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    • 1、世界卫生组织的数据,全球共有 3.6 亿人正在遭受听力受损的折磨。在这些听力障碍者里面,仅仅只有 1300 万人有自己的听力辅助设备,并且这些人大多数来自于发达国家。即便是在美国,三千万有听力障碍的人群中,高达 86% 的人没有任何听力辅助设备;中国大约有一亿二千万的人口存在着永久性的听力损失,其中只有3%的患者使用了助听器。这一数字远远低于西方发达国家35%的助听器使用率。2008年全国验配的助听器总数大约 3040万个。近十年来总量的年增长百分比略快于国家GDP的增长速度。约有7%10%的听障患者使用了助听器,这比十年前的2%有较大进步。但是单耳佩戴、使用盒式或低端模拟助听器的比例非常高;验配的助听器总量约70%80% 来自于私人机构,总量的50%左右来自于没有形成规模的私人店面。According to the World Health Organization, a total of 360 million people worldwide are suffering from hearing loss. Among these hearing-impaired people,

      2、 only 13 million people have their own hearing aids, and most of these people are from developed countries. Even in the United States, 86% of the 30 million hearing-impaired people do not have any hearing aids;About 120 million people in China have permanent hearing loss, and only 3% of them use hearing aids. This figure is far lower than the 35% hearing aid usage rate in western developed countries.In 2008, the total number of hearing aids fitted nationwide was about 300,000 to 400,000. The ann

      3、ual percentage growth of the total over the past decade has been slightly faster than the growth rate of the countrys GDP. About 7% to 10% of hearing-impaired patients use hearing aids, which is a big improvement from 2% a decade ago. However, the proportion of single-ear wearing, box-type or low-end analog hearing aids is very high;About 70% to 80% of the total amount of hearing aids fitting comes from private institutions, and about 50% of the total amount comes from private stores that have n

      4、ot formed a scale;现在市面上此类产品往往带着比较强烈的设备感,而受众群里往往应为自身的生理缺陷而很难接受使用看起来像医疗器材设备的助听器。 在新的设计中,我除了兼顾正常的产品的使用功能,也采用更加柔和的线条去塑造产品的形态,使它变得平易近人,采用类似皮肤一样的配色,去掉冰冷的器材感,把它变成一个有温度的助听器,让它看起来更年轻、时尚。减弱患者的使用心理负担。Nowadays, such products on the market often have a strong sense of equipment, and the audience often finds it difficult to accept hearing aids that look like medical equipment because of their own physical defects.In the new design, in addition to taking into account the normal functions of the product, I also

      5、 use softer lines to shape the shape of the product, making it approachable, using a skin-like color scheme to remove the cold sense of equipment, and adding Some champagne gold accents turn it into a warm hearing aid for a more youthful and stylish look. Reduce the psychological burden on patients.技术文案今天的助听器拥有各种尖端技术,是真正令人惊叹的小型计算机之一。虽然大多数医疗级助听器现在都具有智能手机控制、蓝牙连接和可充电性(不是小电池!)等现代便利功能,但这项技术每天都在不断进步,超出任何人的想象。以下是当今许多助听器提供的一些令人印象深刻的技术功能的快照:Boasting a variety of sophisticated technologies, todays hearing

      6、 aids are truly some of the most amazing minicomputers around. While most medical-grade hearing aids now feature modern conveniences like smartphone controls, Bluetooth connectivity and rechargeability (no tiny batteries!), the technology continues to advance daily beyond what anyone couldve imagined.Heres a snapshot of some of the impressive technology features that many of todays hearing aids offer:蓝牙、可充电性和智能手机连接尽管蓝牙、可充电性和智能手机连接通常是当今许多助听器的标准配置,但不要低估这些功能对改善日常生活的主要影响。Bluetooth, Rechargeability &

      7、 Smartphone ConnectivityEven though Bluetooth, rechargeability, & smartphone connectivity often come standard with many of todays hearing aids, dont underestimate the major impact these features have on improving everyday life.蓝牙连接这使您可以轻松地与周围的世界保持联系。就像当今市场上最流行的无线耳机一样,许多助听器现在允许您将喜爱的电视节目、播客、音乐和电话直接传输到您的耳朵中。Bluetooth connectivityThis makes staying connected with the world around you easy. Just like the most popular wireless headphones on the market today, many hearing aids now allow you to stream y

      8、our favorite TV shows, podcasts, music and phone calls directly into your ears.可充电电池将这些用于助听器变得越来越流行,甚至还配备了便携式充电盒,以在您旅途中提供额外的安全性和便利性。它们也更环保,更容易放在钱包里(谁不想这样!)。充电设备现在比以往任何时候都更容易让您的助听器不间断地全天运行 - 并且不再需要弄乱难以更换的微型电池!Rechargeable batteriesHaving these in hearing aids are becoming increasingly more popular and even come with portable charging cases for extra security and convenience when youre on the go. Theyre also environmentally-friendly and easier on the wallet (and who doesnt want that!). Charging de

      9、vices now make it easier than ever to keep your hearing aids operating all day with no interruption and no more having to mess with hard-to-replace tiny batteries!直观的智能手机应用程序这些设置控件使您能够根据您的环境轻松更改助听器音量或程序。例如,如果您要从家到拥挤的餐厅,您可能需要调整级别以使您感到舒适。现在,您可以通过 iPhone 或 Android 智能手机快速轻松地进行操作,而无需触摸助听器。Intuitive Smartphone appThese setting controls give you the ability to easily change your hearing aid volume or program based on your environment. For example, if youre going from your house to a crowded restaurant, youll probably want to adjust the levels so youre comfortable. Now you can do it quickly and easily from your iPhone or Android smartphone without ever having to touch your hearing aids.语音清晰度提高语音清晰度一直是助听器佩戴者最想要的功能。理所当然地。听力损失实际上是语音清晰度的问题,而不是音量问题,而且较旧的助听器不是很有效。但是时代变了。今天的医疗级助听器以前所未有的方式极大地提高了语音理解能力。高级功能结合了窄方向性、回声调整和空间配置器,可在最具挑战性的环境中提供最高水平的语音清晰度。


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