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  • 常见问题
    • 1、Module 5语法5.用when,even if,ever since,whoever,only if,unless 填空1You must get there on time_the weather changes.2_you have finished your homework,can you go to the movie.3The two of them have been close friends_they began to go to school together.4_breaks the law,he will be punished.5Hardly had I gone out of the hotel_I met my friend.6_you take a taxi,youll still miss your train.7_I get a job,will I have enough money to go to school.8_comes to the party,he will get a gift.9Weve been friends_we met

      2、 at school.10I was just getting into the bath_the telephone rang.答案1even if2.Only if3.ever since4.Whoever5when6.Unless7.Only if8.Whoever9ever since10.when.语法填空1Susan came to the party yesterday,but it was already half past eight_she turned up.2_(immediate) she reached her home,Lily went to the kitchen and began to prepare supper.3You cant borrow books from the school library_you get your student card.4No sooner had he got home_the telephone rang.5I had hardly got to the office_my wife phoned me

      3、to go back home at once.6You can borrow my car as long _you promise not to drive to fast.7No matter_well prepared a gymnast is,he still needs a lot of luck in performing.8A number of high buildings have arisen_there was nothing but ruins a year ago.9We were in such a hurry when we left_we forgot the airline tickets.10The Great Wall is so wellknown a tourist attraction_millions of people visit it every year.答案1when2.Immediately3.before/unless4.than5when6.as7.how8.where9.that10.that.单句改错1While I c

      4、ame home my mother was cooking dinner._2Come to see me if you will be free next Sunday._3As he is clever,he cant solve the problem._4He is sure to come unless he has no urgent business._5I dont know if he comes tomorrow._6Harold shared the first place with the identical score 18.75._7I will not buy it as if I have a lot of money._8I havent heard from Mr. Smith after he went to Canada three years ago._9He tries his best to solve the problem,as difficult it was._10He is rather difficult to make fr

      5、iends with,but his friendship,unless gained,is more true than any others._答案1WhileWhen2.will beare3As he is cleverClever as he is4去掉no或eswill come6score后加of7.as ifunless8.aftersince9ashowever10.unlessonce.完形填空“Hi! John.” Mary ran towards me with a rare bright smile on her face,saying,“Im going to have a(n)_1_performance tonight. I hope youll come.Here is the _2_” She left in a hurry,disappearing in the crowds of people_3_“What?! What performance? Dance? Is that true?” I asked myself.Mary was not

      6、 such kind of girl.She was a quite_4_girl.I had never seen her making up or wearing attractive clothes,for she did not know how to_5_indeed.What a terrible thing,especially for a plain girl!“I should go to,I must go to.Thats a miracle!” I thought.I arrived at the_6_with the ticket,and found my seat.Her performance was the seventh one.I knew I would _7_from a hard time before her turn,for I had no_8_of art,but her performance was_9_watching,no matter how long I would wait.Time went slowly.I_10_wi

      7、th myself not to fall asleep.“Lets welcome the next exciting danceLatin!”_11_filled the hall at once.I opened my eyes as large as possible,_12_to lose anything.Wearing a golden and shining skirt,Mary appeared on the stage.Her dress went well with the brilliant lights.She was so beautiful.Dancing with a charming smile,she was fully_13_in the Latin music.At this moment,she looked like a pretty butterfly_14_on the splendid stage.After all the performance_15_,I waited for her at the gate.“Hi!” She stood in front of me with a bag and her crystal highheeled shoes in her hands,and_16_as she used to be,but the makingup still could be seen.“How do you feel?” There was not a little bit tired_17_Son her face.“_18_!” I answered.“Thank you! I knew it would be.” She could not_19_her excitement,laughing lik


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