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2015年高中英语 unit2 growing pains task教案 牛津译林版必修1

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86858420
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:44KB
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    • 1、Unit 2 Growing painsPeriod 5 TaskSkills building 1: asking for and giving adviceTeaching aims: 1. Teach students how to ask for and giving advice2. Improve their abilities of listening and speakingTeaching important points:Make sure students know how to ask for and give adviceTeaching methods:1. Listening-and-answering activities to help students practice asking for and giving advice2. Individual, pair or group practiceTeaching procedures:Step one: Lead-in Ask the students how to ask for and giv

      2、e advice, then let them focus on the guidewords on page 32. Step two: Listening 1. Ask students to listen to five people asking for advice. Make sure they understand what they are listening and they know what problems the five people are asking for advice.2. Ask them to listen again and complete the notes.3. Let them discuss whether they have the same problems and how to deal with the problems, Step three: Listen to a radio phone-in program1. In this program, four teenagers call the host to talk

      3、 about their problems and ask for advice. Students are asked to write down a proper name below each picture on page 33 according to what they ll learn from the tape.2. Listening 3. Checking answers together.4. Picture description. ( form) Picture No.ProblemsSolutionsPicture onePicture twoPicture threePicture fourAsk students to describe each picture according to the tape.Step four: Consolidation If possible, ask students to finish listening practice on page 100. Homework:1. Go over what they hav

      4、e learnt in this period.2. Preview Skill building two.Skills building 2: reading for the main pointTeaching aims:1. Provide students chances to develop reading skills by reading four diary entries.2. Help students to use reading skill to identify the main points of the four diary entries and tell some details in the letter asking for advice.Teaching Important and difficult points: Reading for the main pointTeaching method:Reading to get the main points of the reading materialTeaching procedures:

      5、Step One: Warming upGet students to read the instructions and know how to read for the main point.Catch the main point and l Focus on descriptive words or expressionsStep Two: Reading1 Read the four diary entries and fill in the form. Ask students to read four diary entries and underline the main points of each entry and circle the key words that show the mood of the writer. Ask students to finish the task in a group of four and each member of the group is in charge of one diary entry.EntriesMai

      6、n pointsThe first diary entryToday has been .The second diary entryWe had. I am .The third diary entryFailed, .dont .The fourth diary entryAll. for nothing2.read the diary entries again and answer:(1) Why did Christina call the radio show last week?(2) 2. What advice did George give? (3) Did Christina follow his advice? What did she do?(4) How do they get on with each other?Step Three: Reading the letter asking for advice1. Get students to read the letter from Liu Zhen to an advice column in a m

      7、agazine and answer the following questions:(1) Who wrote this letter?(2) To whom is the letter written? Why is the letter written?(3) What is the main idea of this letter?(4) Which words or expressions are used to make the main point?2. Ask students to finish answering the questions on page 35.3. Ask the students to discuss how many parts can this letter divided and point out the main point of each part.Step Four: Practice Finish reading exercises on page 98-992 Read again and decide true or fal

      8、se on page 35. Then check the answers.Step Five: DiscussionHave you ever had a problem with your parents similar to Liu Zhen s son? If so, who do you solve it? Homework:1. Finish the Ex on workbook.2 Review the words and expressions in this unit. Skills building 3: planning a letter of replyTeaching aims:1.To develop writing skills by reading the tips. 2.Help students to improve their ability of writing a letter of advice correctly3.To understand the main point of the letter.Teaching Important a

      9、nd difficult points: Enable students to write a letter of advice in a correct way.Teaching method:Practicing to improve students writing skillTeaching procedures:Step One: Warming upT: Whenever we receive a letter asking for advice, its important to plan what were going to write.Some suggestions to help you in your planning: Find the main points of the letter asking for adviceAnswer each of these points directlyDo not give advice for points not discusses in the letter Offer comfort and support. Do not find fault with the person you are writing to. Use modal verbs such as should or must, phrases such as make sure, or imperative to give your advice.Step Two: Reading1. Read the two letters, and discuss with

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