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    • 1、Unit 3ComputersSection Learning about Language & Using Language.单句语法填空1I wish to work in my own_(personally) company in the future.答案:personal2If the opportunity_(arise),Id love to go abroad for further study.答案:arises3In many peoples opinion,that company,though relatively small,is pleasant_(deal) with.答案:to deal4I think he is taking an active part in social work.I agree with you_a way.答案:in5Professor Smith is so busy with the research_ he has no time left for any other activity.答案:that6With mor

      2、e and more forests _(destroy),many animals are facing the danger of dying out.答案:destroyed7Im trying to make _the time I lost while I was sick.答案:up8In order to make sure that his children were safe while playing on the beach,he kept _(watch) over them all the time.答案:watching9We were talking about the TV play,and his sudden_(appear) stopped our conversation.答案:appearance10The boy is running impatiently here and there as if_(search) for something lost on the sports ground.答案:searching.阅读理解A It s

      3、tarted as a special day for Wesley Autrey,a 50yearold construction worker in New York City.It was about 12:45 PM,and he was waiting on a subway platform (月台) to take his daughters home before he went to work.He suddenly noticed a man nearby have convulsions (抽搐) and fall down suddenly.Mr Autrey and two women went to help the stranger.The man,Cameron Hollopeter,managed to get to his feet,but then stumbled (绊倒) at the edge of the platform and fell onto the subway tracks.Mr Autrey looked up and saw

      4、 the lights of the subway train coming near through the tunnel.Mr Autrey jumped onto the track immediately.He realized that he didnt have time to get Mr Hollopeter and himself back up on the platform before the train arrived,so he lay on top of the man and pressed down as hard as he could.Although the driver tried to stop the train before it reached them,He couldnt.Five cars passed over them before the train finally stopped.The cars had passed only inches from his head.New York loves a hero.Mr A

      5、utrey became an overnight hero and was named the “Subway Superman”New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg gave him the Bronze Medallion,the citys highest honor.He was asked to appear on several TV talk shows.He was also rewarded with money and gifts,such as $10,000 from Donald Trump,a $5,000 gift card from the Gap clothing store,a new Jeep,and Beyonce concert tickets.How did Autrey react (反应) to all this?He said,“I dont feel like I did anything great;I just saw someone who needed help.I did what I

      6、 felt was right”语篇解读本文是记叙文。文章介绍了Wesley Autrey奋不顾身救人的壮举。1Which of the following can best describe Mr Autrey?ASmart.BShy.CStrong.DBrave.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段描述Autrey面对飞驰的列车,毫不畏惧地救人可知,他很勇敢。答案:D2Facing the praise and rewards,Mr Autrey was_.Aquite CalmBvery proudCrather satisfiedDreally surprised解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,Autrey认为只是做了自己认为对的事情,因此面对那些赞扬和奖励,他很平静。答案:A3What would be the best title for the text?AA good fatherBA subway supermanCA Beyonce super fanDA construction worker解析:标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了Wesley Autrey在地铁站奋不顾身救

      7、人的壮举,由第三段的an overnight hero and was named the “Subway Superman”可知,B项最符合本文主旨。答案:B4How does the author develop this text?ABy following the order of time.BBy following the order of importance.CBy expressing different opinions.DBy interviewing different people.解析:写作手法题。作者描述了事故的开始和过程、事后人们的评价以及Autrey对大家评价的反应,故本文是按照事情发展的时间顺序写作的。答案:ABThe idea behind Facebook is to make us feel connected all the time.But in my research,Ive found that the truth is quite different.Technology,it turns out,has made being alo

      8、ne seem like a problem that needs solving.When young people are alone,even for a minute or two,they feel the need to connect,to get on Facebook or some other social networks and chat.But in connecting,they often end up feeling more isolated.Why?Because by being in constant (不断的) connection,they lose the ability to feel satisfied with their own company (独处)Facebook can help us keep in touch with our friends,but we too often use it instead of spending facetoface time with them.And since we feel th

      9、e need to keep up with them online,we dont have moments of loneliness where we can collect our thoughts and learn how to be comfortable being alone.Sherry Turkle,ProfessorFacebook connects more of us to more of our friends and family in more places than we have ever been connected before.Yes,Facebook is a huge time sinkmaybe the biggest ever.Many people post useless stuff.And seeing too much of your friends lives can make you jealous (嫉妒的),but it wont make you lonely.Jane,a former student of mine,who is back in New York after living abroad for ten years,told me that Facebook helps her a lot.The first time she moved back to New York from abroad,She felt disconnected from


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