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    • 1、Module 31Reading(单词短语篇) .单句语法填空在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1More than one official_(serve) the people heart and soul,which makes the public satisfied.2She was hit on the head by a stone and lay there_(conscious)for a long time.3Eating habits vary_country_country.One mans meat can be another mans poison.4The police warned people to be_guard against pickpockets during the Christmas rush.5She said Denny had received a_(threaten)letter and asked me if I sent it.6School children must be taught_to deal w

      2、ithdangers.7We were told that the man was involved_the crime.8(2015年高考浙江卷改编)Body language can give_a lot about your mood,so standing with your arms folded can send out a signal that you are being defensive.9In many cities of China,if an ambulance is held_in a traffic jam,police will respond to the emergency.10What are you busy_?I am busy_(make) the plan for the sports meeting.11(2015年高考安徽卷改编)A ship in harbor is safe,but thats not_ships are built for.12(2015年高考江苏卷改编)Much time_(spend)sitting at a

      3、desk,office workers are generally troubled by health problems.答案1serves2.unconsciously3.from;to4.on5threatening6.how7.in8.away9.up10with;making11.what12.spent.用下列词组的恰当形式填空give away,be involved in,communicate with,make a deal,think of,hold up,more than,vary from.to.,in the distance,on guard1The soldiers are still_on National Day.2Please dont_my secret_!3It is hard to_a world without metals.4The shy girl_her hand to express that she had a question.5The climate always_season_season.6Not being able

      4、to_the US students has become a serious problem for overseas Chinese students.7The sound of the car died away_8She_a serious car accident last week.9Jason is_a lecturer;he is a writer,too.10They_to sell the land to a property developer.答案1on guard2.give;away3.think of4.held up5varies from;municate with7.in the distance8was involved in9.more than10.made a deal.阅读理解AMy students entered the art room with their usual eagerness to see what they would be learning in todays class. Little did they know

      5、they were going to be students for a new teaching method that is spreading the nation.I often use videos as previews and supplements (补充) to our art lessons providing students with a variety of artists showing their skills in reallife situations outside the classroom. Finding a new painting technique called glue batik(胶水蜡染), I thought of something new I hadnt tried before! How awesome would it be to learn a new technique together with artists? The lesson was planned, presented to the students wi

      6、thout any introduction or set objectives. I also asked the students to watch and pause the video as often as they needed to.They watched as the artist explained and showed her skills, taking notes on her steps and results. After the video, they shared what they felt the artists objectives were, her end result using art vocabulary as well as the steps they would need to know to present their own examples. Then they began creating their works using the glue batik technique.Surfing the Internet a c

      7、ouple of weeks later, I found that the teaching method I used sounded very familiar to a new movement in education called flipped teaching, which was developed by Jonathan Bergmann. He asked his students to watch video lectures at home and do exercises (homework) in class under supervision (监督). He found that grades went up and he also found time for other types of activities, which Bergmann states are more important than the videos.Back to my art class, the students were learning to get ideas,

      8、make predictions, and explain reasoning to their classmates. Together they compared, asked questions and made discoveries as they presented the technique.1. Which of the following is one of the benefits of flipped teaching?A. Teachers neednt check students homework.B. Students can control their own learning pace.C. Students can choose whatever they want to learn.D. Teachers can develop their own teaching methods.2. Who plays a central role in the flipped teaching?A. The artist.B. The parent.C. T

      9、he teacher.D. The student.3. What is the best title for the text?A. The flipped teaching I used in art classB. Jonathan Bergmanns flipped teachingC. A teaching method spreading the nationD. A new painting technique called glue batik答案与解析翻转教学正在全国推广开来,我和我的学生都是这种新的教学方法的受益者。自从采用了新的教学方法,在课堂上,学生成了中心角色,更增加了他们对学习的主动性。学生们带着不同以往的热情来到教室,期盼着来看看今天课堂上会学到些什么。1B细节理解题。由第二段最后两句The lesson was planned, presented to the students without any introduction or set objectives. I also asked the students to watch and pause the video as often as they needed to.还有最后一段话Back to my art clas


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