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2022新牛津译林版选修第一册Unit3Self-driving cars reading课件

  • 卖家[上传人]:星***
  • 文档编号:297514297
  • 上传时间:2022-05-24
  • 文档格式:PPTX
  • 文档大小:40.36MB
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    • 1、 Lead in What means of transport do you use in your daily life?What technological advances in transport do you know about? What do you know about self-driving cars? What do you know about self-driving cars?While readingIntroductionPara. 1: A scene of the future of self-driving carsConclusionMain BodyPara. 6:Para. 2:Paras. 35: Challengesself-driving cars face How self-driving cars work Read the automobile magazine article and complete the chart.Technological barriersEthical concernsLegal problems

      2、The future of self-driving carsWhile readingRead the article and then answer the following questions. 1. How do self-driving cars “see”?2. Why is a self-driving cars perception system likely to fail?3. What ethical choices may self-driving cars face in relation to the Trolley Problem?4. What must be done first before law courts can decide who is at fault when self-driving cars are involved in accidents?5. What are the two possible future paths of self-driving cars?While readingCameras as well as

      3、 sensors like radar and lidar capture a variety of data from the external environment, which is sent to the AI system, analysed and put together like a puzzle.1. How do self-driving cars “see”? Because road traffic in the real world is so complicated that unfamiliar or unexpected conditions may occur at any time, and it is unreasonable for the database to include every possible object in every possible condition ahead of time.2. Why is a self-driving cars perception system likely to fail? Whethe

      4、r those in the self-driving car should always be protected first, and whether it should hit a single pedestrian, such as a child or a senior citizen, to avoid crashing into a group of pedestrians.3. What ethical choices may self-driving cars face in relation to the Trolley Problem? Manufacturing and programming standards have to be agreed upon.4. What must be done first before law courts can decide who is at fault when self-driving cars are involved in accidents? Self-driving cars will be allowe

      5、d to operate without human control, or there will always be human operation, even if limited.5. What are the two possible future paths of self-driving cars? The author has an objective attitude towards self-driving cars. She talks about the working principle of self-driving cars, their technological barriers, ethical concerns and legal problems by stating facts, without any personal feelings or opinions. She is careful about her choice of words when talking about the future of self-driving cars.

      6、 For example, she states: “While the journey ahead is not without obstacles, the eventual destination is bound to be another milestone for humankinds amazing vision and inventiveness.”Dission: What is the authors attitude towards self-driving cars?Post-readingThe author mentions some barriers self-driving cars face. How do you think these barriers might be overcome? I think technological barriers can be overcome if AI technology advances to a stage where its deep-learning capabilities would enab

      7、le it to think like humans do, or even better. The ethical concerns may be more challenging. Perhaps the advances in technology could contribute to solving certain ethical problems. But the differing ethical values would be a big obstacle. The first step in resolving this issue could be to create general universally accepted guidelines which countries agree upon, while considering the ethical principles unique to themselves. Overcoming legal barriers faced by self-driving cars would require new

      8、laws to be created or current ones amended. Post-reading I believe humans will always be needed for self-driving cars to work successfully and safely. Autonomous vehicle technology will probably never be as effective as the human brain, especially when it comes to making decisions in unexpected situations. For this reason, a certain amount of human control is always needed. Besides, not everyone will want to use a self-driving car which they cannot control. Some drivers may prefer having the opt

      9、ion to choose how to drive their car. energy can be savedspend the time on the way resting in a seat or doing whatever they want. Another advantage is that people do not have to learn how to drive. In that case, even a ninety-year-old healthy man will find it possible to travel across the country in a self-driving car. However, there are also disadvantages. The biggest concern is that safety cannotbe guaranteed. Besides, if all vehicles are controlled by nonhuman power, human beings might become slaves to technology and that is really a terrible thing. What are the advantages and disadvantages of self-driving cars?Thank you

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