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    • 1、广西导游资格考试景点英语导游词第 1 页 共 18 页 mp3 原文语音导游词下载 http:/广西导游资格考试景点英语导游词Diecai HillLadies and gentlemen, we are going to visit Diecai Hill. It is 30 minutes drive from here. Id like to give you some brief introduction of it.Situated in the northeast of Guilin by the Li River, Diecai Hill is one of the most popular attractions in Guilin, a place known for its amazing scenery and stone carvings. Because of the resemblance of its rock formations, piled up layer upon layer on each other, to folded brocade, i

      2、t is now also known as Folded Brocade Hill. Many other special names have been given to this picturesque spot: the name Gui Hill, derived from the laurels that have spread across the slopes since ancient times, and the name of Wind Cave Hill, due to the remarkable Wind Cave on the hill. Four small hills, Yuyue Hill, Siwang Hill (All-Direction-Looking Hill), Crane Peak and Bright Moon Peak surround Diecai Hill. A visual feast of magnificent scenes such as Diecai Pavilion, Wind Cave and Cloud-Catc

      3、hing Pavilion, along with countless stones with inscriptions created by famous Chinese scribes, awaits your eyes.Well, so much for my brief introduction of the hill I hope you have enjoyed it. Here we are, at the entrance of the Diecai Hill park .lets take a walk in the park, I will give you more detailed information.Through the gate of Diecai Garden, within a few steps of the southern foot of the hill, you will first reach the distinctive Diecai Pavilion, occupying an area of about 64 square ki

      4、lometers (15,815 acres) on the hillside of Bright Moon Peak. 5 meters (16 feet) high, 7.5 meters (25.6 feet) long and 8.5 meters (27.9 feet) wide, it is surrounded by Bright Moon Peak to the north, Siwang Hill to the west and Yuyue Hill to the east. Although only a single storey high, it is well designed and elaborately built with red poles, green tiles, and four unique angles. Your fantastic journey will start from here.After Diecai Pavilion, you will see a stele commemorating the two loyalists

      5、 Qu Shisi and Zhang Tongchang of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). The Wind Cave, which the wind blows through in all seasons, waits for you a little further along. This cave penetrates Bright Moon Peak, with a wide mouth protruding from either side of the slope and a narrow part in the middle. What makes it famous is the changing temperature of its winds. Whatever the weather is outside, a cool breeze is always blowing in the Wind Cave. For this reason it is known as the Cool World by many people.

      6、The cave is 广西导游资格考试景点英语导游词第 2 页 共 18 页 mp3 原文语音导游词下载 http:/worth a visit not only for its winds but for its rock carvings, both inside and outside of the cave. Nearly 100 Buddha images of the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties, as well as 210 stone carvings, can be found here. If you are interested in Chinese calligraphy and want to experience the peculiar nature of this remarkable cave, now is your chance!After some more steps, and a journey through more marvelous landscapes, you can

      7、 congratulate yourself as you reach the top of Bright Moon Peak. This is where the Cloud-Catching Pavilion, a building with a round shape, single eave and a pinnacle, is located. No other place offers you a better vantage position to admire the picturesque Li River, as well as the magnificent city of Guilin in its entirety. A journey to the summit will also offer you the opportunity to admire the Solitary Beauty Peak and Fubo Hill (Wave-Subduing Hill), the other two notable hills in Guilin.Of co

      8、urse, the other three ranges of Diecai Hill connected to Bright Moon Peak are all very attractive, and notable for their unique pavilions, eminent stones and cliff carvings, Buddhist sculptures and abundance of evergreen trees. Places such as Yuyue Pavilion, Huanbi Garden (Trees Garden) and Wood Dragon Cave are all well worth a visit.The highest peak of Diecai Hill, the Bright Moon Peak is only 223 meters (732 feet) tall and comparatively easy to climb. So in choosing to make a journey up Diecai

      9、 Hill, you choose an enjoyable and not too difficult hill-climb.Friend ship pass Ladies and gentlemen,welcome to Youyi guan. Youyi Is the name of the pass,meaning friendship in chinese.And Guanmeans pass,which was the trade centeras well as the transportation centerand military checkpoint.The pass, in Pingxiang city, is the most important one among all the ports of trade and exchange between China an Vietnam. Now, it is 260 kilometers to the south of Nanning and it can be conveniently reached either by express bus or by train. Frienship pass is a 4 storied structure, 22meters high. It is a symbolic gateway to China, 18 kilometers southwest of the city proper of Pingxiang. It was built like an ancient city gate. The ground floor is a solid wall with the arched gate open in the middle. The pass used to be called Zhennan meaning guard the South for Pacification.Sometimes, we can not get peace or bal


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