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    • 1、第24卷第1期 2009年2月宿 州 学 院 学 报 Journal of Suzhou U niversityVol . 24,No. 1 Feb. 2009Jane Eyre i n Book and on ScreenZHUO Ran (Communication U niversity of China, Beijing China, 100024)Abstract: A s two different art form s, literature and fil m someti mes share si m ilarities and can be adapted to each oth2er. Focusing on the British classic Jane Eyre, this article is going to find out the differences in plots, characterizationstrategies and settings between the original novel and its fil m versions

      2、, and to explore the background under whichfil m adaptation from literary classics becomes increasingly popular and whether, in an age of fast- food culture andmassmedia, the faithfulness to the originalwork should be maintained.Key words: Fil m adaptation; O riginalworks; Jane EyreCLC. number: I207 Document code:A A rticl I D: 1673- 2006(2009)01- 0089- 03收稿日期: 2008208220 作者简介:卓然(1986- ),女,安徽宿州人,硕士研究生,研究方向:国际新闻与跨文化交流。A dapting literary classics for cinema has been fil m2markersfancy even since t

      3、he earliest day when fil m industry began. W e can name lotsof fil m swhich tell exactly the same stories as the original novels do or which are si m ilar to the original works .Fil m adaptation has not only fulfilled the adaptorsdesire, starred numerous fil m2markers and actors but also has influence on the popularization of literature and certain cultures .The reason is obvious:“For most people, watching and listening are more pleasurable than reading.They are also easier than reading, whichin

      4、partexplainswhytheyaremore pleasurable”,“Even those who are highly literate of2 tenti mes succumb to the pleasures of listening and watching in preference to reading.Those who are il2 literate have no choice but to watch and listen and the sem iliterate have a li m ited choice.Even before the advent of the audio2visual age, reading in general and reading serious literature in particular has al ways been the privilege of the few”,“The advent of the electronic age, however, bought endless alternat

      5、ives to reading novels, plays, and short fictions, and in2 deed to most form s of the w ritten world”.On the one hand,this provides people from all classes a chance to learn literature from watching fil m s or TV plays,thus spreads the joy of appreciating classics which belonged to the upper circle to al most every2 body.It helps to raise the intellectual tone of society, cultivate the public m ind and refine peoples person2 nal life.But on the other hand, as A rthur Trace said, the“audio2visual

      6、 revolution is one more majorthreat to the preservation of our literary heritage.”It is“one of themost persistent threats to a thriving lit2 erary tradition”. W atching fil m s is not a two2way in2 teractive system and asks neither initiative nor cre2 ativity.It confinespeoples i magination which can be adoptedinreading.It makes people dull2w itted through its unidirectional inculcation and vulgarizes the classics of literature.Charlotte Brontes words, though stated early in 1848, may make thing

      7、s clear. Hearing that Jane Eyre had been put on the stage, she said to Sm ith W illiam s(a literary advisor to Sm ith, Elder the castle2formedNorth Reedsmanor in Derby Coun2 ty, Ridingsmanor and the Conyersmanor in Norton which has black oak paneling and i mpressive stairs (there was once a mad woman in the attic,too) make up of the i mages of Thornfield.Novels have their bases in realworld. So, when putting those i m2 agery characters and events on the screen, people should make them true to li

      8、fe and close to w riters description and most readersunderstanding. W hen Jane livesw ith A unt Reed and in the school, the sur2 roundingsmake readers feel cold because it isw inter2 ti me,the house is made of stone,and the people there have no sympathy. W hile stepping into Thorn2 fields hall, Jane sees a fireplace and meets M rs . Fairfax who is kind to her.The change from cold to warm means the turning point of her life, and this brings something new to Jane. Thew riter gives these sorts of d

      9、etails and plenty of i mages, such as bird, light, darkness, storm , food, ani mals, tree, book, water and al most all of them play i mportant roles . They work in concert w ith each other to do fully preparation and foreshadow ing for the later parts of the story, enabling the story to develop smoothly and naturally. A s for the style, Charlotte m ixes gothic, supernatural and mysterious atmosphere together and never forgets the romantic, picturesque and charm ing scenery of the nature. The change of scenes and feel2 ings are of same significance in fil m adaptation. But while novelists are experts of such jobs, fil m2makers and actorsmay be not. For people who are not w illing to read books or have no ti me to read, watching fil m s is to some ex2 tent a good way for them to receive(下转第69页)09困难。 例如,对文化遗产的调查评估与规范管理理念 落后;不当的城乡建设和土地利用造成文化遗产无 法逆转的损毁;盲目过度的旅游开发和不当的修复、发掘造成的损失等等这些问题都暴露了我国在文化 遗产保护与利用中相关法律体制不完备的薄弱环 节。 这都需要我们提高对文化遗产的保护意识,以更 恰当的方式对珍贵的文化遗产进行保护。因为文化 遗产是祖先留给我们的宝贝,我们不仅要保护


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