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    • 1、敬畏国际电子商务贸易普惠制 Reverence the Generalized System of Preferences of International E-commerce -确立无疆界的非现场经济意识 Establishment the offsite economic consciousness,张 为 志 副主任、所长 浙江大学科学技术与产业文化研究中心 Weizhi Zhang Deputy director of Center for Culture of Science, Technology and Industry, Zhejiang University.,随着电子数据交换的广泛运用,国际电子贸易的全球性、高效、准确、安全、低成本等特点,突破了物质、时间、空间对国际贸易参与方的限制。 As the widespread applyment of the exchange of electronic data, the characteristics of international e-commerce such as globality, efficiency

      2、, accuracy, safety, low cost, have broken through the confine on the participants of international commerce that caused by substance, time, space.,国际贸易商务磋商、签约、收付、以及收发货等的非现场化,改变了传统国际贸易的作业方式,使得生产型企业、采购商及民众能够直接参与到国际贸易中来。 The off-sitization of international commerces business negotiation, signing, receipt and payment, receiving and delivery, has changed the operation mode of traditional international commerce, makes production-oriented enterprises, purchasing agents and the pucblic participate in in

      3、ternational commerce directly.,国际贸易的参与主体出现了“非现场”的不确定性特征,使得国际电子商务当事人发送的电子文件差错、泄露和改动等的主观可靠性与纠错追溯机制变得十分困难。 The participants of international commerce is revealing the uncertain characteristic of off-site. This makes the subjective reliability and error correction trace mechanism on the mistakes, leak, alteration of the e-mails delivered by international e-commerce parties get difficult.,这种身份真实性与追溯不确定性直接决定了国际电子贸易中的风险与可持续性。 The identity reality and the uncertainty of trace directly decide the risk an

      4、d sustainability in the international e-commerce.,这是一个涉及非现场活动的自由与可控、信任与成本等秩序的重构问题 其背后涉及深层次的社会经济形态与社会秩序的变革问题 This is a reconstruction issue of order which refers to the freedom and controllability of the off-site activity, the trust and cost of that. It refers to a deep-seated revolution issue of social economic formation and social order.,蒸汽机和电气化为代表的两次工业革命,把劳动者从繁重的体力劳动中解放了出来。 客观上也造就了人们社会活动的主形态转向了高度集中式的现场化。,Two industrial revolutions respectively represented by the steam engine and electrificatio

      5、n have made the workers free from heavy manual work. They also have objectively made the main formation of peoples social activities turn to the highly centralized site.,然而,智能科技成果以出乎人们意料的速度展现出: 智能终端+移动互联+物联+云计算+人工智能+量子计算 = “智能技术”的集成态势 The fruits of intelligent science and technology show at the surprising speed that : intelligent terminal + mobile internet + the internet of things + cloud computing + artificial intelligence + quantum mechanics =the integrated trend of intelligent science and tec

      6、hnology,人类智慧集成与共享的社会大脑: 智能集成平台 + 动力机制 + 新社群交易实现体系 = 智慧共享体系 (信息交互环节) (交易撮合环节) (交易实现环节) 非现场经济的“能量加速器”,The social brain of the integration and sharing of human wisdom: intelligent integrated platform + dynamic mechanism + the new realization system of community trade = the wisdom sharing system,边际成本趋于无限小,决定了非现场经济大众参与的低成本共享特征。 表达了劳动开始不受时间和空间限制的特征。,Marginal costs tending to be small decided the low cost shared characteristic of the offsite economic public participation. And expressed the characterist

      7、ic that labor is not restricted by time and space.,智慧劳动者:是非现场经济环境中的智慧劳动者群体,是一批借助于非现场经济环境的智慧共享体系而放大劳动效益的智者。 (不是单指技术性劳动,是指不分学历、不分技术、不分类型的一切社会劳动,万众创新也就有了基础理论支撑。),Wisdom laborers are the wisdom laborer groups in the offsite economic environment, and a group of wise men who depended on the wisdom sharing system in the offsite economic environment to release the biggest labor benefits. (The labor is not skilled labor, but all social labor which does not distinguish education, technology and type. Henc

      8、e,mass innovation has the basic theory support.),智慧的共享机制打破了资本主导下的身份与信任秩序,具有更强的包容性、开放性与公正性。 智慧共享体系的放大功能,极大地提高劳动的自由度和综合效能,逐步成为新时代社会经济变迁的主导者。,The sharing mechanism of wisdom breaks the order of identity and trust governed by capital, possesses stronger containment, openness and fairness. The magnification function of the sharing system of wisdom greatly enhances the degree of freedom and comprehensive effectiveness of labor, gradually becomes the leader of the transition of society and economy in t

      9、he mew era.,其突出表现在了人们社会活动的主形态再次发生了根本性转变。 这就是: 人们正从工业革命的高度集中现场生活主形态,开始转向了非现场活动为主的形态。,It highlights the fundamental transformation in the main formation of human social activities again. The transformation refers to people are turning from the main formation of highly concentrated site life during the industrial revolution period to the formation oriented to offsite activities.,这表面上看是人的活动的现场与非现场分离 实质则是社会系统性的分离。 It is apparent to be the onsite and offsite separation in human activities. However, it is, in nature, the social systemic separation.,这是一个重构了的社会经济形态、社会信任体系、与社会财富分配及再分配制度秩序下的人类新文明共同体。 社会秩序受到前所未有的挑战(包括非现场贸易秩序) This is a reconstruction issue of order which refers to the freedom and controllability of the off-site activity, the trust and cost of that. It refers to a deep-seated revolution issue of social economic formation and social order.,于是,探讨与研究非现场经济社会的规范秩序就显得尤为重要。 So, it is very important for us to d


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