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2022届新高考英语预测卷 试卷四(新高考Ⅱ)(解析版)

  • 卖家[上传人]:mw****2
  • 文档编号:287125896
  • 上传时间:2022-05-02
  • 文档格式:DOCX
  • 文档大小:48.17KB
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    • 1、2022届新高考英语精创预测卷 试卷四(新高考)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。APlanning a trip to the USA can be a difficult task due to its vast size and numerous offerings. Below are some places in America that attract the most visitors from both home and abroad. New YorkThe citys landmark, the Statue of Liberty, is 152 feet tall and was built in 1886 to symbolize freedom. The Empire State Building is another city landmark. Tourists can also visit the Brooklyn Bridge

      2、and appreciate the architectural wonder. Tourists can also visit the 9/11 Memorial and Museum, the footprints of where the twin towers once stood. ChicagoTourists to the city must visit the Art Institute of Chicago which houses hundreds of thousands of artworks dating back to hundreds of years ago. Visitors can also visit the Navy Pier, which was opened in 1916 and serves as one of the citys main attractions. The Museum of Science and Industry offers one of the best experiencesit allows tourists

      3、 to interact physically with the tools and collections as well as learn how the tools work. New OrleansNew Orleans is popular for the Jazz music and Mardi Gras celebrations. Its a city with a unique culture represented in food, music, and architecture. For those who seek festivals, the Mardi Gras offers a once-in-a-lifetime event that lasts two weeks. The festival is marked by parades, decorated floats, and dances. The National WW II Museum is also a must-visit for all tourists. Florida KeysFlor

      4、ida Keys are a set of islands off the southern coast of Florida. The islands make a perfect tourist destination for tourists seeking a tropical vacation. Apart from the sandy beaches, visitors can enjoy scuba diving, sailing and many more. Visitors can visit the local museum to view historical artifacts, and the galleries and shops sell unique collections that tourists can buy to remember the visit. 1. Whats the text mainly intended to introduce?A. Some popular activities in the USA.B. How to pl

      5、an a memorable trip to the USA. C. Some top tourist destinations in the USA.D. Why the USA is a good choice for tourists. 2. What can visitors do in Florida Keys?A. Pay a visit to the Navy Pier. B. Participate in various water activities. C. Take a walk on the Brooklyn Bridge.D. Learn something about the Second World War. 3. Which of the following offers visitors a hands-on experience?A. The Art Institute of Chicago. B. The National WW II Museum.C. The 9/11 Memorial and Museum.D. The Museum of S

      6、cience and Industry.BA letter written to a 12-year-old girl in Lithuania was delivered in December, almost 51 years after it was sent by a pen pal in Poland. I thought that someone was pranking me, said Genovefa Klonovska after being handed the letter, which included a handmade colored rose and two paper dolls.The letter, together with 17 others, fell out of a ventilation hole(通风口) this summer, dirty and wrinkled, as a wall was taken down in a former post office on the suburb of Vilnius. Jurgis

      7、Vilutis, owner of the building immediately called the post office. Im so happy they got interested, said he. Street names and their numbering have changed in Vilnius, and post office workers spent months looking for the right houses and talking to current renters and neighbors, tracking down where the recipients moved to. Only five were found. In several cases children of late recipients were handed a lost letter.We felt a moral duty to do this, said Deimante Zebrauskaite, head of the customer e

      8、xperience department at Lithuania Post. One lady compared the experience to receiving a message from a bottle thrown into sea. People were emotional. Some felt they saw a part of daily life of their deceased parents, Zebrauskaite said. In the letter to Klonovska, sent from Koczary in Poland and stamped in 1970, a girl named Ewa complains buses no longer reach her village, so she has to walk in minus 23 degree Celsius cold, and asks for pictures of actors.Now in her 60s, Klonovska has no memory o

      9、f Ewa. She probably wrote Ewa after finding her address advertising for pen pals in a newspaper, and the relationship ceased after the letter got undelivered.So good that the letter didnt matter much. The loss was not life-changing, said Klonovska. What if they delivered a lost letter from a suitor(求婚者) to his love, and their wedding never happened?4. What does the underlined word pranking in Paragraph I mean?A. Brightening. B. Embarrassing. C. Tricking. D. Pleasing. 5. What happened to the letters in Paragraph 2?A. They were accidentally found. B. They remained well-preserved. C. They were delivered by the former post office. D. They were hidden by the owner of the building. 6. Which of the following best describes the present post office in Vilnius?A. Generous. B. Dutiful. C. Honest. D. Cautious. 7. What can we learn from what Klonovska said?A. Klonovska refused

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