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    • 1、 Unit 22 Environmental Protection单元检测A语言基础扎根练阅读理解提速练语言基础扎根练.单词拼写/用所给词的适当形式填空1The report advocated (主张) that all buildings should be fitted with smoke detectors.2He was substituted (替代) for another midfielder because of his injury.3They will condemn (谴责) you for your selfishness.4Sometimes I wonder if my teaching is relevant (有关的) to the future of the students.5All children should be encouraged to develop their full potential (潜能)6It is not worth sacrificing (牺牲) your health for your career.7The

      2、girl is always polite and considerate (体贴的) to her customers, which earns her a good reputation.8We were told that our rooms hadnt been reserved (预订) for that week, but for the week after.9The separation (separate) between us has proved to be a blessing for me.10Youd better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future reference (refer)11The rise of the novel was coincident (coincidence) with the decline of storytelling.12Dont try to threaten (threat) me. I wont compromise with you.1

      3、3The schools must adopt (adoption) new methods of teaching foreign languages.14Because of the financial (finance) problem, they had no choice but to announce bankruptcy.15The local government raised large sums for highway construction (construct).单句改错 1It is sleeping late in the morning that leads to my late for work.my前加being2Obviously, giving the impossibility, we have to do the next best thing.givinggiven3All the players insisted that the judge treated them equally and fairly during the match

      4、es. treatedtreat4Tom went out of the room hurriedly, leaving the tap run.runrunning5That affected me and it seemed that as if it had happened only yesterday. 去掉第二个that6Ill show you how to accomplish each step in turns in the next several sections.turnsturn7I caught him by his arm as soon as I caught sight of him.histhe8It is coincidence of life, but it is also a destiny of our history.coincidence前加a.补全句子/一句多译 1再有一个小时,我也能理解答出这道题。Given_(give)_another_hour,_I can also work out the problem.2有一些艺术家敢于

      5、脱离传统的艺术形式。There are some artists who are brave enough to break_away_from_the_traditional_art_forms.3听懂英语口语绝非易事。It is by_no_means easy to understand spoken English.4他的职业迫使他长时间的离开家人。His occupation condemned_him_to_spend long periods away from his family.5现代科学已给出了明显的证据,吸烟会导致许多疾病。Modern science has given clear evidence that smoking_can_lead_to_many_diseases.6玛格丽特预订了她在新加坡最喜欢的饭店。Margaret made_a_reservation in her favorite hotel in Singapore.7你最好不要做任何超出你权利的事,否则你就会陷入困境。Youd better not do anything beyond

      6、_your_power,_or you will get into trouble.8如果你对酒精过敏,可以换成四分之一杯的白醋。If you are sensitive to alcohol, you can substitute_1/4_cup_of_white_vinegar_for_it. If you are sensitive to alcohol, you can substitute_it_with/by_1/4_cup_of_white_vinegar.阅读理解提速练ACome to meet our stars! The worldfamous Ringling Bros. Circus is building up the excitement one hour before the show begins. At the All Access PreShow children of all ages are invited to join our performers on the show floor. Its your chance to be right

      7、in the middle of the circus action. You can learn circus skills and get signatures from extraordinary circus stars, try on a traditional ringmaster jacket and be part of our dance party!Gypsy Gomes comes from Argentina where she was taught her circus skills as a child. She will leave your head spinning as she controls up to 80 hula hoops (呼啦圈) while balancing on a huge mirror ball. Having many hoops thrown in her direction all at once is just one of her many talents.Emily Ryan gives thrilling pe

      8、rformances in her German Wheel. Her beauty and courage go hand in hand with her broad talents and tricks.With the most elegant touch, Emma Avery bravely steps out into thin air on a silver thread of wire, showing her skills not only of balance but of beautifully performed talents.The sixth generation Swiss circus artist, Rosita Gasser performs a unique and very modern display on the Roman Rings with skill, balance and style. Her strength and control during the performance has come from being a s

      9、ingle, double flying trapeze (空中飞人) from the young age of eight and a lifetime in the circus.To take advantage of this onceinalifetime experience, just visit ringlingbros. expapp. com from your iPhone or Android smartphone, provide your name, email and phone number to see the exciting experiences that are waiting for you!语篇解读:本文是一篇马戏团的演出广告,介绍了该团中著名表演者的表演项目和演出特色,最后给出了订票方式。1What can a child do at the All Access PreShow?ARecord the performance.BSwap signatures with the circus stars.CTry on a traditional ringmaster jacket.DTake some photos with the circus stars.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句中的“try on a traditional ringmaster jacket and be part of our dance party”可知,观众可以试穿马戏团表演指挥的夹克,故C项正确。2Where did Gypsy pick up her circus skills?AIn Argentina.BIn Germany.CIn Switzerland. DIn


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