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    • 1、2015年连云港市初中毕业暨升学考试试卷一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题l分,满分l5分)1. Tong Liya is _ famous actress who acted as a country woman in _ 1970s in the TV showOrdinary World. A. a; / B. a; the C. the; the D. the; /2. -When is your birthday? -I was born _ December 17. This year Ill hold a birthday party for it at home. A. on B. at C. in D. by3. -Must I finish all the homework this evening? -No, you _. Tomorrow is Saturday, and you have enough time for it. A. mustnt B. neednt C. wont D. cant4. -Do you know _ Dengchao is? -H

      2、e is an actor. He is the team leader in the popular reality TV showRunning Mannow.A. which B. when C. what D. how5. -Oh,my God! I_mynotebook in my bedroom. -It doesnt matter. Ill lend you mine. A. forget B. forgot C leave D. left6. In thee song 1 Bet My Life, the US rock band Imagine Dragon tells people never to_ A. give up B. give out C. give in D. give off7. -Im afraid I wont pass the exam -Come on, Bill. You should believe in_Thats the secret of success. A. myself B. ourselves C. yourself D.

      3、yourselves8. -Why are you looking_in class all day? -Because I cant finish my homework until eleven every night. A. awake B. asleep C. sleeping D. sleepy9. In the past few years, great changes_in Lianyungang. A. take place B. took place C. have taken place D. have been taken place10. -What programme is so attractive? -The guard of honor(仪仗队)of the PLA are taking part in the parade on Red Square. _exciting even! A. How a B. What an C. How an D. What a11. -The Internet service fees are too high, a

      4、nd the speed is too slow. 一Thats why Premier Li Keqiang asks operators(运营商)to provide Internet. A. many cheaper and quicker B. very cheaper and quicker C. more cheaper and quicker D. much cheaper and quicker12. You will see many aunts dancing together on the square if it_in the evening A. doesnt rain B. rains C. will rain D. wont rain13. It is great_us to get so many favourite books on International Childrens Book Day. A. to B. with C. Of D. for14. -Wow, Wendy, its cool to make a short video wit

      5、h your mobile phone 一Just with a software called Meipai. Let me show you_ A. which to use B. how to use it C. what to use D. where to use it15. -The drama series Tiger Mother, Cat Dad is popular recently. How do you like it? A. I think so. B. Pretty good. C. All right. D. Thats all right.二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) Once there was a little girl living in a small, poor house on a hill. As she grows up, she began to play in her small 16_, she was able to see over the garden and across the valley a wo

      6、nderful house high on the hill -and that house had 17 _windows. Although she loved her family, she 18_ about how wonderful and exciting it must be to live in that golden house all day. Then she 19_ the age when she could play outside of her garden fence(篱笆),she asked her mother 20_ she could go for a bike ride outside the gate. Her mother thought for a while and 21_allowed her to go. The little girl rode her bike 22 _she got to the gate of the golden house. As she leaned(倚靠)her bike 23_ the gate

      7、post, she focused on the path that 24 _to the house and then on the house 25 _ and was so 26_ . All the windows were plain(普通的)brand rather dirty. She was so sad that she didnt go any further. Heartbroken, she rode her bike back. As she 27 _, she saw a sight that amazed her. There 28_ the valley on the other side was a little house. Its windows glistened(闪耀)golden as the 29 _shone on her little house. She 30 _that she had been living in her golden house all along. Everything shedreamed was right

      8、 there in front of her eyes and in her daily life!16. A. hill B. garden C. house D. room17. A. broken B. wooden C. golden D. modem18. A. wanted B. dreamed C. hoped D. wished19. A. reached B. arrived C. touched D. grew20. A. that B. even if C. as if D. if21 A. firstly B. friendly C. fully D. finally22. A. unless B. until C. since D. though23. A. against B. away C. off D. next24. A. showed B. arrived C. took D. led25. A. oneself B. itself C. herself D. himself26. A. satisfied B. pleased C. disappointed D. excited27. A. looked in B. looked up C. looked at D. looked down28. A. through B. toward C. across D. around29. A. stars B. planets C. sun D. moon30. A. required B. replied C. regretted D.relealized三、阅读理解(共一5小题;每小题2分,C篇每小题1分,满分25分) A Talking on a mobile phone is


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