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    • 1、2012年12月大学英语四级考试真题答案解析Part I WritingThe above bar chart clearly shows us education pays in 2010. We see that one with higher education background earns more money weekly than those with lower ones. For instance, the college students with no degree get paid$712 per week whereas those with a Bachelors degree can earn $1038.Several reasons, in my opinion, can be identified to account for this phenomenon. To begin with, compared with those with comparatively lower education degree, people who have r

      2、eceived higher education possess considerably wider knowledge, more remarkable learning and research ability, greater innovation and most of all, resourceful social network, all of which are essential to a high-income work. Also, the higher ones education degree is, the bigger platform he will have to show his ability. For example, his college, university, or research institute will organize various job fairs for them to communicate face to face with employers.This phenomenon tells us that educa

      3、tion is a worthy investment. Therefore, substantial education investment should be strengthened while we, as college students, should study harder to build our country and strive for a better life for ourselves.作文B:Education PaysThe above bar chart clearly shows us education pays in 2010. We see that unemployment rate of those with higher education background is much lower than those with lower education degree. For instance, the unemployment rate of college students with no degree is as high as

      4、 14.9% while that of those with doctoral degree is only 1.9%.The followingreason, in my opinion, is the most important one to account for this phenomenon. Compared with those with comparatively lower education degree, people who have received higher education possess considerably wider knowledge, more remarkable learning and research ability, greater innovation and most of all, resourceful social network, all of which make them more qualified and competent for their task. Thus, they are less lik

      5、ely to lose their jobs.This phenomenon tells us that education is a worthy investment. Therefore, education investment should be strengthened while we, as college students, should study harder to avoid unemployment.【标准版点评】第一段:描述图表。先一句话引出图表总体内容The above bar chart clearly shows us 然后具体描述现象We see that。最后用for instance引出一些具体数据来例证现象。第二段:分析原因。先写一个引出原因的句子,然后具体列举一到两个原因即可。由于字数限制,原因不必列太多。第三段:给出建议。先是总结这个现象This phenomenon tells us that education is a worthy investment.(教育值得投资)。然后是建议国家增大教育投资,以及个人要努力学习。Part II

      6、 Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)1. B showmanship细节题。这道题的答案对应原文第一句话,从putting on a show 可以推出showmanship。when it came to putting on a show, nobody else in the computer industry, or any other industry for that matter, could match 2. A He invented lots of functional gadgets.细节题。原文第2段第2句话提到了乔布斯突出的三个方面,第三句话明确指出最后一个方面,也就是他在functional gadgets 上的贡献对人们的生活影响最大,对比第二题的选项,应选A3. B His keen interest in designing elegant and user-friendly gadgets.细节题。答案在第三段第二句,“obsessed with product design and aesth

      7、etics, and with making advanced technology simple to use”。讲到乔布斯痴迷于产品的设计和美学上,以及使高科技简单易用。4. A One of the greatest chief executives of his time.细节题。答案在第4段第一句话的后半句“many of those corporate giants as one of the greatest chief executives of his time.”所以选A,其他的选项均不正确。5. D an inspiration细节题。答案在第四段第三句话。“is an inspiration to any businessperson”。所以选D His fall from grace in the 1980s, followed by his return to Apple in 1996 after a period in the wilderness, is an inspiration to any businessperson whose career

      8、 has taken a turn for the worse.6. C He commanded absolute loyalty from Apple users.fanatical loyalty 定位到低段第一句话。所以乔布斯成功最令人震惊的地方在于它获得了苹果用户的绝对忠诚7. D It originates in the consumer market.由关键词special report定位到第6段第一句,过去创新是从部队和公司实验室再拓展到消费者市场,现在的情况是反过来8. closed and inflexible细节题。由关键词 “critics complained”定位到第七段第一句,可知空格处应填写“closed and inflexible”。9. combinedAt the recent unveiling of a tablet computer by Jeff Bezos of Amazon, whose company is doing the best job of following Apples lead in combining hardw

      9、are, software, content and services in an easy-to-use bundle,10. reshaping entire industriesthe magic of computing定位到原文最后一段, 空格处填reshaping entire industries.Part III Listening ComprehensionSection A11.W: I just heard about a really beautiful park in the east end of the town. There are a lot of roses in bloom.M: Why dont we walk over there and see for ourselves?Q: What will the speakers probably do? 答案:C. Go to the park to enjoy the flowers.点评:对话中女士介绍了一处漂亮的公园,男士回答“为什么不去看看呢?”可以判断,接下去两人可能会去这个公12.M: My presentation is scheduled for 9:30 tomorrow morning at the lecture hall. I hope to see you there.W: Oh, sorry. I was about to tell you that I have an appointment with my dentist at 9:00 oclock tomorrow.Q: What do we learn about the woman? 答案:C. She cannot attend the presentation.点评:从对话中可知,女士九点要去看牙医,无法参加男士的讲座了。13.W: How long have you been running this company?M: Twenty years if


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