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  • 卖家[上传人]:繁星
  • 文档编号:88156640
  • 上传时间:2019-04-20
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    • 1、04-06 试题答案 (B) 一、听力 Section A 1-5 CCBAD 6-9 BDAA Mini-talk 1 10- 12 BAC Mini-talk 2 13-15 DCA Section C 16. The best solar-powered house. 17. Department of Energy. 18. 14 19. $250,000 20. To show Americans that solar energy works.,Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 9 short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be read only once. Choose the best answer from the fo

      2、ur choices given by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet.,1. A. No women were allowed to take part in it. B. Women were only allowed to watch the Games. C. Unmarried women were allowed to watch it somewhere. D. Unmarried girls were allowed to compete with men. 2. A. She needs to buy some new clothes. B. She cares a lot about what to wear. C. The man should buy some new ties. D. The man doesnt work hard enough. 3. A. Ta

      3、kes a long walk. B. Takes a hot bath. C. Has a few drinks. D. Has more coffee.,4. A. They dont spend much time together. B. They have a very close relationship. C. They are getting along with each other better. D. They are generally pretty cold to each other. 5. A. His sixth sense told him. B. He is unskillful with his present job. C. His present job is too demanding. D. His present job pays too little. 6. A. Seven people were killed in the accident. B. The accident caused injury or loss of life

      4、. C. Many people from other cars came to help. D. A lot of vehicles were involved in the accident.,7. A. 2754201 B. 2645310 C. 2654310 D. 2745301 8. A. She was speechless. B. She had no chance to speak. C. She talked a lot to the star. D. She saw too many people around the star. 9. A. Because it provides a lot of information. B. Because it tells the truth most of the time. C. Because it is the top one on the list of newspapers. D. Because it is an inside newspaper.,Section B Directions: In this

      5、section, you will hear two mini-talks. At the end of each talk, there will be some questions. Both the talks and the questions will be read to you only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must choose the best answer from the four choices given by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet.,Mini-talk One 10. A. Because some of its scientists had made false claims before. B. Because other sc

      6、ientists had raised questions about these claims. C. Because the claims were very important to the study of physics. D. Because some of its scientists published too many papers in a year.,11. A. He used information from previous work to support his new findings. B. He made up false data in the experiment to support his new findings. C. He denied other scientists involvement in his experiments. D. He was not productive in writing scientific papers. 12. A. They dismissed all Mister Schons publicat

      7、ions. B. They asked Mister Schon to apologize to the public. C. They removed Mister Schon from his position. D. They recalled Mister Schons title as a Nobel Prize winner.,Mini-talk Two 13. A. The winner should write a report to the committee of the foundation. B. The winner should report to the committee before they spend the money. C. The winner should be nominated by the foundations directors. D. The winner should not be a government official.,14. A. For her achievements in environmental prote

      8、ction. B. For her achievements in developing computer software. C. For her achievements in developing robots. D. For her achievements in developing warships. 15. A. He helped the developing countries to fight against earthquakes. B. He was recognized as a genius by the foundations directors. C. He helped the third world countries to develop quickly. D. He ran a non-profit international organization.,Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a talk. Complete the notes below as you list

      9、en. You will hear the recording twice. After the recording you are asked to write down your answers on the Answer Sheet. You now have 25 seconds to read the questions below. 16. What did the several hundred college students compete to build recently in Washington, D.C.? 17. Which department in the United States organized the competition? 18. How many teams took part in the competition? 19. How much did each team spend on equipment and other materials? 20. What is the purpose of the competition?,16. What did the several hundred college students compete to build recently in Washington, D.C.? 17. Which department in the United States organized the competition? 18. How many teams took part in the competition? 19. How much did each team spend on equipment and other materials? 20. What is the purpose of the competition?,The best solar-powered house.,Department of Energy.,14,$250,000,To show Americans that solar energy works.,1. A. No women were allowed to take pa


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