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    • 1、Section Learning about Language,Using Language,Summing Up that 6.We helped each other with the homework and ,we became good friends. 答案:as a result 7.This problem our earlier decision. 答案:arises from 8.He me to follow him using his hat. 答案:signaled to 9.The task is very hard to complete ,but so long as you try your best,you can finish on time. 答案:in a way 10.Can you keep the goods until my partners come back? 答案:watching over 二、语篇填空 (语言能力) With science and technology 1. (develop) quickly,compute

      2、rs can 2. (apply) to so many fields 3. we cant go without them.4. a result,people can calculate on computers 5. (solve) all kinds of problems,for example,6. (explore) the moon.In 7. way,computers have changed our life.8. ,many students become so crazy about 9. (computer) that they spend too much time on them.Therefore,some of the students fail in the exams.Anyhow,computers 10. (play) an important part in our life. 答案:1.developing 2.be applied 3.that 4.As 5.to solve 6.exploring 7.a 8.However pute

      3、rs 10.play 三、完形填空 导学号 72864033 (语言能力 思维品质) A few days ago,I met a stranger in the street who stopped to ask me 1 .I decided to show him the way to the destination,but to my surprise,he coldly 2 my offer.I asked him why.Finally he told me he was 3 I would ask him for money if I 4 him in this way. Money!I 5 into deep thought.Is it money that comes between us?There is no 6 with money;it cannot be 7 with good or bad. The problem 8 what attitude we have towards it. Nowadays,we have a more 9 material

      4、life than ever before,but were becoming more and more 10 .Why?In my opinion,the 11 is the change in peoples personal 12 .They wrongly think that 13 money should be their only aim in life,so they 14 all kinds of ways they can to 15 this aim. They are afraid of being 16 and fooled.If everyone thinks like this, 17 will our society be like?Needless to say,money is becoming more and more important in our society, 18 it shouldnt be the “be-all and end-all” of life.If a person only concentrates(全神贯注)on

      5、 19 ,he will be lonely and void(空虚),and even make very serious mistakes. It is up to us to make our lives happy,not money.We should try our best to help others 20 and freely.If everyone does so,our society will be better and better. 1.A.questions B.directions C.problemsD.instructions 答案:B 解析:由后面“I decided to tell him how to get to the destination”这一信息可知,B 项正确。 2.A.agreedB.accepted C.receivedD.refused 答案:D 解析:由前面的“but to my surprise”和“coldly”这两处信息可知,D 项正确,即他拒绝了“我”的帮助。 3.A.afraidB.pleased C.sorryD

      6、.curious 答案:A 解析:句意:最后他告诉我如果我以这种方式帮助他,他害怕我会向他要钱。afraid“害怕的”; pleased“高兴的”;sorry“抱歉的”;curious “好奇的”。 4.A.stoppedB.helped C.askedD.explained 答案:B 解析:由上述语境可知,此处应为“helped him in this way”。 5.A.keptB.felt C.fellD.dropped 答案:C 解析:fall into deep thought“陷入深思中”。 6.A.senseB.value C.lifeD.problem 答案:D 解析:此处应为“钱本身没什么问题,不能和好或坏联系在一起”。 7.A.connectedB.judged C.joinedD.appeared 答案:A 解析:由句意和后面所接的介词 with 可排除 C 项,因为 join 常与介词 to 连用。只有 A 项符合题意。 8.A.lies inB.depends on C.leads toD.smoothes away 答案:B 解析:lie in“在于”;de

      7、pend on“取决于,依赖于”;lead to“导致”;smooth away“排除(困难等)”。句意:问题 取决于我们对钱的态度。B 项正确。 9.A.powerfulB.realistic C.plentifulD.healthy 答案:C 解析:powerful“强有力的”;realistic“现实的”;plentiful“大量的,充足的”;healthy“健康的”。句意:当今我 们过着比过去更加丰富的物质生活。C 项正确。 10.A.ugly-looking B.stubborn C.cold-heartedD.warm-hearted 答案:C 解析:ugly-looking“难看的”;stubborn“顽固的”;cold-hearted“冷酷的”;warm-hearted“热心的”。由句意 可知,此处意为“但是我们之间变得越来越冷酷无情”。 11.A.creatureB.attitude C.manD.key 答案:D 解析:句意:依我之见,关键是人们的个人价值观发生了变化。creature“动物,生物”;attitude“态度”; man“男人”;key“关键;钥匙”。

      8、由句意可知,D 项正确。 12.A.actionB.habits C.valuesD.fame 答案:C 解析:action“行动”;habit“习惯”;values“价值观”;fame“名声,名誉”。由上述句意可知,C 项正确。 13.A.earningB.carrying C.spendingD.taking 答案:A 解析:句意:他们错误地认为,挣钱是他们仅有的人生目标。由此可知答案:。 14.A.come up withB.pick out C.take awayD.carry away 答案:A 解析:come up with“提出,赶上”;pick out“拣出,认出”;take away“拿走”;carry away“带走”。句意:他们尽 可能提出各种方法来实现这一目标。由此可知,A 项正确。 15.A.shootB.recognize C.takeD.realize 答案:D 解析:realize ones aim“实现某人的目标”。 16.A.followedB.discovered C.approachedD.cheated 答案:D 解析:由后面的“fooled”

      9、这一信息可知,此处只有 cheated(欺骗)与其相对应。即他们害怕被欺骗和愚 弄。 17.A.what B.howC.that D.which 答案:A 解析:句意:如果我们每个人都这样想,那我们的社会将会是个什么样子?what 在此作 like 的宾语。 18.A.orB.if C.butD.and 答案:C 解析:句意:不必多说,钱在我们这个社会正变得越来越重要,但也不应该是我们生活的全部。此处应 为转折关系。 19.A.societyB.nature C.moneyD.life 答案:C 解析:由上文所讲述的内容来看,此处意为“如果一个人把精力只集中在钱上,他会感到孤独和空虚,甚 至会犯严重的错误”。由句意可知,C 项正确。 20.A.whole-heartedlyB.mainly C.obviouslyD.separately 答案:A 解析:此处意为“我们应尽全力无偿地帮助其他人,如果每个人都这样做的话,我们的社会会变得越来 越好”。whole-heartedly“全心地”;mainly“主要地”;obviously“显然地”;separately“单独地,分开地”。 四、七选五 (语言能力 学习能力) Here are some easy steps for you to stay safe and secure on the Internet. 1 Never give out your full name,address and phone number,unless it is a safe site or it is a well- known site. Protect your money.Do not give out your card information unless it is a secure site.You can tell if the site is safe by looking at the lower part of your screen. 2 If it is locked,the site is secure.“Unlocked” means that you should not


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