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    • 1、Unit 23 Conflict Section Communication Workshop.单词拼写(根据汉语提示写出单词) 1.He succeeded at the_(代价) of his health.答案:expense2Your medical records are strictly_(秘密的)答案:confidential3He has _(赞助) the poor student every term in the last few years.答案:sponsored4An _(任意的) decision can easily cause failure.答案:arbitrary5I didnt_ (打算) her to see the painting until it was finished.答案:intend6Dont climb that ladder.Its not that _ (稳固)答案:stable7. There is no water in the _(热水瓶)答案:thermos8China used to_(进口) a lot,but

      2、now it exports more.答案:import.单句语法填空1The building around the corner caught fire last night.The police are now looking_the matter.答案:into2(陕西高考改编) The basketball coach,as well as his team,_(be) interviewed shortly after the match for their outstanding performance.答案:was3Id like to go to the cinema with you,dad.Sorry,my darling,but the film is intended_adults only.答案:for4At first I thought I understood _my teacher said,but the more he explained,the_confused I became.答案:what;more5I didnt think you

      3、were coming.Oh,I _(intend) to stay at home,but I changed my mind.答案:had intended6(福建高考改编)Born into a family with three brothers,David was brought _to value the sense of sharing.答案:up7New policies,_(intend) to insure that compulsory education is truly free,_(make) known by the local government across China since the start of school on September 1.答案:intended;have been made8The little boy was told by the shop owner to sort the apples_by the size.答案:out9My father recommended that I_(not,disobey) my

      4、 officer.答案:(should) not disobey10We feel now as though we_(witness) the whole thing which happened last week.答案:had witnessed.翻译句子1你们学得越多,就越感到自己无知。(the more.,the more.)_答案: The more you learn,the more we realize our ignorance.2他打算让自己的儿子管理公司。(intend sb.to do sth.)_答案:He intends his son to manage the company.3他说话的样子,好像他知道她在哪里似的。(as if)_答案:He talks as if he knew where she was.4吸烟不仅使你身上有气味,而且危险。(as well as)_答案:Smoking is dangerous,as well as making you smell bad.5长时间使用电脑会令我们疲劳。(bring sth.on sb.)_答案

      5、:Working on computers for a long time can bring tiredness on us.阅读理解Within five years,a woolly mammoth (猛犸象) will likely be cloned,according to scientists who have just recovered wellpreserved bone marrow (骨髄) in a mammoth bone.Russian scientist Semyon Grigoriev and his colleagues are now analyzing the marrow,which they obtained from the mammoth,found in Siberian soil.Grigoriev and his team,along with colleagues from Japan,have announced that they will start a joint research project aimed at rec

      6、reating the enormous mammal,which went extinct around 10,000 years ago.Mammoths used to be a common sight in North America and Eurasia.Many of our distant ancestors probably had regular facetoface encounters with the elephantlike giants.The key to cloning the woolly mammoth is to replace the nuclei of egg cells from an elephant with those extracted (提取) from the mammoths cells.Doing this,according to the researchers,can result in embryos with the mammoths DNA.That has actually been known for a w

      7、hile.What have been missing are the woolly mammoths nuclei with undamaged genes.Scientists have been on a search for such nuclei since the late 1990s.Now it sounds like the missing genes may have been found.In the course,global warming may be responsible for the breakthrough.Warmer temperatures tied to global warming have melted ground in eastern Russia that is almost always permanently frozen.As a result,researchers have found a fair number of wellpreserved frozen mammoths there,including the o

      8、ne that produced the bone marrow.Is it such a good idea,however,to clone animals that have long been extinct?For a while there has been some discussion of a reallife Jurassic Park setup containing such animals.Introducing these beasts into existing ecosystems could be like bringing in a potentially invasive species that would try to fill some space presently held by other animals.Even if the cloned animals were contained in special parks,there could still be a risk of spreading.So if the woolly mammoth is successfully cloned sooner rather than later,wed probably be left with more questions and arguments than answers,at least in the short term.语篇解读猛犸象是一种早在1万年前已经绝迹了的动物,借助克隆技术,俄罗斯及日本的科学家们有望通过获取的冰冻在西伯利亚地下的猛犸象骨髓克隆出该动物。1Which of the following would be the best title for the


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