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2016届高考英语总复习 unit 1 living well练习 新人教版选修7

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86874512
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:54KB
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    • 1、Unit 1Living wellA级:基础巩固.单词拼写1.His d caused by a big fire prevents him from holding a job.答案:disability2.Mr.Webson,a businessman,found the mild climate in coastal areas (有益)to his illness and stayed there for a whole month.答案:beneficial3.She never speaks ill of anyone in his or her (不在).答案:absence4.He r his post as headmaster and took up business.答案:resigned5.The experiment (主持)by Professor Meine proved to be a great success.答案:conducted6.They often offer a when we are in trouble.答案:assistance7.

      2、There are many differences between Earth and Mars.While the former has an atmosphere and liquid water,the l does not.答案:latter8.He was my only Chinese (伙伴)during my stay in Australia.答案:companion9.There is only one way (可以进入)to the old castle.答案:accessible10.Many colonies in Africa became i nations in the 1950s and gone were the days when they were ruled by foreigners.答案:independent.句型转换1.A:There is no doubt about his suitability for the job.B:There is no doubt that his job.答案:he is suitable for

      3、2.A:To the annoyance of the young father,his son kept crying.B:The young father his son for crying.答案:was annoyed with;keeping3.A:The fall in prices will benefit small businesses.B:The fall in prices will small businesses.答案:be beneficial to4.A:It is a good film.I havent seen a film like this for years.B:I havent seen film this for years.答案:as good a;as5.A:She is proud that she has got three gold medals in the Paralympic Games.B:She is proud three gold medals in the Paralympic Games.答案:to have g

      4、otB级:能力提升.阅读理解阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Angry faces for everyoneWe quickly know someone is angry if we see a special face:a lowered brow (眉毛),thinned lips and a widely-opened nose.Why can we be so sure?Its because the human “anger face” is universal,according to a new study by researchers from the US and Australia.“Even blind children make this same face without ever having seen one,”Aaron Sell,who led the study,told the Daily Mail.The angry expression is made by seven muscle

      5、 groups.Researchers wanted to understand why those seven muscle groups were chosen,so they did a series of experiments.They took a photo of a human face.Then they used a computer to change the face in two ways:One photo showed a lowered brow,and the other a raised brow.They showed the photos to people.With just this one difference,neither face looked “angry”.But people reported the face with the lowered brow could be from a stronger man.Researchers did the same experiment with each of the other

      6、six features of an angry face:raised cheekbones (颧骨),lips thinned and pushed out,the mouth raised,the nose wide open and the chin pushed out and up.People all reported the same feeling:The person making the face was physically stronger.“Since stronger people tend to get their way more often.we found that it (the anger face) is a threat display,” said Sell.Many other animals also do the same thing.When a dog wants to protect its food,it shows its sharp teeth.Even a small frog knows to puff (膨胀) i

      7、tself up if it sees possible danger coming.Researchers also point out that anger is a bargaining tool.We make that face to let others know:“The event is not acceptable,and the conflict will not end until we reach an agreement.”So the next time someone gives you an angry face,dont rush into a fight.They may just want you to sit down and talk.1.What is the article mainly about?A.The study of the anger face.B.The meaning behind the anger face.C.What makes the anger face universal.D.How to deal with

      8、 an anger face.解析:主旨归纳题。全文介绍了一项关于生气的脸的研究。答案:A2.What did the researchers find out about the anger face?A.Blind children have to learn how to make the anger face.B.The anger face is formed by seven pieces of muscles.C.People making the anger face rush into a fight easily.D.People making the anger face are considered physically stronger.解析:细节理解题。由第八段研究结论“People all reported the same feeling:The person making the face was physically stronger”可知D项正确。由第三段中的“Even blind children make this same face with

      9、out ever having seen one”可知A项错误;由第四段第一句“The anger expression is made by seven muscle groups”可知B项不准确,不是七块肌肉,而是七个肌肉群;文中没有提到C项。答案:D3.The underlined word “bargaining” probably refers to something that .A.is discussedB.causes a lot of troubleC.looks strangeD.is difficult to understand解析:词义猜测题。从第十一段中的“The event is not acceptable,and the conflict will not end until we reach an agreement”和最后一段倒数第一句“They may just want you to sit down and talk”可知,bargaining是“需要讨论”的意思。答案:A4.If your deskmate showed a facial expression with lowered brow to you,.A.he is surely angry with youB.he isnt necessarily angry with youC.he wants to have a talk with youD.he is friendly with you解析:推理判断题。本文介绍了脸部的七个肌肉群组成了生气的面部表情,由第六段中的“With just th

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