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    • 1、1 ModuleModule 6 6 ( (单词短语篇单词短语篇) ) .单句语法填空 1Hes devoted his whole life to the_(protect) of the rare animals. 2This is an_(idea) place for a picnic. 3The polluted air in the city is badly_(endanger) the health of the residents. 4The article is well worth_(read),but it is not worthy of_(translate) 5Tony lent me the money,_(hope) that Id do as much for him. 6The working people have never stopped their struggle_unfair treatment. 7On Sunday,both my wife and I did some cleaning.She washed some clothe

      2、s,_,I cleaned the house. 8Dont try to do everything at once;take it a bit at_time. 9Mr.Smith advised us to fix a written agreement_it was just a small deal. 10Having found many of her clothes out of date,she decided to buy some_fashion on the Internet. 答案 1protection 2.ideal 3.endangering 4reading;being translated 5.hoping 6.against 7meanwhile 8.a 9.though/although 10.in .选词填空 in danger,struggle for,protect from,on the spot,come into fashion,put down,get tough with,thanks to,at a time,take an ac

      3、tive part in 1The people are_;we must help them off. 2What Id like to do is fire you_ 3The government will_people who avoid paying taxes. 4Since being a manager,Robert_employees respect. 5That style of coat_when I was a boy. 6The Chinese economy has made these achievements _reform and innovation. 7Beat in the eggs,one_ 8The sheep jammed together to_the cold. 9The army should support and_national construction. 10After two rings I_the phone. 答案 1in danger 2.on the spot 3.get tough with 4has strugg

      4、led for 5.came into fashion 6.thanks to 7at a time 8.protect from 9.take an active part in 10put down .完形填空 (2016 年高考浙江卷) During the war,my husband was stationed at an army camp in a desert in California.I went to live there in order to be _1_ him.I hated the place.I had never _2_ been so unhappy.My husband was ordered out on a longterm duty,and I was left in a tiny shack (棚屋) alone.The heat was _3_almost 125 even in the shade of a cactus (仙人掌)_4_ a soul to talk to.The wind blew nonstop,and all

      5、the food I ate,and the very air I breathed,were _5_ with 2 sand,sand,sand! I was so sorry for myself that I wrote to my parents.I told them I was _6_ and coming back home.I said I couldnt stand it one minute longer.I _7_ be in prison!My father answered my _8_ with just two linestwo lines that will always sing in my _9_ two lines that completely changed my life: Two men looked out from prison bars, One saw the mud,the other saw the stars. I read those two lines _10_I was ashamed of myself.I made

      6、up my mind I would find out what was good in my present _11_;I would look for the stars. I made friends with the natives,and their _12_ amazed me.They gave me presents of their favorite artworks which they had _13_ to sell to tourists.I studied the delightful forms of the cactus.I watched for the desert sunsets,and _14_ for seashells that had been left there millions of years ago when the sands of the desert had been an ocean _15_ What brought about this _16_ change in me?The desert hadnt change

      7、d,_17_ I had.I had changed my _18_And by doing so,I changed an unhappy experience into the most amazing _19_ of my life.I was excited by this new world that I had discovered.I had looked out of my selfcreated prison and _20_ the stars. 1A.off Bbehind Cnear Dbeyond 2A.before Balready Cthen Dstill 3A.inflexible Bincomprehensible Cuncontrollable Dunbearable 4A.Only BNot CMany DSuch 5A.covered Bfilled Cburied Dcharged 6A.catching up Bkeeping up Cgiving up Dgetting up 7A.ought to Bmight well Cwould r

      8、ather Dhad better 8A.request Bcall Cquestion Dletter 9A.comparison Bimagination Cconsideration Dmemory 10A.over and over Bby and by Cup and down Dnow and then 11A.company Boccupation Csituation Drelationship 12A.movement Breaction Cguidance Dpurpose 13A.refused Bfailed Cmanaged Dhappened 14A.asked Bhunted Cwaited Dheaded 15A.floor Bsurface 3 Crock Dlevel 16A.shocking Bchallenging Cpuzzling Dastonishing 17A.as Bbut Cfor Dor 18A.attitude Bprinciple Cidentity Dstandard 19A.vacation Boperation Caffa

      9、ir Dadventure 20A.sought Bcounted Cfound Dreached 答案与解析 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者讲述自己为了离丈夫近一些,住在他所在的沙漠的军营里。寂寞的生活和艰 苦的生活条件让作者难以忍受,她写信告诉父母要回家。父亲给她的信中就两行字,就是这两行字使作者改 变了自己对人生的态度。 1C 考查介词辨析。根据上文的“I went to live there”可知,作者去住在丈夫的军营是为了靠近 丈夫。A.远离;B.在后面;C.靠近;D.超过。故选 C。 2A 考查副词辨析。根据下文“I was left in a tiny shack(棚屋) alone”可知,作者以前从没有 感觉这么不开心。A.以前;B.已经;C.然后;D.仍然。故选 A。 3D 考查形容词辨析。根据“almost 125” ,可知沙漠里热得让人无法忍受。A.不灵活的;B.无法理 解的;C.无法控制的;D.不能忍受的。故选 D。 4B 考查副词辨析。根据上文“a desert”和“alone”可知,没有一个人可以交谈。A.仅仅;B.没有; C.很多;D.这样。故选 B。 5B 考查动词辨析。根据上文“a desert”可知,作者吃的食物,呼吸的空气都充满了沙子。A.覆盖; B.填满;C.埋葬;D.负责,要价。故选 B。 6C 考查动词短语辨析。根据下文“coming back home”可知,作者写信给父母,告诉他们她要放弃。


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