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  • 文档编号:86867503
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
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    • 1、Unit 4Astronomy:the science of the starsSection Learning about Language & Using Language.单句语法填空1What does the model plane look like?Well,the wings of the plane are more than twice the_(long) of its body.答案:length2Look!There is something strange_(float) on the water.答案:floating3A man came in and put a big vase on the table _(gentle)答案:gently4It is wellknown that Newton was a famous_(physics)答案:physicist5_(like) most people in the office who come to work by car,I usually come to work by bus.答案:Unl

      2、ike6We live in a_ (globe) village,but this doesnt mean that we all behave in the same way.答案:global7Do remember watch out _cars while crossing the street.Got it.答案:for8_(cheerful) up!You must believe in yourself and you will get success.答案:Cheer9What do you think of French?In my opinion,French is as difficult a subject_English.答案:as10Students should find more time to get close _nature which can encourage their creativity.答案:to.阅读理解ASome_people are like homing pigeons:Drop them off anywhere,and t

      3、heyll find their way around.Other people,though,cant tell when theyre holding a map upside down.Are the directionally challenged just bad learners?Not all of your navigational (导航的) skills are learned.Research shows that your sense of direction is innate.An innate ability is something you are born with.Your brain has special navigational neuronsheaddirection cells,place cells,and grid cells (网格细胞)and they help program your inside compass (指南针) when youre just a baby.In 2010,scientists carried ou

      4、t an experiment to study baby rats neural activity in their brains.Although the rats were newborns,the researchers discovered that their headdirection cells (which help them recognize the direction theyre facing) were fully grown and developed.The rats,it seemed,were born with a sense of direction.And they hadnt even opened their eyes yet!Humans,of course,are not rats.But the hippocampusthe brain area we use for navigationis similar in most mammals (哺乳动物)If the rats compass develops this way,the

      5、n its likely that a humans compass does,too.If were born with a sense of direction,then why are some people so good at getting lost?The scientists found that the two other cellsplace and grid cellsdeveloped within the first month.Place cells are thought to help us form a map in our mind,while grid cells help us navigate new and unfamiliar places.The two cells work together,and thats where the trouble might be.People who took part in a 2013 study played a video game that required them to travel q

      6、uickly between different places.Monitoring (监测) their brains,the scientists found that grid cells helped the gamers recognize where they wereeven without landmarks.According to researcher Michael Kahana,differences in how grid cells work may help explain why some people have a better sense of direction than others.语篇解读本文是说明文。科学家发现,有些人方向感好是因为他们的网格细胞更加发达。1The underlined words “Some people” refer to those who _.Aare bad learnersBlove homing pigeonsClike using maps to navigateDhave a good sense of d

      7、irection解析:篇章结构题,根据划线部分后的are like homing pigeons:Drop them off anywhere,and theyll find their way around可知,Some people指的是那些方向感好的人。答案:D2What did the 2010 research find?ARats have a natural ability to recognize directions.BRats hippocampus is different from that of humans.CRats usually find their way without opening their eyes.DBaby rats have as many headdirection cells as grownups.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的The rats,it seemed,were born with a sense of direction可知,老鼠天生就有辨别方向的能力。答案:A3Why are some people so go

      8、od at getting lost?AThey cant remember landmarks.BTheir grid cells cant work very well.CThey are unfamiliar with new places.DTheir ability to follow directions is poor.解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段末句The two cells work together,and thats where the trouble might be和最后一段中的grid cells helped the gamers recognize where they wereeven without landmarks,differences in how grid cells work may help explain why some people have a better sense of direction than others可推测,有些人容易迷路是因为他们的网格细胞工作得不理想。答案:B4What is the text main

      9、ly about?AHuman navigational skills.BThe compass in rats body.CWhy grid cells are useful.DHow homing pigeons work.解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了为什么人类辨别方向的能力有所不同。答案:ABDear young musicians,Thank you for agreeing to take part in our Music Day.The whole idea of the day is for music students around the area to meet other players and receive expert (专家般的) teaching from our guests,six professional players.In the evening,you will perform the pieces you have worked on during the day at a concert which your friends and family can attend (参加)After you have registered (注册) at the reception,go to the main hall.First,there will be a short performance by our professional musicians who are joining us for the day.


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