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2018届高三英语总复习 第一部分 回归教材 unit 4 astronomy:the science of the stars随堂演练 新人教版必修3

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86858403
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:111.50KB
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    • 1、Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars .单词拼写1Their education _ (体系) was perfect.2I hope you will recover soon under this enjoyable _(气候)3He felt _(鼓励)by the progress he had made.4The manager doesnt _(允许)us to use the computer.5The news that they were defeated _(传遍)to the capital.6Tornadoes are _ (猛烈的)whirlwinds which vary in their width from a few yards to 1,300 feet.7The small boat was _(漂浮)on the surface of the water.8A great _(块)of rock had fallen from the cliff and now blocked the road.9F

      2、rom these observations we conclude that the moon has little or no _(大气层)10These kittens look exactly _(一样的). Can you tell them apart?答案1system2.climate3.encouraged4.allow5.spread6violent7.floating8.block9.atmosphere10.alike.单句语法填空1She is a very _ (religion) person who goes to church every Sunday.2This kind of plants has been in _ (exist) for millions of years.3Ive been _ (puzzle) over all the figures, trying to find what happened to the missing money.4We live in a _ (globe) village, but this doe

      3、snt mean that we all behave in the same way.5Last night we had a discussion, which became more and more violent. Finally we reached an agreement that we will never use _ (violent) whatever happens.6Reading in the sun is _ (harm) to your eyes.7The wind is blowing _ (gentle)8It was my friends who gave me a great deal of _ (encourage)9The desertification accounted for good farmlands _ (disappear)10Her teacher pointed out her mistake with _ (patient)11The boy was lucky enough to escape _ ( punish) b

      4、y telling a lie.12Over the past five years Tom _ (go) through a lot of hardships.13When Im feeling sad, my mother tells me funny stories to cheer me _.14He described the three ways _ the problem could be solved.15Only by practising time and time again can you get the hang _ the grammar rules.16She married at 25 and gave birth _ her first child shortly after.17Tom got up late, thus _ (miss) the early bus.18Last night a fire broke _ in the hotel across the street.19The fireworks exploded _ all dir

      5、ections.20This garden is three times _ big as that one.答案1religious2.existence3.puzzling4.global5violence6.harmful7.gently8.encouragement9disappearance10.patience11.being punished12has gone13.up14.that15.of16.to17.missing18out19.in20.as.单句改错1There is so much rain on the island that its annual rainfall reaches as many as sixty inches._2The problem of pollution is worth paying attention._3This is such interesting a film that I have seen it twice._4When people in the room heard someone crying“Fire!

      6、 Fire!”they were seized by panic and began to run towards all directions._5Teachers can help them learn to take risks in an atmosphere that they feel confident about doing so._6Because there is no air or wind on the moon, the footprints may stay there for million of years._答案1many改为much2.attention后加to3.such改为so4towards改为in5.that改为where6million改为millions.语法填空Visitors to Britain may find the best place _1_ enjoy local culture is in a traditional pub. But newcomers may get into trouble in these fri

      7、endly pubs. Strangers may start with the difficulty of getting a drink. Most pubs have no waitersyou have to go to the bar (吧台) to buy drinks. This may sound _2_ (convenient), but English people are used to doing so.Pub culture is formed _3_ (help) people get along with each other. Standing at the bar for service allows you to chat with others _4_ (wait) for drinks. The bar counter is _5_ (possible) the only place in Britain _6_ a friendly conversation with strangers _7_ (consider) to be entirel

      8、y proper and really quite normal, _8_, if you do not follow the local rules, you may fail to feel the local culture. For example, if you are in a big group, _9_ is best for one or two people to go to buy the drinks. Nothing makes the regular customers and bar staff _10_ (angry) than a group of strangers standing in front of the bar while they chat and wonder what to order.答案1to2.inconvenient3.to help4.waiting5.possibly6where7.is considered8.however9.it10.angrier.短文改错A few days ago when taking th

      9、e walk with my mother in the park, I came across a foreigner. Judged by his puzzled expression, I thought he might in need of help. So I went up and asked whether I could help him in English. He told me he had got lost. He had turned to several passerby for help, and they couldnt speak English. Then he told me his destination. Fortunately, I was quite familiar to the place. In order to make myself understand, I told him how to go there as clear as possible. Although it was the first time that I have

      《2018届高三英语总复习 第一部分 回归教材 unit 4 astronomy:the science of the stars随堂演练 新人教版必修3》由会员san****019分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018届高三英语总复习 第一部分 回归教材 unit 4 astronomy:the science of the stars随堂演练 新人教版必修3》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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