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七年级英语下册 module 12 western music unit 2 vienna is the centre of european classical music学案(新版)外研版

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86868500
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
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    • 1、课题:Module 12 Western musicUnit 2 Vienna is the centre of European classical music. 课型:新授(reading and writing) 计划课时:2 实际课时: 主备人: 审核人: 【学习目标】知识与能力目标:1. 单词:musician, centre(center), European, classical, century, composer, elder, waltz, another, piece, poor, perfect2. 短语:classical music, dance music, in the center of, give concerts, take sb. around, 3. 句型:1) Vienna is the centre of European classical music. 2) There were two composers called Johann Strauss. 3) He played not only the piano but also t

      2、he violin. 4. 能读懂有关音乐以及相关人物介绍的文章,掌握其细节内容 5. 能够结合音乐、图片、影视资料介绍音乐和作曲家(如冼星海)情感目标:通过和同伴讨论喜欢的音乐,发表自己的观点并倾听他人的观点, 树立文明使用语言的意识,在表达不同意见时能照顾他人的感受。学习重难点:读懂对维也纳及三位作曲家的介绍,仿写冼星海的事迹。学习策略: 根据自己的情况预习课程并进行拓展(音乐家介绍)【学习过程】课前预习I think I can(我能行) I 重点单词:1. 音乐家_ 2. 中心_ 3. 欧洲的_ 4. 经典的_ 5. 世纪_ 6. 作曲家_ 7. 年长的_ 8. 华尔兹舞曲_ 9. 又一个_ 10. 作品 _ 11. 贫穷的_ 12. 完美的 _II 重点短语:1. 在.中心_ 2.在18世纪 _ 3. 两位叫.的作曲家_ 4.舞曲_ 5. 老约翰.施特劳斯_ 6.不但.而且._ 7.领某人参观某地_ 8. 举行音乐会_ 9. 几百首音乐作品_III 重点句型:1. Vienna is _ _ _ European _ music. 维也纳是欧洲古典音乐的中心。2. In th

      3、e Strauss family, there _ two _ _ Johann Strauss. 在施特劳斯家族,有两位叫做约翰.施特劳斯的作曲家。3. _ he was six, he played _ _ the piano, _ _ the violin. 他不到六岁,就不仅会弹钢琴,而且会拉小提琴。4. But he _ very _ and _ in 1791 _ he was _ 35. 但他变得很贫穷,于1791年去世,年仅35岁。自主探究 1. Mozart was another very important composer. 莫扎特是另一位非常重要的音乐家。(1) another “又一个,再一个”,后接单数名词。 Xian Xinghai was _ important Chinese composer. 冼星海是另一位中国著名的作曲家。(2) another 用作形容词,“又一个,再一个”指三者或三者以上中的另一个,后接可 数名词单数。 Mother bought me _ pencil-box. 妈妈又给我买了一个铅笔盒。(3) another 用作代词,

      4、“又一个,再一个”一般单独使用。 This shirt is too large for me. Please show me _. 这件衬衫我穿太多。请另外给拿一件我看看。(4) another “又,再”,another+数词+可数名词复数=数词+more+可数名词复数 I want to drink _ _ _ of tea. 我想再喝两杯茶。区别: other, the other, anotherother 形容词、代词,“别的、其他的”;作形容词时,其后可跟单、复数名词。其复数形式others只作代词。the other代词,指两者中的“另一个”。one.theother.“一个.另一个.”(前提是两个),其复数形式为othersanother泛指三者或三者以上同类事物中的“另一个”,表示重复,强调“再,又”练一练:1) This cup is broken. Give me _. 这个杯子坏了。给我拿另一个来。2) I have two pens. One is blue, _ is black. 我有两支笔。一支是蓝色的,另一支是黑色的。3) Are there any

      5、 _ questions? 还有其他问题吗?4) Some people like football, _ like volleyball. 有些人喜欢足球,另外一些人喜欢排球。2. His dance music made him famous all over Europe.他的舞曲使他闻名整个欧洲。 本句为含有宾语补足语的复合句,其句子结构为: His dance music made him famous all over Europe. 主语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足语make 表示“使动”的用法小结(1) make+sb./ sth.+adj. “使某人/某物(怎么样)” We can _ our classroom _. 我们可以使我们的教室美丽。(2) make+sb./ sth.+n. “使某人/某物成为.”(注:名词前不加冠词) They want to _ Lily _ _.他们想让莉莉当体育委员。(3) make+ sb.+do sth. “使某人做某事” (注:动词前不加to) Our teacher often _ us _ loudly. 我们的老师经常让我们

      6、大声朗读。课前准备 通过预习,你还有哪些问题不懂?请在书上或讲学稿上标出来。 _课堂学习研讨I. Checking (预习情况检查)II. Speaking 1 Describe the picture. (Activity 1) 2 Ask and answer the questions . (Activity 3)III. Reading (阅读理解)1.Read the passage and check the true sentences. (Activity2)2. Answer the questions . (Activity 3) 3. Complete the passage with the correct form of the given words. (Activity 4)IV. Writing(写作训练)1. Look at the phrases. (Activity 5)2. Write about the Chinese composer Xian Xinghai. .巩固练习I. 完形填空 Do you know Mozart?Probably

      7、. He is a famous musician. Mozart was born on January 27, 1756 and died in 1791. When he was very young,his father often _1_ him around many different countries to play music for a lot of people. But some people didnt believe that a little _2_ could write so beautiful music. They asked Mozart to stay in a room by himself _3_ a week. And someone _4_ the room all the time. In that _5_,he finished a new piece of music. _6_ that,people believed this little boy could write _7_ music. During his _8_ life, Mozart studied, taught, wrote and played music. Though he didnt have much money, his music made _9_ happy. And for _10_ 200 years his music has made others happy, too.( ) 1A. tookBbrought Ccarried( ) 2A. boy Bgirl Cstudent( ) 3A. in Bsince Cfor( ) 4A. saw Bwatched Clooked( ) 5A. day Byear Cweek( ) 6A. B

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