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高中英语必修一《Unit3 Travel Journal》全英文说课稿

  • 卖家[上传人]:hu****a8
  • 文档编号:78024838
  • 上传时间:2019-02-11
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:36.50KB
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    • 1、高中英语必修一Unit3 Travel Journal优秀说课稿Good morning, teachers! its my pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. The content of the lesson is new senior English for china students book1 unit3:travel journal.First, let me introduce the teaching material. This unit is to introduce the travelling to us. The reading passage is the center of this unit. It is the most important teaching material in this lesson, which contains most of the vocabularies and grammar points that students should learn.Secondl

      2、y, I want to tell something about the students. Although the students have the basic abilities of learning, speaking, reading and writing, They still need many opportunities to practice what they have learned and to develop their autonomous learning ability and cooperative learning ability.Therefore, after analyzing the teaching material and students, I put forward the teaching aims. According to the English syllabus and new lesson standard, I will talk about them from knowledge aim, ability aim

      3、 and emotional aim .The knowledge aim is to help students understand and master the new words, phrases and sentence patterns. The ability aim is to grasp some reading ability such as guessing, skimming, scanning and so on. The emotional aim is to make students love our country and nature.Fourthly, the important and difficult points.Based on the requirement of the syllabus,The important point is to help students understand the whole passage and be able talk about the travel in English The difficu

      4、lt point is the new words, expressions and grammar rules.Fifthly ,teaching procedureIn order to realize the teaching process systematically, I divide the teaching process into six steps.Step one lead- in“Interest is the best teacher”, therefore, at the very beginning of the class, I should spark the students mind to focus on the central topic” travelling” .I will show the photos of some beautiful places on powerpoint ,then ask students:do you like travel? why do you like travel? After answering

      5、the questions, the students will be eager to know something about the passage, and this is the very time to naturally lead the class into step2.Step2, read for information: skimming and scanningIn this step, I will use task-based language teaching method, which can give students a clear and specific purpose while skimming and scanning the passage.Task one :general idea The students will be asked to just glance at the title, and then guess what will read in the text. Theyll be divided into four g

      6、roups to have a discussion.The purpose of this task is to develop students reading skill by making prediction and encourage students to express their thoughts in English. Task two: main idea of each paragraph Cooperative learning can raise students interest and creat an atmosphere of achievement. Based on this theory, I divide the whole class into four groups, let them skim the whole text and discuss the main idea of each paragraph with other group members. Then choose a reporter to share their

      7、opinions with the whole class.Step three read for comprehensionThe purpose of reading is to get the correct and useful information. Students should not only have a high speed of reading, but also have a correct understanding of details. Therefore, the following practice can help check the situation. What was Wang Kun and Wang Weis idea of a good trip?Who planned the trip to the Mekong? Where is the source of the Mekong and which sea does it enter?Step 4 solving difficult language problems Its im

      8、portant for English learners to learn important grammar rules and use these rules to solve problems in reality. In the process of reading, the students must come across some difficult language obstacles. so its necessary for us to discuss and explain them. This period of time belongs to the students. They can ask any questions they come across. Ill explain the questions. The purpose of this step is to improve the students “questioning spiritStep5 consolidationLanguage is learned by communicating

      9、. Its my job to creat an atmosphere for students to use the language. Here I design two activities.Activity one retellingI will ask four students to retell the passage. I think its a good way to review what they have learned.Activity two role playWork in pairs. One student is Wang Kun and another is Wang Wei, choose a paragraph from the passage and use the information to make a dialogue.Step6 homework 1. read the passage as frequently as you can2. find out some words and sentences you think are beautiful and recite them.Sixly, blackboard design

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