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    • 1、 2017年朝阳市中考英语试卷含答案2017年辽宁省朝阳市中考英语试卷(含解析)(考试时间120分钟,满分120分)第I卷(选择题)I.听力(共20分,略).单项选择(本题共15分,每小题1分)从各题所给的A.B.C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项21.-Who called me just now,David?-I dont know,but it was a girls_ .A.voice B.look C.numberD.card22.Are Tom and Lucy_ good friends?-Yes,they are.Please look after_.A.your;themB.your;theirC.you;themD.yours;theirs23.-Do you like having food with music?-Yes.I like soft music.It_ nice.A.tastes B.looks C.smells D.sounds24.-Who helped you clean the room yesterday?_.I did it

      2、all by myself.A.SomebodyB.AnybodyC.NobodyD.Everybody25.It was late.She opened the door_ because she didnt want towake up her parents.A.heavily B.loudly C.quietlyD.angrily26.The worlds population is getting larger and larger,so scientists willhave to_with new ways to solve the food problem.A.catch upB.come upC.keep upD.make up27._sweet the flowers smell in spring!-Yes,many tourists come to enjoy them every day.A.What B.How c.Whata D.Howa28.-Why did the car hit the boy?一Bxcause the driver_on the p

      3、hone at that timeA.talkB.is talkingC.was talking D.have talked29.-How many cakes can I have,Mom?一None,dear.They_for your father.A.prepare B.preparedC.have prepared D.were prepared30.-Im afraid the meeting has begun.一Dont worry.It_until the bell_.A.will begin;rings B.doesnt begin;will ringC.wont begin;will ring D.wont begin;rings31.-I think you should stop_ noise.-Sorry.I wont do that again.A.to make so much B.making so muchC.to make so many D.making so many32.-What are you looking for?-Im lookin

      4、g for the dictionary_ you lent me last weekA.who B.what C.that D.when 33,一I wonder when you,_the new car.Well,I_it for two weeks.A.have bought;have had B.bought;have boughtC.bought;have had D.have bought;have bought34.-Excuse me,can you tell me_?-Sorry,I dont know.You can go to the information desk.A.that there is a train B.when the train leavesC.where does the train go D.which train can I take35.-Did you catch the early bus this morning?-Yes.The bus started to move_ I got on it.A.as soon as B.a

      5、s if C.though D.before卫、完形填空(本题共10分,每小题1分)阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。In our life,we meet quite a lot of people:Some just pass by whileothers can 36_ our lives.Miss Bella is such a person.She taught metwo years oaly.37_she has taught me a lot in many ways.Every day she began her classes with a smile and a fresh face.Shemade me realize that warm 38_ could change a person.I was shy butI wasnt39_ in her classes at all.She gave lessons in a 40_ wayfrom other teachers.We had many41_ to talk a

      6、bout problems inEngish classes.Miss Bella would thumb up(竖起大拇指)to encourageus42_someone had great ideas.Now,I 43_ that I have learnedmuch from her classes.Learning to speak out your ideas is so 44_ insociety She also made me realize that I could be myself by showingopinions45_.Her encouragement not only turned me into a confidentstudent,bur will also lead me to a successful life.36A.saveB.give C.change D.destroy37A.Now B.Then C.First D.However38A.colors B.smiles C.seasons D.weather39.A.alone B.a

      7、ctive C.nervous D.excited40.A.useful B.helpful C.necessary D.different41A.lessons B.choices C.chances D.topics42.A. when B.before C.unless D.though43.A.sayB.find C.forget D.remember44.A.easy B.hard C.interesting D.important45.A.calmly B.bravely C.politely D.happily-阅读理解(本题共20分,每小题1分)阅读下列短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ADrive WantedDrive for Xinhua Restaurant.Evening work on weekdays.All meals are free.Ring 2771255House for Sale¥1,200,000,built in 2005.With 3 bedrooms,a bathroom,a living rom,a kitchen

      8、and a washroom.It is in the south of the city.Call Bob at 2395078.Yonghui SupermarketA new Yonghui Supermarket in our city will open on July 8th. Everybodywith todays Meichou Daily will get a small present that dsy.Welcome!Tel:2798432Add:No.122 Licheng Road Roses Special ConcertTime,2:00-4:30p.m.,June 25Place:Puxian TheaterTicket Price:160 yuan for each adult80 yuan for each studentTel:222122346.If you work as a driver in the restaurant,you may work_.A.in the afternoon B.in the eveningC.every day D.on weekends47.Ann wants to buy a house in the south of the city,she could call_.A.2771255 B.2395078 C.2798432 D.222122348.Customers with todays Meizhou Daily will get a small presentFrom_.A.Puxian Theater B.Xinhua RestaurantC.Meizhou Daily D.Yonghui Supermarket49.Lin Ning is a school boy.He would like to go to Roses concertwith his parent


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