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2018中考英语总复习 第二轮 题型全接触五 完形填空习题课件 人教新目标版

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86458281
  • 上传时间:2019-03-20
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    • 1、(人教版),中考题型五 完形填空,英语,1考查内容 完形填空是全国各省、地、市中考的必考题型,在中考英语试卷中一般占总分的10%15%。从近几年的中考命题趋势来看,完形填空基本上遵循“突出语篇,强调应用,注重实际”的设计思路,注重测试考生运用所学的知识,对文章提供的信息进行逻辑推理、分析归纳的综合能力。完形填空考查考生对语法、词汇、句型、句式、词语惯用法等的掌握情况,特别是考查动词、名词、形容词、副词等实词,此外还有状语从句的连接词、词组搭配及常用的词语、冠词、不定代词等。,2考查难度 完形填空题型综合性较高,难度较大。具体地说,虽然完形填空首句不挖空,但是四个选项(个别试题给出三个选项)都有较强的迷惑性和干扰性,同时命题者加大了句子的层次和语篇层次设空所占的比例,有些后置性设空的难度也较大,有的答案提示一直到篇末才出现,因此区分度较高。 3试题特点 完形填空的基本设计形式都是从一篇短文中抽走1015处,形成空白。可以说完形填空是根据一篇文章所提供的情景进行的选择填空,也可以说它是在缺少个别单词的情况下的阅读理解,试题特点也逐渐出现了“情景推理多,语法选项少”的趋势。,预计2016年中

      2、考完形填空题将继续体现“突出语篇”的命题原则,即“意义填空逐步取代语法填空”,题材和体裁的选取会更加的生活化、多样化,选材内容新颖,时代感强,更加注重贴近学生的生活实际。加大对文章的结构意义、上下文衔接、逻辑思维等内容的考查,将是中考完形填空的命题趋势。,1重视首句,把握开篇 完形填空一般无标题,首句通常不挖空,是完整的一句。细读首句,可判断文章体裁,同时可预测文章的主旨和大意。 2通读全文,掌握大意 解题前,要快速掌握全文,了解文章的基本内容和整体结构。首先要跳过空白处,通读全文,遇到对意思理解不透的地方时,仍要快速阅读下去,不要把时间浪费在对个别字句的推敲上,应全力以赴捕捉可能获得的所有信息,尽快了解文章大意,弄清楚文章中涉及到的“W”即who(人物),what(事件),when(时间),where(地点),why(原因),whose(相互关系)。切忌看一空填一空,以免断章取义,误解作者的本意。,3瞻前顾后,逐步填空 “瞻前顾后”,即答题时要回顾上一句,兼顾下一句。如果一句中有两个空白处待填,在初定答案时要“双管齐下”,在两处同时试填,然后通读全句,通过择优法或排除法最后确定答案。

      3、 4抓住关键词,根据上下文解题 解题时,要善于发现文章中起重要作用的关键词、短语或句子,以便准确了解所提问题的特定语境以及语篇中的内在关系,做到言之有据。比如文章的第一句、每段的第一句和最后一句等,它们往往是全文或全段的主题句,通过它们可以知道文章的题材、大意、时间、人物和事件等。,5复读全文,验证答案 把填好的短文通读一遍,将不合题意的答案调整或修改;如果实在无法确定,可以作推理性猜测,不可放弃不填。进行核查同时注意以下三点: (1)上下文的一致性:即时态语态的一致;代词、名词、单复数的一致。 (2)语法和惯用法及习惯搭配、甚至语感入手,看是否符合上下文的逻辑。 (3)段与段、句与句之间的衔接是否连贯。,(一)记叙篇 A(2015,六盘水) A long time ago,there was an emperor.He had a beautiful _1_In the garden,there was a little nightingale(夜莺)singing very beautifully. One day,the emperor heard about this litt

      4、le birds beautiful _2_He asked his guards to bring her to him.When the emperor heard the nightingales voice,he said,“Put her _3_ a golden cage,so she can stay and sing for me whenever I want to hear her. The little bird was so unhappy about being kept in the cage that she stopped _4_ one day.The emperor was very angry.He ordered the scientists in his palace to make a robot bird for him.The bird could sing very beautifully,_5_The emperor was pleased.,Soon the robot bird became old.It no longer sa

      5、ng beautiful songs.Just at that time,the emperor was ill and he became very weak.One morning,while _6_ in bed,the emperor wanted it to sing once _7_But the robot bird _8_ sing any more.Suddenly,the nightingale landed on the window.She began to sing her most beautiful song.The emperor was very happy! He became _9_ each day. After the emperor was well,he changed a lot and became kind _10_ his people.From then on,all his people cherished(爱戴)him for his love and kindness.,( )1.A.park Bhouse Cgarden

      6、Ddoor ( )2.A.noise Bvoice Csound Dnoisy ( )3.A.in Bon Cfor Dfrom ( )4.A.to sing Bsing Csings Dsinging ( )5.A.also Bso Ctoo Deither ( )6.A.jumping Bstanding Clying Drunning ( )7.A.again Btwo Csecond Dtwice ( )8.A.can Bcould Cdont Dcouldnt ( )9.A.weaker and weaker Btaller and taller Cbetter and better Dyounger and younger ( )10.A.at Bto Con Din,C,B,A,D,C,C,A,D,C,B,B(2015,凉山) A special present was given to me when I was 12 years old.It was _1_ That was the early autumn of my first year at a high sc

      7、hool,and my old school was far away.As a result,no one knew who I was.I was very _2_,and afraid to make friends with anyone. Every time I heard the other students talking and _3_.I felt my heart break.I couldnt talk to anyone about my problem,and I didnt want my parents to worry about me.,Then one morning,my classmates had fun talking with their friends,but I sat at my desk _4_ as usual.At that moment,a boy entered the classroom.I didnt know who he was.He walked past me and then turned back.He l

      8、ooked at me and,_5_ a word,smiled.Suddenly,I felt the touch of _6_ and friendly.It made me feel happy,lively and warm. That smile _7_ my life.I started to talk with the other students and make friends.Day by day,I became closer to everyone in my class.The boy with the lucky smile _8_ my best friend now. One day,I asked him _9_ he smiled and said nothing that morning,but he couldnt remember smiling at me!,It doesnt matter _10_ all the dark days have gone.Now I believe that the world is what you t

      9、hink it is.If you think you are lonely,you might always be alone.So smile at the world and it will smile back.,( )1.A.a smile Ba problem Ca book Da card ( )2.A.happy Blonely Cclever Dfriendly ( )3.A.laugh Blaughing Claughed Dto laugh ( )4.A.happy Bhappily Cunhappy Dunhappily ( )5.A.in Bwith Cwithout Dfor ( )6.A.anything bright Bsomething sad Canything sad Dsomething bright ( )7.A.changed Bbroke Cwon Dlost ( )8.A.become Bhas become Chave become Dwill become ( )9.A.why Bthat Cwho Dwhen ( )10.A.but Bso Cbecause Dalthough,A,B,B,D,C,D,A,B,A,C,C(2015,北京) The Phone Call It was getting dark.Paul looked out of the window and sighed(叹气)Dad said he could come home by 5:30,but it was almost 7:00.Even if Dad came back,it wouldnt be much fun playing _1_ in the dark.Paul walked into his room and

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