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    • 1、2012年英语四级考试听力部分2012-CET4听力原文短对话:11:M: As you can see from the drawings, the kitchen has one door into the dining room, another into the family room and a third to the outside。W: The door into the family room isnt big enough. Could it be made wider?Q: What are the speakers doing?12.M: Im thinking about where to go for a bite tonight. Any suggestions, Barbara?W: Well, how about the French restaurant near the KFC? Frankly, Ive had enough of our canteen food。Q: What do we learn about the woman?13.W:

      2、 Hey, if you cant enjoy the music at a sensible volume, why not use earphones? Im preparing for the speech contest。M: Oh, sorry. I didnt realize Ive being bothering you all this time。Q: What is the man probably doing?14.M: Finally, Ive got the chance to put on my new suit tonight. I hope to make a good impression on your family。W: Come on! Its only a family reunion. So jeans and T-shirts are just fine. Q: What does the woman mean?15.M: Would you like to see those pants in brown and navy blue? Th

      3、ese two colors are coming in this season。W: Oh, actually grey is my favorite color, but I prefer something made from cotton, 100% cotton I mean。Q: What is the woman looking for?16.W: From here, the mountains look as if you could just reach out and touch them。M: Thats why I chose this lodge. It has one of the best views in Switzerland。Q: What is the mans chief consideration in choosing the lodge?17.M: What do I have to do to apply for a passport?W: You need proof of citizenship, either an old pas

      4、sport or a birth certificate and three photographs. Then you must complete this form and pay a fee。Q: What is the man most probably going to do?18.M: Miss, can I interest you in a pork special with serving tonight? Its only 799, half the usual price and its very tasty。W: Oh really? I will try it。Q: What does the man say about the dish?长对话:Conversation 1W:Good evening, and welcome to this weeks Business World, the program for and about business people. Tonight, we have Mr. Steven Kayne, who has j

      5、ust taken over and established bicycle shop. Tell us, Mr. Kayne, what made you want to run your own store?M: Well, I always loved racing bikes and fixing them. When I was working full-time as a salesman for a big company, I seldom had time to enjoy my hobby. I knew then that as soon as I had enough money to get my own business going, Ill do it. I had my heart set on it and I didnt let anything stand in my way. When I went down to the bank and got a business loan, I knew Id love being my own boss

      6、. Now my time is my own. I open the store when I want and leave when I want。W: You mean you dont keep regular hours?M: Well, the sign on my store says the hours are ten to six, but if business is slower than usual, I can just lock up and take off early。W: Have you hired any employees to work with you yet?M: Yeah, a couple of friends of mine who love biking as much as I do. They help me out a few days a week. Its great because we play cards or just sit around and talk when there are no customers。

      7、W: Thank you, Mr. Kayne. We wish you success in your new business。Question 19-22 are based on the conversation you have just heard。19.What is the woman doing?20.What did Mr. Kayne do before he took over the bicycle shop?21.Why did the man take over a bicycle shop?22.What do we learn about the people working in the shop?Conversation 2W: Well, the main activities in the region were historically steel and paper processing, I think。M: Yes, but Im not quite sure about the status of those industries n

      8、ow. Could you tell us something about that?W: Yes, of course. In fact, they are less significant, but steel-related manufacturing still accounts for 44% of industrial activity. So its still very important. In fact, 80% of Spains machine tools are from the Basque Country. As for paper processing, theres still a little. But its no longer what it once was in the region. So, is that clear?M: Yes, thanks。W: Now, to get back to what I was saying, theres a lot of unemployment as well as geographical pr

      9、oblems in the region。M: Sorry, Victoria. What do you mean by geographical problems?W: Well, what I mean is the area is very hilly, mountainous in parts. So there used to be transport problems, now though there are new train links and better roads, but it may be that some smaller towns inland remain not very well connected, is that OK? Does that make sense? When we talk about specific location suggestions for the factory, well see this in more detail, so well come back to this question, OK?M: OK, right。W: So I was about to say something about the work force in the region and the level of training and education. In general, its very good and improving。Question 23-25 are based on the conversation you have just heard。23. What does the woman say about the ste


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