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    • 1、,Reading,3 read the text again and decide if the following statements are true or false.,Vanessa stein starts to organize her day before she gets to work. In the future Vanessa will continue to work in exactly the same way as she does today. The restaurant has not changed since the Steins bought it. The majority of McDonalds restaurants in the UK are not franchises. Vanessas husband did his training after having been accepted as a franchisee. Every two weeks they receive an independent evaluatio

      2、n of now their business is performing. Vanessa fells that she is best at working directly with customers. All of the administrative work is now done in electronic form. If she didnt have children, she would probably stay longer at work.,T,F,F,T,F,F,F,T,F,New words Bagel, muffin, donut, bakery, beverage, shake, specialize in,Dunkin Donuts is an international doughnut and coffee retailer founded in 1950 by William Rosenberg in Quincy, Massachusetts; it is now headquartered in Canton. While the com

      3、pany originally focused on doughnuts and other baked goods, over half of its business today is in coffee sales, making it more of a competitor to Starbucks.,Baskin-Robbins Baskin-Robbins is a global chain of ice cream parlors founded by Burt Baskin and Irv Robbins in 1953, from the merging of their respective ice cream parlors, in Glendale, California. It claims to be the worlds largest chain of ice cream specialty stores, with more than 5,800 locations, 2,800 of which are located in the United

      4、States. Baskin-Robbins sells ice cream in over 30 countries. The company is headquartered in Canton, Massachusetts.,p,Listening,1 Listen to Janis Errickson, a franchisee with Dunkins Donuts, talking about the organization that she is a part of. Complete the diagram below.,$100,000,7 $100,000,3 $200,000,Minimum capital required:,9 1977,1950,2 1995,First franchise:,sandwiches,6 ice cream, beverages, sodas and shakes,1 bakey goods, bagels, muffins, donuts and coffee,Specialises in:,8 Togos,5 Baskin

      5、 Robbins,Donkins Donuts,Franchise company:,Parent company 4 Allied Domecq,Listening,2 Now listen to Janis talking about how to run a franchise successfully. What reasons does she give for paying particular attention to the following things?,dedication instability unpredictable,Vocabulary,1 Match the words from the text with their corresponding definitions.,1 a challenge 2 maintenance 3 a booking 4 a report 5 to tackle 6 to update 7 records 8 a payroll 9 to focus 10 paperwork,a reservation a list

      6、 of employees and the wages they are paid work involving written or printed documents to review and include recent changes a piece of writing giving information on a particular subject to pay special attention a difficult but exciting thing to do keeping equipment in good condition to deal with written documents containing information about the past,Vocabulary,2 Complete the following questionnaire using words from Vocabulary 1. Change the form of the words where necessary,When working with othe

      7、r people do you _ on the work that you can do best? When preparing a written _ do you list the different sections then make a brief summary of what you will include in each?,Yes,Yes,No,No,focus,report,Vocabulary,2 Complete the following questionnaire using words from Vocabulary 1. Change the form of the words where necessary,Do you _ your address book as soon as people move? Do you organise your _ so that documents are grouped according to subjects?,Yes,Yes,No,No,update,paperwork,Vocabulary,2 Co

      8、mplete the following questionnaire using words from Vocabulary 1. Change the form of the words where necessary,Do you enjoy the _ of doing new and perhaps more complicated work? Do you regularly do _ work to make sure that equipment works efficiently?,Yes,Yes,No,No,challenge,maintenance,Vocabulary,2 Complete the following questionnaire using words from Vocabulary 1. Change the form of the words where necessary,Do you keep clear _ of the work that you have already done? Do you _ the most difficul

      9、t pieces of work first?,Yes,Yes,No,No,records,tackle,Vocabulary development: suffixes,Look at the way these nouns are formed.,1 say the nouns and stems. Which nouns have the same main stress as their stem? Which nouns have a different main stress? Same: assessment effectiveness Different: regular regularity administer administration,Vocabulary development: suffixes,3 What other nouns do you know with these suffixes? Add two more to each column.,confirmation reservation,complexity liability,lateness effectiveness,arrangement management,-ation,-ity,-ness,-ment,Language Focus,Match the adverbs to their corresponding definitions.,Adverbs,For more information on adverbs and frequency, turn to page 167.,always,usually,sometimes,currently,already,eventually,recently,1 not long ago


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