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    • 1、不利于面试结果的5种情况 What are the things that drive interviewers the most crazy? Listen and learn.到底是哪5种情况让面试官最抓狂呢,看一下吧。1.You arrive super early1. 来得太早了。Everybody knows that youre an idiot if you show up late for an interview. Its completely disrespectful of the interviewers time.每个人都知道,要是面试迟到就会让自己看起来像个傻子,并且这也是极度浪费面试官时间的表现。But showing up insanely early is also going to make you look like a jerk. Why? Because, when you arrive more than five or 10 minutes before your meeting, youre putting immediate press

      2、ure on the interviewer to drop whatever she may be wrapping up and deal with you. Or, shes going to start the interview feeling guilty because she knows she just left you sitting in the lobby for 20 minutes.但是太早到场也会让你给人难堪的印象。为什么呢?因为当你比你的面试时间早到超过5-10分钟,你就会直接给你的面试官一定的压力,无论此时她正在整理东西还是与你交谈。否则,她就会抱着愧疚感马上开始面试,因为她知道她让你在走廊里等待了20分钟的时间了。A secondary problem with showing up early is that it says, "Hi, I have absolutely nothing else going on in my life, so Ill just park it here in your company lobby.&qu

      3、ot; You dont want that. If you arrive super early, hang in the parking lot or a nearby coffee shop until just a few minutes before your scheduled time.另外一个早到带来的问题就是,“你好,我的确没有别的事情要忙了,所以我只好早点来贵公司准备了。你并不想这样。如果你实在比预约的时间早很多,那么你就在附近的咖啡店闲逛一下直到面试时间前几分钟再过去吧。2.Youre so over-rehearsed that you act like a robot2. 过度的预演,看起来像个机器人Once again, we all know not to show up to an interview completely unprepared.再次声明,我们都知道参加面试不能毫无准备。Fewer of us, however, realize that its entirely possible to arrive over-prepare

      4、d. Are you someone who thinks through every possible question that you suspect might be asked, writes out verbatim "best answers," and then practices them in the mirror (or with a friend) until youre beyond exhausted?但是更少人意识到也有可能会过度预演。难道你能够完全揣测到面试官会问你什么问题?然后把“最佳答案写下来,再一次又一次地对着镜子(或朋友)练习直到自己筋疲力尽?You might think youre doing yourself a solid, but what youre actually doing is putting yourself at risk for coming across as robotic or, worse, disinterested.也许你会认为这只是让自己表现起来更可靠,但是你实际上把自己表现

      5、无异于机器人,或者更糟糕的,让人不感兴趣。When youre hyper-prepared and hanging on the edge of your seat waiting for certain questions for which youve prepared to be asked, you will likely have a very hard time engaging in genuine conversation with the interviewer.当你在座位上过度地准备着面试官可能问你的问题的时候,你就很难有一个跟面试官真实交谈的时机。And interviewers dont tend to hire detached people who cant seem to have a genuine conversation. Certainly walk in prepared, but force yourself to not memorize or over-rehearse the practice questions.并且面试官都不会雇用那

      6、些无法与他人真实交流的员工。当然一定要有准备,但是要让自己免于死记硬背的情况。3.You head into the TMI zone3. 滔滔不绝,没完没了Even if youre interviewing for a role within the most free-wheeling, fun-loving organization, the fact remains that you are in an interview. Never, ever get wooed into believing that the casual nature of the environment frees you to enter the TMI zone.即使你所面试的场地是一个完全无拘无束,乐趣无穷的机构,但是你也得意识,你是在面试。所以,永远绝不要以为这种轻松的环境可以让你尽情演说。Be friendly and conversational, for sure. You want this crew to feel that youll fit in around the join

      7、t. Just never, and I mean do not ever, cross the line into TMI. When in doubt, leave it out.只需要友好地和健谈地与面试官交流。因为你希望面试官感觉到你能够合群。记住,绝不跨过滔滔不绝的界线,如果存在疑惑,那就忘了它吧。4.Youre a clear and obvious WIIFM4. 你对“这对我有什么好处?表现的太明显了Guess what interviewers want to know when they meet with you? First and foremost, they want to know what you can do for them. What can you do to make that company money, improve businesses processes, grow the organization and, importantly, make their lives easier?猜想面试官在与你见面的时候他想了解你什么

      8、?首先的首先,他们想知道你为公司带来什么好处。你能促进公司资金的流动,改善运行流程,提高机构质量,还是,使大家过得更轻松?That said, when you bust out with an immediate litany of WIIFM (whats in it for me?) questions, you look both arrogant and, frankly, unappealing.那意味着,当你直接问这样一个问题:“这对我有什么好处?的时候,你看起来既自大,又不讨好。Of course you want to know what the benefits are, how much vacation you get, and if you get a cell phone, company car, and corner office. But in the early interview stages, all the hiring managers and HR people really care about is what you can

      9、 do for them. This is a business they are running, not a club.当然,你想知道这份工作的福利有哪些,比如假期长短,有无私人手机,公司用车或靠角落的办公室。但在面试的早期阶段,所有的面试官和人事部主管最关注的是你能为公司所带来的效益。这是因为他们所运营的是一间公司,而不是俱乐部。Making you happy will be important if they want you, but youre not even going to get to that stage if you make your list of demands clear too early.如果他们需要你就会取悦你,但你实在还没到达谈条件的那个阶段。5.You dont say "thank you"5. 面试后不说“谢谢Certainly, it can be stressful and exhausting to shuttle through hours of interviewing at a company, to the point it all starts feeling like a bit of a blur. But if you really want this job, you need to stay focused and energized, and you absolutely must end strong.没错,在紧张又疲劳的情况下经过数小时后的面试后,要开口致谢会觉得有点困难。但如果你确实需要这份工作,你就要保持精神集中和精力充沛,并且要强而有力的结束。Keep this top of mind as you march forth and conquer.把这些事情记在心里,以此向前进并拿下自己理想的工作机会。


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