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    • 1、考研英语一米林县2023年临考冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)How can I forget the day? On 14 July 1974 I travelled in an overcrowded bus to an unheard town called Shendurni. The next day, I was to join the faculty of a junior college there. 1 about my new job, but anxious and fearful too, I was out of my 2 zone. Around 7 p.m. it started pouring with rain. Wondering about my new

      2、 career in an unknown land, I had 3 in my seat. I woke up with a(n) 4 to the sound of the conductor announcing the name of my bus stop. I looked out. It was pitch-dark. Ah, a power cut. 5 unusual during heavy rains. “Conductor Sahab, can I get a 6 for myself here? Im new to the place,” I heard myself ask 7 . “Arre bhai, get off my bus and let us go. We 8 to reach the next station on time. Where will you get a place to stay in this goddamned town?” he shouted back. Amid mounting panic, I felt a 9

      3、 tap on my shoulder. As I looked back, a warm smile 10 me. “Im Sawant, from the next town. The bus 11 there for the night and returns tomorrow morning. Why dont you buy a ticket for the next stop? You can spend the night at my place, and join work tomorrow.” I thanked him from my heart and accepted his 12 . By the time the bus reached the final stop, it was 8:30 p.m. The kind soul led me to his house. He and his wife took great 13 to make my stay comfortable. I was 14 with warm water for a bath,

      4、 followed by a hot 15 and a comfortable bed. All this took place in semi-darkness. No lights yet. I was up early the next morning and my benefactor (恩人) came to 16 me off. I could not see his face clearly, as it was 17 dark. I made it 18 the college in time and taught there for almost 11 years. All this while I 19 him, even asking my new friends and students to help find the kind soul. But Mr Sawant remained 20 . Perhaps I had got his name wrong. My only regret: I could not thank him again.1、AEx

      5、cited BInterested CWorried DAnnoyed2、Ahome Bschool Ccomfort Ddilemma3、Aknocked off Bdropped off Cturned off Dnodded off4、Astart Bjump Cear Deye5、ASomething BAnything CEverything DNothing6、Aseat Broom Cticket Dmap7、Asadly Bquickly Cnervously Dsurprisingly8、Acome Bget Cneed Dask9、Asudden Bsoft Creal Dwarm10、Awaved Bwelcomed Cgreeted Dshook11、Astops Barrives Cleaves Ddrives12、Afamily Bsolution Cinvitation Drequest13、Apleasure Benergy Cminds Dpains14、Aprovided Barmed Cimpressed Dblessed15、Achat Bdis

      6、cussion Cmeal Dtea16、Aallow Bkeep Cshow Dsee17、Ayet Bstill Calready Dalso18、Ato Bin Cfrom Dfor19、Asent for Bsearched for Ccared for Dwaited for20、Asilent Bstrange Cunbelievable DuntraceableSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 A mother, Carrie Cort, 51, from Sussex, and her nine-year-old son have been named the UKs most environmentally

      7、friendly family after winning an award for their environmental achievements.Now every aspect of her life is environmentally friendly, from her son Adams birthday parties to her clothing, and she recycles everything from empty pens to milk bottle tops. “Changing our family lifestyle to green has saved us around 11, 000 every year, which has given us more financial stability,” Carrie says. “Living green has made us healthier and I feel younger now. It is fun seeing what you can make with unwanted

      8、or broken things. Growing your own food is great exercise, good for wildlife, and the food is much more nutritious and tastier.”“My concern for the way we humans are treating the planet was really roused in 2008 when Adam was born. When he arrived, I suddenly had this huge, greater awareness of the kind of planet were bringing our children into though I learnt something about it in university.” She began going to talks, reading books, watching documentaries and attending green meetings in order

      9、to educate herself in the details of green living.Carrie set up the local campaign group Sussex Green Living six years after her sons birth. Later, she gave up her high-powered job, as she ran a video company with her brother, to do her job full-time. Today, she organizes talks and workshops. She runs a repair caf, where people can bring everything to be fixed. Her recycling program helps people reuse wastes. Toothpaste tubes, for example, which Carrie sends to the Philippines, are turned into purses by an organization. “My goal is to in


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