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    • 1、连云港市2023年考研英语一考前冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Whenever we do something wrong, Jesus Christ sees it. He loves us and doesnt say it. Perhaps hes wondering how long well keep our mind suffering. A little boy named Johnny was visiting his grandparents on their farm and he was given a slingshot(弹弓) to play with out in the woods. He 1 for some time but he could never

      2、hit the target he had set for himself. Getting a little 2 , he walked back to the farmhouse for dinner. As he was 3 back, he saw Grandpas pet duck. Just out of 4 , he let the slingshot fly , hitting it in the head ,and killed it. In a panic, he 5 the dead duck in the woodpile, only to see his sister Sally 6 be watching him. Sally had seen all this, but she said 7 After lunch that day Grandma said, “Sally, its your turn to wash the dishes.” But Sally said, “Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted to he

      3、lp in the kitchen.” And then she spoke 8 to him, “Remember the duck?” So Johnny did the dishes. Later that day, Grandpa asked if 9 wanted to go fishing, but Grandma said, “Im sorry but I need Sally to help me make supper.” But Sally just smiled and said, “Well, thats all right because Johnny told me he was too 10 to help you. And she whispered again, “Remember the duck?” So Sally went fishing and Johnny 11 to help make supper. After several days of doing both his 12 and Sallys, Johnny finally co

      4、uldnt 13 it any longer. He came to his Grandma and told her that he had killed the duck .Grandma smiled and gave him a big 14 “Sweetheart, I know. You see, I was watering the flowers at the window 15 I saw you shoot my duck with the slingshot, and I saw the whole thing. But because I love you, I 16 you. I was just wondering how long you would let Sally 17 of you.”In reality, no matter how 18 or how uncomfortable it is to admit our wrongdoing, we should always choose to 19 it and work it through

      5、instead of running away from it. Hard as it is, it 20 us and makes us who we are.1、Apromoted Bexercised Cpracticed Dconsumed2、Adelighted Bupset Camazed Dscared3、Arunning Brushing Cheading Dleaving4、Asympathy Bpride Cimpulse Dpoliteness5、Ahung Bpresented Cprotected Dhid6、Ashould Bshall Cmust Dmight7、Anothing Beverything Csomething Danything8、Aloudly Bsoftly Cguiltily Dinnocently9、ASally BJohnny Cthe children DGrandma10、Areluctant Bwilling Ccurious Dcautious11、Akept up Bheld back Cleft behind Dsta

      6、yed behind12、Achores Bhomework Cgames Dsports13、Aaccept Bstand Cwithdraw Dallow14、Ahug Bblow Creward Daward15、Awhereas Bas Cwhile Dwhen16、Aappreciate Badmire Cforgive Dforce17、Aput the blame Bmake friends Cput pressure Dmake a slave18、Adoubtful Bgrateful Charmful Dpainful19、Areject Bcontrol Cface Dwitness20、Adevelops Bshapes Cruins DpreparesSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answ

      7、ers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Just a year ago, the colors were bright under the waves. Now its gray the Maldivian reef is dead. The coral is killed by the pressure of rising temperatures.Coral reefs are areas underwater where small creatures live. The coral is hard material formed on the bottom of the sea by the skeletons of those creatures. But the world has lost about half its coral reefs in the last 30 years. Scientists are working to prevent their destruction. Due to global warm

      8、ing, over 90 percent of corals are expected to die by 2050. “To lose coral reefs is to fundamentally undermine the health of a very large proportion of the human race,” said Ruth Gates, director of the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology.Why are coral reefs important? Coral reefs support a fourth of all marine species, as well as half a billion people worldwide. They serve as barriers to protect coastlines from the storms. They provide billions of dollars from tourism, fishing and other trade. Th

      9、ey are also used in medical research for cures for diseases. “Everyone should be concerned,” said biologist Ove Guldberg at Australias University of Queensland. “This is not just some distant dive destination. This is the basic structure of the ecosystem we depend on.”The ocean is getting warmer. A rising temperature of just one to two degree Celsius can force coral to expel the algae (驱逐海藻) that live there. This leaves their white skeletons uncovered. It is a process called “bleaching”. Sixteen percent of the worlds corals died of bleaching in 1998. The problem ha


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