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    • 1、Unit 21 Human Biology Section Communication Workshop.语法填空1Chongqing is among the most important cities in China in_(term) of its size and population.答案:terms2It was the first time that he _(lose) a game,so he felt very sad.答案:had lost3_the one hand,theyd love to have kids,but_the other hand,they dont want to give up their freedom.答案:On;on4Dont worry.We can take you home _all cases.答案:in5Train services returned _normal again after the strike.答案:to6Due to bad management,company profits_(decline) o

      2、ver the last three years.答案:have been declining 7I have been _(fortune) enough to visit many places of interest of the world as a lecturer.答案:fortunate8The robot_(equip) with a camera can do many things for mankind.答案:equipped9Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice,_they knew it to be valuable.答案:even though/even if10Do you doubt _well see the film this afternoon?No,I have no doubt_our monitor will get the tickets.答案:that;that.翻译句子1据报道,近日气温将明显下降。(It is reported that,decline)_答案:It is repor

      3、ted that the temperature will decline sharply in one or two days.2在任何情况下我都不相信你的话。(in/under no circumstances放在句首)_答案:In/Under no circumstances will I believe you.3这是普京(Putin)第三次当选俄罗斯总统。(It was.time.)_答案:It was the third time that Putin had been elected Russias president.4疾病使他失去了一个正常的童年。(rob.of.)_答案:The illness robbed him of a normal childhood.5就我们而言,你什么时候走都行。(as far as.be concerned)_答案:As far as we are concerned,you can go whenever you want.阅读理解The pressure to feed Asias growing population has le

      4、d to dangerous levels of overfishing near Pacific coastlines.An example can be found in Sindangan,a fishing town in the southern Philippines.The areas once healthy fishing is in danger because of an increase in the number of fishing boats.Across the South China Sea,fish catches near shore have dropped since the 1980s.That drop has pushed fishermen to go offshore with bigger boats.Benjamin Francisco,an official with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization,says some of the methods the

      5、y use to increase their catches are harmful.These methods harm the ability of some species to reproduce.The fish watcher in Sindangan,Julie Buot,says most of the local fishermen use fine_mesh_nets.Such nets have been banned for years because they catch very young fish.To deal with problems like this,Benjamin Francisco has been thinking of the idea of licensing systems.The aim is to limit the number of boats on the water.Asia has the worlds largest fishing fleets (船队)They represent nearly 3 milli

      6、on of the worlds 4 million fishing boats.In some parts of Asia,there are increased efforts to control fleets and to ban fishing near shore.But these measures are costly.Benjamin Francisco says a lot of governments in Asia are not in a position to copy them.“The issues are deeply rooted in poverty (贫穷),the inability of local government to respond immediately,and no help from outside,” Benjamin Francisco said.In Sindangan,Wilfredo Ortega feeds a family of 9 children from fishing.On a recent day,he

      7、 caught only half a dollars worth of fish because of strong winds,and he had to return to shore.“In these months,it s quite hard,” he says,talking about the difficulty of saving money.“We can only save during the months of November,December,and January.We can save by catching young sardines (沙丁鱼)”The young sardines may feed Mr Ortegas family for now.But the catches today mean fewer big fish tomorrow.And they mean an even riskier future for those who depend on fishing when no other work is availa

      8、ble.语篇解读本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了由于亚洲人口增加带来的过度捕鱼问题。1The underlined part “fine mesh nets” refers to nets that_.Ameet the standard the government has setBhave very small spaces in betweenCare made of strong materialsDhave attractive appearance解析:词义猜测题。根据下文的because they catch very young fish可知,fine mesh nets指细网。答案:B2Whats the purpose of licensing systems?ATo protect big fish.BTo set young fish free.CTo control the number of fishing boats.DTo stop fishermen fishing on the water.解析:细节理解题。根据第五段的The aim is to limit the number of boats on the water可知答案。答案:C3According to the text,many Asian governments_.Adont consider overfishing a serious problemBdont deal with overfishing for lack of moneyCfind it hard to ban fishing near shoreDlearn from other successful examples解析:推理判断题。根据第七段中的But these measures


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