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    • 1、 Distributed with kind permission from the BBC The Listening Business 2012BBC RADIO 4 NEWS Monday, 30th January 2012 10.00am ELEMENTARY: QUESTIONS1. What do the initials RBS stand for? 2. What is Stephen Hesters role in RBS? 3. How much were the shares worth which made up Mr Hesters bonus? 4. Which political party threatened to try to block the reward? 5. What is the name of Deborah Hargreaves organisation? 6. Name some other public servants: 7. How much is Mr Hesters annual salary?8. What is ta

      2、king place in Brussels soon? 9. What does the EU want to create? 10. Which countrys finances will the EU leaders focus on?11. Who is Kenneth Clarke? 12. In which three UK countries does Mr Clarke want to change the compensation scheme for victims of crime? 13. What is the opposite of major injuries?14. What is the name of the charity in this next story? 15. Who are likely to receive less care and support in future, according to this charity? 16. How much has spending fallen by since last year?17

      3、. Where were two suspicious packages found in Salford? 18. Where were they found? 19. How old is Darren Crawley? 20. When will he appear in court?Distributed with kind permission from the BBC The Listening Business 2012BBC RADIO 4 NEWS Monday, 30th January 2012 10.00am ELEMENTARY: ANSWERS1. What do the initials RBS stand for? Royal Bank of Scotland 2. What is Stephen Hesters role in RBS? chief executive 3. How much were the shares worth which made up Mr Hesters bonus? almost 1 million 4. Which p

      4、olitical party threatened to try to block the reward? The Labour Party 5. What is the name of Deborah Hargreaves organisation? The High Pay Centre 6. Name some other public servants: doctors, nurses, soldiers 7. How much is Mr Hesters annual salary? 1.2 million8. What is taking place in Brussels soon? a European Union summit 9. What does the EU want to create? jobs 10. Which countrys finances will the EU leaders focus on? Greeces11. Who is Kenneth Clarke? Hes the justice secretary. 12. In which

      5、three UK countries does Mr Clarke want to change the compensation scheme for victims of crime? England, Wales and Scotland (but not Northern Ireland) 13. What is the opposite of major injuries? minor injuries14. What is the name of the charity in this next story? Age UK 15. Who are likely to receive less care and support in future, according to this charity? the elderly 16. How much has spending fallen by since last year? 4% 17. Where were two suspicious packages found in Salford? at a flat 18.

      6、Where were they found? on Saturday 19. How old is Darren Crawley? Hes 41. 20. When will he appear in court? this Distributed with kind permission from the BBC The Listening Business 2012BBC RADIO 4 NEWS Monday, 30th January 2012 10.00am INTERMEDIATE: TRUE/FALSE1. The first story is about the CEO of the Royal Bank of Scotland. 2. Stephen Ester has decided to turn down his bonus. 3. Hed been due to receive chairs worth almost 1 million. 4. The man announced his decision just hours before Labour sa

      7、id it would force a Commons vote. 5. Labour wanted the reward to be blocked. 6. Deborah Hargreaves is a director of the High Pay Sector. 7. Ms Hargreaves feels the man was wrong to waive (i.e. turn down) his bonus. 8. Ms Hargreaves said Mr Hester was just as much a public servant as a doctor, nurse or soldier. 9. Mr Hester is paid 1.2 million a year. 10. A number of bankers have already said they wont take their bonuses this year.11. David Cameron is attending an EU summit in Brussels at the mom

      8、ent. 12. The aim of the summit is to discuss ideas for promoting economic growth and creating demand. 13. The meeting will also focus on Greece, which is trying to get a new bail-out.14. The justice secretary Kenneth Clarke wants to change the scheme for paying compensation to victims of crime in the UK. 15. Claims for major injuries will be restricted. 16. Many people with criminal records will no longer receive pay-outs.17. Age UK says the amount of money being spent on cars and support for th

      9、e elderly is falling. 18. Age UK says there has been a 4.5% drop in spending since 2011. 19. It says unable people are being put at risk.20. A man has been charged after two suspicious devices (i.e. bombs) were found at a house in Salford two days ago. 21. Darren Crawley, aged 41, is accused of possessing an explosive substance for an unlawful porpoise. 22. He is going to appear in court this Distributed with kind permission from the BBC The Listening Business 2012BBC RADIO 4 NEWS Monday, 30th January 2012 10.00am INTERMEDIATE: ANSWERS1. The first story is about the CEO of the Royal Bank of Scotland. (T The chief executive of Royal Bank of Scotland.) 2. Stephen Ester has decided to turn down


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