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    • 1、考研英语一深圳市龙岗区2023年考前冲刺预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)I was looking through some old photo albums the other day. I had 1 done that many times before but I felt a sudden 2 to see them again. I found myself 3 so many beautiful memories from my childhood. There was my dear Nana giving me a thorough 4 when I was a newborn baby. There was me and my brother standing in fr

      2、ont of the worlds ugliest 5 our favorite Christmas tree. There was my beautiful Mom 6 me on her lap. Then the pictures seemed 7 all of a sudden because my eyes were wet. I just couldnt 8 the tears. “What is going on?” I 9 .I hadnt cried the last time. But what was 10 now?I soon saw that it was I who changed. I had 11 .My spirit had walked a little further down the 12 of love. I realized as long as they came with a warm heart, wet eyes were 13 to be ashamed of. I smiled and I felt Mom and Nana sm

      3、iling 14 on me from Heaven.Leo Buscaglia said: “Im not afraid of 15 .They clean out my eyeballs.” I think they clean out our 16 as well. They help us to wash away our pain, fear and grief(悲伤).They help us to 17 our love and goodness. They help us to become who we are 18 to be. The next time you feel your tears starting, just let them 19 .Life is full of smiles and tears. Only by allowing them both can we 20 live.1、Anever Bever Calready Dnearly2、Aappeal Bsadness Cfear Durge3、Ashaping Breliving Ce

      4、scaping Dbuilding4、Abath Bspeech Chug Dsurvey5、Aand Bbut Cor Das6、Aspinning Bpossessing Cholding Dwalking7、Abeautiful Bblank Cabnormal Dvague8、Afight back Bfight with Chold on Dhold up9、Afound Bwondered Chesitated Ddiscussed10、Aheartbreaking Bfrustrating Cdifferent Ddisturbing11、Agrown Bmisunderstood Cinsisted Dstruggled12、Afeast Bpath Cexpectation Dcircle13、Aeverything Bsomething Canything Dnothing14、Aforward Bupwards Cdown Dbehind15、Atears Bfailures Cdeaths Dillnesses16、Acompetence Binside Cid

      5、entification Ddevelopment17、Alook through Bclean out Clearn from Dreconnect to18、Aused Breminded Cforced Dmeant19、Aseparate Bstay Cflow Ddisappear20、Atruly Broughly Cgenerally DtentativelySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Endless playing of songs like All I want for Christmas in shops during the festive season doesnt just drive us ma

      6、d the songs also make us more careless with our money, research has warned.While repeated performance of Jingle Bells may seem like an innocent attempt to raise customers spirits during the nightmare of Christmas shopping, the songs also have a more delicate impact.“Background music, or “Muzak”, can be used by marketers to impose cultures -such as the commercialization of Christmas- onto consumers and influence their behaviour,” experts said.Dr. Alan Bradshaw of Royal Holloway, University of Lon

      7、don, said, “Festive jingles are force-fed to Christmas shoppers in a bid to change their mood, influence their sense of time and what sort of products they buy. In other words, this is an attempt to control your shopping habits in a way that you might hardly be aware of.”“Often we are told that we have the freedom to choose where we want to shop, but during Christmas the use of music in this way is so common that our freedom to choose disappears.”Dr. Bradshaw and Prof Morris Holbrook of Columbia

      8、 University examined the phenomenon and found that retailers often “dumb down” the music played in shops to relax customers, meaning it is easier to control their behaviour.It is thought that slowing down the rhythm of music in shops can trick customers into thinking less time has passed, and therefore spend more time examining the shelves, for example.Some providers of background music have been known to promote their services by claiming they can boost profits by controlling the behaviour of c

      9、ustomers.“A common trick is to take a popular current song and record an instrumental version which can be slowed down or sped up at different time of the day to influence behaviour in different ways,” Dr. Bradshaw said.Background music is often classed as “Muzak” in honor of the Seattle-based company which began producing its soft-sounding melodies in the 1930s.1、According to Dr. Bradshaw, in what ways does Christmas music influence customers?their mood their income their sense of time the sort of products they buyABCD2、Sh


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