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    • 1、Unit 2The Olympic GamesSection Grammar & Writing.单句语法填空1The stadium_(complete) next year by workers.答案:will be completed2If we break the rules of nature,we_(punish) by nature.答案:will be punished3The whole class are going to_(examine) on everything they have learnt this year.答案:be examined4The water_(pollute) further unless the government takes immediate action.答案:will be polluted5The problem_(solve) if you really understand it and find the right method.答案:will be solved6When the car factory_(com

      2、plete),it will bring more jobs to our city.答案:is completed7(2015安徽高考)It is reported that a space station_(build) on the moon in years to come.答案:will be built8Some new computers _ (send) back to the factory to be repaired tomorrow.答案:will be sent9Hundreds of jobs_(lose) if the factory closes.答案:will be lost10If you break the rule,you_(punish)答案:will be punished.阅读理解 BLUEFIELDThe teachers and students of Bluefield State College (BSC) celebrated the opening of a technology lab on April 5,2016 in W

      3、eston,Massachusetts.“Were here for you and were here for the students,” Dr.Marsha Krotseng,BSC president,said to the community (社区) and college leaders in the Rad Tech classroom.“Were here tonight celebrating our partnership with the community.”Shortly after the opening introduction,Krotseng continued talking about the many ways that the college and the community work together as partners.The technology equipment (设备) in the lab is an unusual sight in a small college,but the opportunities for st

      4、udents go far beyond that.David Gilmore,a graduate of BSC,and Melissa Haye,BSC Rad Tech program director,worked together to provide BSC students with an opportunity to study in Massachusetts at some of the top teaching hospitals in New England.Gilmore was visiting family in the area and was able to join in the ceremony (典礼)“I never miss the opportunity to tell people about Bluefield State,” Gilmore said.“When I was in Copenhagen and was sitting beside the Queen of Denmark,I was thinking:Im from

      5、Bluefield,West Virginia.”“This is a great day!” said Marc Meachum,president of the Greater Bluefield Chamber of Commerce,which is the host of the event.Sheila Johnson,an officer of BSC,said that the Rad Tech lab is part of a $2.9 million program in the engineering,health sciences and science programs at the college.“The completion of the project finishes the work at Dickason Hall,” Johnson said.“Now we move to the Basic Sciences Building where well make $1.8 million in improvements.Its a big imp

      6、rovement to the programs here.”Krotseng said that BSC touches about every part of the community and the community is part of the college.“People see our students working in the community,” she said.“Its a partnership worth celebrating.”语篇解读本文是说明文。文章主要报道了一个学校和社区的合作。1Whats the good of setting up the Rad Tech lab to the BSC students?AIt will help them study out of England.BIt will help them get jobs in top hospitals.CThey will receive valuable practical training.DThey will have a chance to meet the

      7、 Queen of Denmark.解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的provide BSC students with an opportunity to study in Massachusetts at some of the top teaching hospitals in New England可知,BSC的学生将有机会得到一些实践培训的机会。答案:C2We can infer from the text that David Gilmore_.Awas born in MassachusettsBopened a lab in CopenhagenCis very fond of his hometownDtaught BSC students about technology解析:推理判断题。根据第五段David Gilmore所说的话可知,他对自己的家乡Bluefield有很深厚的感情。答案:C3How did Marsha Krotseng like the program?AShe thought highly of it.BShe didnt think it wo

      8、rth the money.CShe thought it needs further improvement.DShe thought it promises students a bright future.解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段Krotseng所说的Its a partnership worth celebrating可知,她对这次社区和学校之间的合作评价很高。答案:A4The text is mainly written to_.Adiscuss the importance of technologyBdescribe how Rad Tech worksCintroduce a small collegeDreport a recent event解析:写作目的题。本文是一篇新闻报道,第一段是文章的主题。由此可知,本文主要是报道了一件新近发生的事情。答案:D.完形填空A terrible fever made Anne Sullivan nearly lose her eyesight in her childhood,and the doctors said sh

      9、e was a hopelessly mad girl.She had been_1_ in the basement of a mental hospital (精神病医院) in Boston.Sometimes,little Annie _2_ hit anyone who came near to her.She ignored everyone who appeared in front of her most of the time.However,an old nurse _3_that little Annie had hope.She went to_4_ little Annie every day.The child ignored her in most cases,but the old nurse_5_ stopped seeing her every day in the basement.The_6_lady left cookies for little Annie and spoke words full of encouragement to her.She believed that as long as she showed_7_,little Annie could get better.Finally,the doctors noti


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