examples of cartoon art: its an ideal place to entertain kids of all ages as well as a serious collection for animation enthusiasts.There are over nine hundred pieces on exhibit and the museum regularly holds events where both children and adults can participate. Booking for thes

      7、e events is recommended due to the popularity year round of this London Museum.Telephone: 020 710 8155Chislehurst CavesChislehurst in London is home to chalk caves that were mined by hand for over 8,000 years. A tour of these caves is an exciting way to see how British people have impacted on their environment over thousands of years.Telephone: 020 8467 3264The Old Operating Theatre MuseumThe Old Operating Theatre Museum is one London museum offering a fascinating insight into the medical profes

      8、sion of the past. This 300-year old herb garret (阁楼) is Britains only surviving operating theatre, with a wooden operating table and an observation stand, from which visitors can witness surgery performed.Telephone: 020 7188 2679Curzon Mayfair Cinema MuseumRecently voted one of Londons best cinemas by Time Out readers, the Curzon Mayfair cinema is everything you would expect from this particular part of town: luxurious (奢华的) and tasteful. Showing mostly art-house and independent films, the Curzo

      9、n Mayfair is unique in the world of London cinema for its role in screening these films for industry and press.Telephone: 033 3321 01041、What can we learn from the Cartoon Museum?AIt is designed only for kids.BIt is the oldest cartoon museum in Britain.CVisitors can take part in the activities held in it.DOne must book the museum in advance to visit it.2、Which will you call up if youd like to know surgery of the past?A020 710 8155.B020 7188 2679.C033 3321 0104.D020 8467 3264.3、Which of the following may attract a na


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