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世界名牌02路易威登Louis Vuitton

  • 卖家[上传人]:飞***
  • 文档编号:48802063
  • 上传时间:2018-07-20
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    • 1、世界名牌 02 Louis Vuitton 123Louis Vuitton Malletier commonly referred to as Louis Vuitton (French: lwi vit, commonly Anglicized as /lui vitn/), or shortened to LV is a French fashion house founded in 1854. The label is well known for its LV monogram, which is featured on most products, ranging from luxury trunks and leather goods to ready-to-wear, shoes, watches, jewellery, accessories, sunglasses, and books. Louis Vuitton is one of the worlds leading international fashion houses. Louis Vuitton sel

      2、ls its products through standalone boutiques, lease departments in high-end department stores, and through the e- commerce section of its website. Since the 19th century, manufacture of Louis Vuitton goods have not changed: Luggage is still made by hand. Contemporary Fashion gives a preview of the creation of the LV trunks: “the craftsmen line up the leather and canvas, tapping in the tiny nails one by one and securing the five-letter solid pick- proof brass locks with an individual handmade key

      3、, designed to allow the traveler to have only one key for all of his or her luggage. The wooden frames of each trunk are made of 30-year-old poplar that has been allowed to dry for at least four years. Each trunk has a serial number and can take up to 60 hours to make, and a suitcase as many as 15 hours.” 4567Many of the companys products utilize the signature brown Damier and Monogram Canvas materials, both of which were first used in the late 19th century. All of the companys products exhibit

      4、the eponymous LV initials. The company markets its product through its own stores located throughout the world, which allows it to control product quality and pricing. It also allows LV to prevent counterfeit products entering its distribution channels. In addition, the company distributes its products through LouisV.4 Korean travel retailer Shilla Duty Free is on the verge of striking an agreement to open the worlds first Louis Vuitton airport store at Seoul Incheon International airport toward

      5、s the end of 2011. The Louis Vuitton Brand and the famous LV monogram are among the worlds most valuable brands. According to a Millward Brown 2010 study, Louis Vuitton is the worlds 29th most valuable brand, right after Wells Fargo and before Gillette . The brand itself is estimated to be worth USD 19.781 billion.891011路易威登创立于1854年,现隶属于法国专产高级奢华用品的Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton集团 。创始人是路易威登本人。 路易威登革命性地创制了平顶皮衣箱,并在巴黎开了第一间店铺。就像今天一样,他的设计 很快便被抄袭,平顶方形衣箱成为潮流。路易威登的皮箱最先是以灰色帆布镶面,1896年, 路易威登的儿子乔治用父亲姓名中的简写L及V配合

      6、花朵图案,设计出到今天仍蜚声国际的交 织字母印上粗帆布(MonogramCanvas)的样式。从设计最初到现在,印有“LV”标志这一独特图 案的交织字母帆布包,伴随着丰富的传奇色彩和雅典的设计而成为时尚之经典。100年来, 世界经历了很多变化,人们的追求和审美观念也随之而改变,但路易威登不但声誉卓然,而 今保持着无与伦比的魅力。 1998年2月,路易威登全球首家旗舰店在巴黎开业,此后第二家也在伦敦Bond大街开业。同 年的8月和9月,第三家和第四家旗舰店分别在日本大阪和美国纽约开业。每间店的经营范围 都包括路易威登传统的箱包系列、路易威登最新问世的男女成衣系列以及男女鞋系列。 1999年,路易威登在香港中环置地广场开设了一间旗舰店,占地两层,共6600平方米,店内 备有路易威登全线优质皮具,包括旅行箱、旅行袋、皮手袋、小巧皮制品、笔及崭新的男女 时装及皮鞋系列等,还提供私人皮具定制服务。路易威登品牌一百五十年来一直把崇尚精致 、品质、舒适的“旅行哲学”,作为设计的出发基础路易威登(Louis Vuitton)这个名字现已传 遍欧洲,成为旅行用品最精致的象征。121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950

      《世界名牌02路易威登Louis Vuitton》由会员飞***分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《世界名牌02路易威登Louis Vuitton》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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