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    • 1、资料来源:来自本人网络整理!祝您工作顺利!2021年牛津译林版高一英语必修一Unit2练习试题及答案 把握了英语答题技巧后,会让你在英语考试中如鱼得水。在每一份试题卷中,你是否有着自己独特的解题思路与技巧呢?让我们来做一下这套试题卷吧!如今请观赏我带来的牛津译林版高一英语必修一Unit 2练习试题! 牛津译林版高一英语必修一Unit 2练习试题 1.They landed safely on the island in the Pacific. Everything went on better than_. A.expected B.expecting C.expectation D.to expect 2.The reason_he pretended to sleep in class was quite different from the one_you explained to me. A.why;that B.that;why C.which;that D.why; why 3.They forbid_photos in the exhibition hall. That

      2、 means you are not allowed_any photos here. A.taking; taking B.to take; taking C.taking ;to take D.to take; to take 4.I had great difficulty_the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant. A.find B.found C.to find D.finding 5.(2021怀化高一调研)You should have set aside more time to play with our kids. I wish I_,but you know how busy I was. A.would B.did C.should D.had 6.The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if_whether he was going in the right direction. A.seeing B.having seen C.to have

      3、 see D.to see 7.The_expression on the boys face showed that he was frightened_from the top of the building. A.frightened;looking down B.frightened;to look down C.frightening;to look down D.frightening;looking down 8.Why cant you and Bill go to the movies tonight? We are_a history test tomorrow. A.supposed to having B.supposedly to have C.supposed to have D.supposedly to having 9.(2021辽宁高考)The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog_them. A.to follow B.following C

      4、.followed D.follows 10.(2021辽宁高考)Leave your key with your neighbor_you lock yourself out one day. A.as long as B.even though C.in case D.as if 11.(2021四川高考)In our class there are 46 students,_half wear glasses. A.in whom B.in them C.of whom D.of them 12.The doctor insisted the plan_reasonable and we_. A.was; carry it out B.be; carry it out C.be; should carry it out D.was; carried it out 13.I shall never forget those years_I lived in the country with the farmers. A.that B.when C.which D.where 14.

      5、Although we had been out of touch for ten years, I recognized her_I met her. A.first time B.for the first time C.the first time D.by the first time 15._to Annes birthday party, Mr.Brown is now searching shop after shop for a nice present for her. A.Having invited B.Having been invited C.Have been invited D.Being invited Section B(18 marks) Its never easy to admit(成认) you are in the wrong. We all_16_to know the art of apology. Think how often youve done wrong. Then count how many times youve expr

      6、essed clearly you were_17_. You cant go to bed with an easy mind if you do_18_about it. A doctor friend, Mr. Lied, told me about a man who came to him with different kinds of signs: headaches, heart_19_and insomnia(失眠). After some careful exams, Mr. Lied found nothing_20_with him and said, If you dont tell me whats_21_you, I cant help you. The man admitted he was cheating his brother of his inheritance(遗产). Then and there the_22_doctor_23_the man write to his brother and_24_his money. As soon as

      7、 the_25_was put into the post box, the man suddenly cried. Thank you, he said to the doctor, I think Ive got well. An apology can not only save a broken relationship(关系) but also make it_26_. If you can think of someone who should be_27_an apology from you. Do something about it right now. 16.A.decide B.have C.need D.try 17.A.sorry B.weak C.sad D.wrong 18.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything 19.A.trouble B.matter C.illness D.problem 20.A.well B.wrong C.good D.bad 21.A.hurling B.changing C.touching D.worrying 22.A.clever B.silly C.good D.kind 23.A.made B.helped C.saw D.let 24.A.returned B.gave C.kept D.paid 25.A.paper B.box C.money D.letter 26.A.never B.worse C.stronger D.harder 62021年6月 Word版本


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