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过关 检测 试卷 答案 银行 招聘 综合 知识 练习
过关检测试卷过关检测试卷 A A 卷附答案银行招聘之银行招聘综合卷附答案银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识真题练习试卷知识真题练习试卷 A A 卷附答案卷附答案 单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、资料:Bank CD is the instrument uniformly figuring in the investment options of most investors.Bank of India CDs are safe,FDIC insured&offer decent returns.There is no brokerage,no fees or hidden costs.However,the Bank may impose a fee for administrative expenses involved in any legal action in connection with the CD.Look at our Star CD plan below.A.CD is automatically renewed for the same period unless having other instruction B.CD isnt automatically renewed for the same period at the ruling rate of interest on the date of renewal C.CD is automatically renewed for the same period without any other instruction D.CD is automatically renewed for the same period with permission of the bank manager【答案】C 2、资料:From:Peter Manx pmanxbettertraining.co.au A.business relationship with ISB International B.Assistance with an advertising campaign C.Revisions of a company brochure D.Technical support for Better Training staff【答案】A 3、被称为晚清时期“开眼看世界的第一人”的是()。A.龚自珍 B.魏源 C.洪仁玕 D.林则徐【答案】D 4、2008 年全球金融危机爆发以来,世界主要国家央行开始采取特殊货币政策,美国在利率水平已经接近纪录最低时,推出了一系列非常规货币政策,包括为了支持银行贷款的长期流动性供给,为压低长期利率的资产购买计划等,除美国以外,美国、日本和欧洲银行也采取了非常规货币政策。IMF 于 2013 年 5 月16 日发布了非常规货币政策:最近经验与前景报告,报告称发达国家的非常规货币政策在很大程度上帮助实现了该国政策目标,诸如持续两年左右的购买国债计划帮助美国和英国的 GDP 增速提升了约 2 个百分点,然而,发达国家的这些政策对世界其他国家也造成了很大的影响,大量资本流入拉丁美洲和亚洲,导致新兴市场的汇率过度升值和波动。A.汇率 B.投机性货币需求 C.货币供给 D.物价【答案】B 5、资料:Think for a moment of your definition of persuasion.If you are like most business people I have encountered,you see persuasion as a relatively staightforward process.First,you strongly state your position.Second,you outline the supporting arguments,followed by a highly assertive,databased exposition.Finally,you enter the deal-making stage and work toward a“close.”In other words,you use logic,persistence,and personal enthusiasm to get others to buy a good idea.The reality is that following this process is one surefire way to fail at persuasion.A.How to successfully persuade others B.How businesspeople define persuasion C.Persuasion as an art D.Logic,persistence and enthusiasm【答案】A 6、商业银行根据业务需要可以在境内外设立分支机构,并应当按照规定拨付与其经营规模相适应的营运资金额。拨付各分支机构营运资金额的总和,不得超过总行资本金总额的()。A.30 B.40 C.50 D.60【答案】D 7、资料:The Oakview Cafe A.It opens for dinner at 7p.m B.It advertises in a local newspaper C.It is located in the citys business district D.It is a small restaurant【答案】A 8、资料:(四)A.Approach to financial education B.Americans financial skills C.Reform on financial education D.Lessons of financial crisis【答案】A 9、资料:Singapore Airlines plans to introduce inflight mobile phone and internet access in May this year,beginning with its flagship Airbus A380 fleet.A.Singapore Airlines to charge high international roaming rates B.Singapore Airlines to offer different pricing models for inflight mobile and Internet services C.Singapore Airlines to unveil sky high net D.Singapore Airlines to conduct online survey【答案】B 10、There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take,_they can limit how much water you drink.A.no less than B.not any more than C.no more than D.much more or less【答案】B 11、Passage 9 A.read a text slowly B.read without thinking hard C.interpret a text in their own way D.concentrate on the meaning of words only【答案】D 12、In sub-Saharan Africa today,for instance,gross investment_for roughly of national income.A.estimates B.accounts C.constitutes D.makes【答案】B 13、资料:Its almost considered sacrilegious today to leave work at the end of your workday or(for shamel)on a Friday and simply not check your email until you return the office during normal working hours.A.Because they never know what kind of work requests will be asked off hours B.Because they are required by the company to answer emails off hours C.Because smart phones and tables keep us connected all the time D.None of above【答案】A 14、材料一:为进一步支持实体经济发展,优化流动性结构,降低融资成本,中国人民银行决定下调金融机构存款准备金率 1 个百分点,其中,2019 年 1 月15 日和 1 月 25 日分别下调 0.5 个百分点。同时,2019 年一季度到期的中期借贷便利(MLF)不再续做。这样安排能够基本对冲今年春节前由于现金投放造成的流动性波动,有利于金融机构继续加大对小微企业、民营企业支持力度。A.再贷款 B.再贴现 C.消费者信用控制 D.道义劝告【答案】B 15、I had just posted the letter when I remembered that hadnt()the cheque。A.imposed B.enclosed C.involved D.contained【答案】B 16、新农合”是指()。A.新型农村合作社 B.新型农村合作保险 C.新型农村合作医疗 D.新型农村合作教育【答案】C 17、一个国家对进口商品,除了征收正常进口税外还往往根据某种目的加征额外的进口税。这种加征的额外关税叫做进口附加税,其中包括()。A.差价税 B.反倾销税 C.特惠税 D.选择税【答案】B 18、The seaside draws a lot of attention here every summer.Warm sunshine and soft sands make()it is.A.what B.which C.how D.where【答案】A 19、TCPIP 体系结构中的 TCP 和 IP 所提供的服务分别为()。A.链路层服务和网络层服务 B.网络层服务和运输层服务 C.运输层服务和应用层服务 D.运输层服务和网络层服务【答案】D 20、在凯恩斯的几个持币动机理论中,他认为下列哪项()对利率最为敏感。A.投机动机 B.预防动机 C.交易动机 D.无私动机【答案】A 21、资料:Think for a moment of your definition of persuasion.If you are like most business people I have encountered,you see persuasion as a relatively staightforward process.First,you strongly state your position.Second,you outline the supporting arguments,followed by a highly assertive,databased exposition.Finally,you enter the deal-making stage and work toward a
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