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江苏省响水县老舍中学2015届中考英语一轮复习 八上 unit 6 natural disasters

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86848971
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
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  • 文档大小:100.50KB
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、Unit 6 Natural disasters复习目标:1,能了解自然灾害的种类,掌握相关词汇,写一篇关于自然灾害的文章。2,能正确使用过去进行时以及其各种句型。3,掌握while和when在过去进行时中的应用。Task 1:Words1, 默写下列单词 1自然的 2事故 3冲掉 4暴雨 5摇动(n.)6,失去控制的 7方向 8想法 9有风的 10天气11急忙 12大声地 13状况 14消防队员 15士兵16 到达 n. 17讨论 18 持续 19引起 20破碎2,Do exercises (见随堂检测 第一题)Task2: the important phrases and sentences 将冲走_ 镇定下来_ 把.搬走 _ 走出教室 _ 着火 _ 变得更坏_ 损坏,出毛病_ 匆忙做某事_ mopup_ in fear_ run in all directions_ say to oneself _ be covered with _ the time of arrival _ drop to -5_ advise sb. (not) to do sth. _1.Phrases

      2、 英汉互译2.the important sentences (ways: read& remember) 1,Whos going to mop it up if you dont come with me? 2,People were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones. 3,It rained heavily last night.= There was a heavy rain last night 4,Mr Wu told us to go home./ Mr Wu warned us not to run. 5,The snow covers the whole place. = The whole place is covered with the snow. 6,We could do nothing but walk slowly in the storm.3.Do exercises (见随堂检测 第二题)4.Tell the differences between them (discussion

      3、 in your group) (1)fall down /come down /calm down When we face to the danger,we should first.The children were playing ball games while a football were .The house began to when the earthquake started. (2) alive /living /lively Mr Li often makes our lessons and interesting,we all like him If we dont protect the invironment , there will be no animals . I told myself to calm down since I was still .Task3:Grammar (一),Past continuous tense(过去进行时) 过去进行时的用法: 1,在过去某一时刻正在进行的动作或发生的事。如:My mother was water

      4、ing the flowers at this time yesterday. 2,在过去某一阶段一直在进行的动作。From 2001 to 2011, she was teaching in this school. 3,常用的时间状语:at +具体时刻 +过去时间 ,at this time +过去时间,at that time/moment 过去进行时的句式 : 基本结构是was/were +现在分词。否定式在was/were 后面加not, 即 was/were not +现在分词,疑问句将was/were 提到主语前面。肯定句 I as watching TV at that time. / 否定句 I wasnt watching TV at that time. / 一般疑问句-Were you watching TV at that time. - Yes ,I was /No, I wasnt.【中考链接】 ( ) (2011.盐城)I along the road when I saw Peter. So we stopped and had a chat. A.w

      5、alked B was walking C. would walk D had walked(2) 连词while,when与过去进行时 1,当两个延续性动词同时进行时,两个句子中都有那个过去进行时,并用while连接。 如:We were playing computer games while my mother was cooking . 2, 在延续性动词进行的过程中发生了短暂性动作,可以用when 或while 来连接这两个动作,较长的动作用过去进行时表示,较短的动作用一般过去时表示。 如:Our teacher came into the classroom while we were talking noisily . We were going shopping when the earthquake started .3, 尽管when 和while都可以和延续性动词连用,但通常短暂性动词只和when连用。如:Lily was doing her homework when the telephone rang .4, 当when 和while引导的从句放在前面时,要

      6、加逗号隔开两个句子。 如:When a snowball hit me ,I fell over . 【中考链接】 ( )(2011.梧州)I met a good friend of mine while I on the street . A walks B walk C was walking D am walking(三)Do exercises (见随堂检测 第三题)Task 4: Spoken English1,Whats the weather like today? Today is sunny/cloudy/windy.2, The temperature is going to drop to .3, What were you doing there ? I was .4, What a terrible snowstorm!5, How long did the fire last ? It lasted for .Task: 5 Writing about a natural disasters (见随堂检测 第六题)Task 6:Summary Task 7

      7、:Do Exercise (完成随堂练习剩余部分10 minutes)Task 8:Homework1.预习下一课时早读材料和练习 2.整理错题集Test for 8A Unit 6一, 词汇。1,(2011.盐城Its dangerous to run w in all directions when an earthquake happens.2, ( 2011.兰州) Many people died in (自然的)disasters every year .3 (2011.滨州)-Why didnt you come and open the door for me ,dear? -Oh ,sorry, I (cook)in the kitchen .I didnt hear you .4, Dont forget to _ (摇晃) the medicine before you take it.5, The (arrive)of their mother made the children happy.6, What a (fog) day !I even cant see things nearby clearly .7, Bad weather!And we will have even (bad) weather tomorrow .8, A large number of people were _ ( 围困 )underground in Wenchuan Earthquake.9, (2008.镇江) The programme started with a (discuss) about the problem .10 The te

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