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    • 1、Prof. Liang Aimin 梁爱民副教授,Practical English Writings 实用英语应用文写作,6.Letters of Thanks 感谢信,1. Introduction 概述,在日常生活和工作中,感谢信应用范围很广。当收到馈赠、邀请、赴宴、照顾、款待、慰问、吊唁、祝贺时,写信道谢乃人之常情。在商务活动中,对雇员的建议,客户的订货,供应商的优质服务,银行、商会或友邻的信息提供等等,均应写信致谢。感谢信能帮助加强联系、增进友谊、树立企业的良好形象。,感谢信应态度诚恳、热情洋溢,不能过于简短,以免使收信人造成敷衍了事、言不由衷的错觉。 感谢信通常包括如下内容:一是对对方的馈赠、帮助、关心和邀请等表示由衷的感谢,二是说明对方的馈赠、帮助、关心和邀请等所起的作用和对自己的意义,三是表示希望日后有机会定当答谢对方,并在结尾再次致谢。,2.Commonly-Used Sentences on Letters of Thanks 感谢信常用句型,1) Thank you very much for 2) Many thanks for your 3) Please a

      2、ccept my sincere appreciation for 4) I am truly grateful to you for 5) It was good (thoughtful) of you 承蒙好意(关心) 6) You were so kind to send,7)Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality(盛情款待) and I am looking forward to seeing you soon. 8)I hope I can reciprocate (回报)your kindness when you come to 9) Thanks a million ( or Thanks ever so much) 10) Oceans of thanks (感谢之至) 11) I cannot tell you how much your letter delighted (愉快) (relieved, amused, enchanted 轻松) me. 12) Please accept my sincere

      3、appreciation for 请接受我对衷心感谢。,13) I sincerely appreciate 14) I am very sincerely grateful to you for 15) I wish to express my profound appreciation for 我对深表感谢。 16) Many thanks for your generous cooperation. 谢谢贵方的真诚合作。,Thank You Sincerely,3. Specimen 1)Thanks for Favor谢恩惠,Dear Mrs. Green: My daughter has written to tell that you have been very kind to her during her stay in New York. My husband and I deeply appreciate your Courtesy(对此深感谢意), and we do hope youll come to stay together with us for a f

      4、ew days when you are in Beijing. Thank you for your many kindness to Lin Fang. Sincerely yours, Li Lan,2.Thanks for Hospitability谢款待,Dear Prof. Smith, Many thanks for your hospitability and the honor you showed me during my recent visit to your country. It was thoughtful of you to introduce me to so many of your famous professors and learned scholars in your Country. I have learned a lot from them. I returned to China safe and sound last Friday, and have resumed my work now.,I hope you will some

      5、 day visit our country with its ancient history and beautiful scenery, and give us some lectures on “ Modern English Literature”. Please have no hesitation in writing to me should you want me to do something for you in China. With best wishes, I remain.(祝好) Yours sincerely, David Li,3.Thanks for Help,Dear Alice, I wish there were a better word than “thanks” to express my appreciation of your help in making the celebration of our School Founders Day(校庆庆祝会) a success. Thanks for giving me the thri

      6、ll of bringing your wonderful work to the attention of the trustees at our celebration.(在庆祝会上,您对校董事们的招待工作做得很出色,使我感动。谢谢。) All my best wishes. Sincerely Salley,4. Thanks for Recommendation 谢推荐,Dear Professor Smith, I think youll be pleased to know that I have been hired as Human Resources Assistant manager(人力资源部助理经理) of Huawei Co. I will begin to work on May 1st. Please accept my sincere thanks for your reference and your thorough coaching(推荐以及各方面的教诲) I received at Hunan University. With best wish

      7、es. Faithfully yours, Porsia Yang,Dear Alice, Many thanks for your coming to see me off at the airport. The warmth of friendship has accompanied me through the whole flight, and made my journey pleasant and comfortable. I arrived safely at Hong Kong this afternoon, and shall write you again later. Sincerely yours, Jack,5. Thanks for Seeing Off,6. Thanks for Dinner,Dear Mr. Song, Thank you for inviting me and some of my colleagues to dine with you last night. It was an enjoyable occasion and an e

      8、xcellent dinner. As you know, we value our long-established relationship with the Peoples Republic of China, and with the Ministry of Foreign Trade(对外贸易部) in particular, and look forward to doing more business with them and to many future years ahead of increased cooperation. Yours sincerely James,7.Thanks for Coming to the Hospital 谢探病,Dear Lucy, Thanks for your kind visit which has helped me to forget the lonesomeness and minimize the pain of my illness. Curiously enough, the doctor says that

      9、I am over the hump and should be improving steadily. It is nice to think that your friendship and comfortable remarks have contributed to my coming around.,The doctor assured me if such improvement continued, I should be able to leave the sickbed within a few days. You can imagine how the news has cheered me up. Sincerely yours, Jim,8. Thanks for Gifts,Dear Mr. Martin: I want to thank you for the beautiful roses you sent to my mother. She was very happy and pleased when she saw they were from you. I m glad to say she is recovering, and I hope she will soon be able to leave the hospital. We both send you our warmest thanks for the flowers and your very kind wishes. Sincerely, John Granby,9.Thanks for Order from Customers 感谢客户订货,Gentlemen: Thank you for your order. We hope you will be fully pleased with the goods we supply, and that we are very glad to count you among our regular customers(固定客户). Please let us know if you do not receive our


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