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    • 1、人教中考英语高频考点+句型详解主题句:What were you doing at that time? 那时你在做什么?考点 过去进行时1. 基本用法:过去进行时表示过去某一时刻或某段时间正在进行的动作。I was doing homework at 7 oclock last night. 昨晚7点钟我正在做作业。They were getting ready for the test those days. 那些日子他们正在准备考试。2. 基本 结构:was / were + doing当主语为第一、三人称单数时,助动词用was, 其他人称和数做主语时,助动词用were.3.判定依据:(1)常和表示过去某一特定时间的状语then, at this/that time, those days, yesterday, at nine last night等连用。My father was reading at this time last night.昨天晚上这个时候我父亲正在读书。We were travelling in Japan those days.那些日子我们正在日本旅行

      2、。(2) 常和while, when 等引导的时间状语从句连用, 表示过去的某一个动作(正在)发生时,另一动作正在发生,往往发生或延续较长时间的动作用过去进行时,较短动作、短暂性动词用一般过去时,有时二者都用过去进行时。The Browns were having dinner when I visited them.当我拜访布朗一家人时,他们正在吃晚饭。It was raining hard when I went home .当我回家时,雨下得正大。While I was watching TV, my brother was doing his homework.我在看电视时,我弟弟在做作业。(3) 通过上下文暗示,某一动作正在发生。I called you last night, but no one answered.I was watching a football game on TV.昨晚我给你打电话,没有人接。我一直在电视上看足球比赛。(4) 在句型 was / were doing when (一般过去时从句), 表示一个动作正在进行,(突然)另外一个动作发生了,此

      3、时 when的意思是正在那时。I was doing my homework when the lights went out.我正在做作业(突然)灯熄灭了。We were walking along the river when it rained.我们沿着河边散步,突然下起雨来.(5)在宾语从句中,当主句用一般过去时,从句动作正在进行,则用过去进行时。He said that he was waiting for the school bus.他说他正在等校车。I wondered what he was doing.我想要知道他在做什么。小试牛刀:1. While the lightsto red, a car suddenly appeared round the corner.A. change B. have changed C. were changing D. will change (2019天津)2. Amonhis ship in a big storm when a giant fish came out of the sea.A. will sail B. i

      4、s sailing C. was sailing D. has sailed (2019苏州)3. David fell fast asleep while hea newspaper.A. reads B. has read C. was reading (2019海南)4. I went to your officer at 9:00 yesterday morning, but you were not in.Sorry, Iwith the manager in the meeting room at that time. (2019广西北部湾)A. am talking B. was talking C. were talking D. have talked5. I(visit) my uncles farm when you called me.主题句:Well provide food for the family. 我们将为这个家庭提供食物。考点 provide 的用法provide 用作动词 意为提供,侧重表示出于某种责任为应付意外、紧急情况等做好充分准备而提供需要

      5、或有用的东西。1. provide sth. for sb. 意为为某人提供某物。The government provides free text books for the students.政府为学生们提供免费的教科书。Would you mind providing some information for us?你介意为我们提供一些信息吗?2. provide sb. with sth. 和provide sth. for sb. 同义,二者可互换,但要注意二者provide的宾语不同,所用的介词不同。The local government provides students with free eggs and milk.=The local government provides free eggs and milk for students.当地政府为学生们提供免费的鸡蛋和牛奶。I hope you can provide us with an example.=I hope you can provide an example for us.我希望你能为我们提供一个

      6、样本。3. provide 与 offer 的用法比较offer侧重表示愿意或主动提供。常用结构:offersb.sth.(接双宾语结构)或offer sth. tosb.Sheofferedmeacupoftea.=She offered a cup of tea to me.她给我端了杯茶。The charity organization offers free breakfast to the street cleaners.= The charity organization offers the street cleaners free breakfast.慈善机构为街道清洁工提供免费早餐。provide 侧重表示出于某种责任为某人而提供需要或有用的东西。大多情况下,和offer可以相互替换。小试牛刀:1. We should provide a good living environmentthe old.A. with B. to C. for D. by2. Parents oftentheir childrensome good advice. (2014兰州)A.

      7、offer; with B. offer; / C. provide; with D. Both B and C3. The schoolfood for the students.A. offer B. provide C. offers D. provides4. The reporter often provides useful news for us.= The reporter oftenuseful news.5. 连词成句offered, waitress, water, the, us, hot, (.)主题句:I dont mind doing chores. 我不介意做家务。考点、mind的用法(1)名词思想、头脑、智力change ones mind 改变主意 make ones mind 下决心,相当于动词decide。Have you changed your mind? 你改变主意了吗?I have made my mind to join the army. 我已下决心要参军。(2) 动词 介意 后接doingmind doing sth. 介意做某事

      8、mind not doing sth. 介意不做某事I dont mind being on duty on the weekend. 我不介意周末值班。Do you mind giving me a hand? 你介意帮我一下忙吗?(3) mind ones doing sth. 介意某人做某事,mind+ 接名词所有格/ 形容词性物主代词+ 动名词(doing), 没有 mind sb. doing sth. 结构。I dont mind your making any mistakes,but you must correct your mistakes. 我不介意你犯错误, 但你必须要改正你所犯的错误。(4) Would (Do) you mind.? 及其答语该句型意为你介意吗? 用would比用do更委婉,后接动名词或if从句。两个用法请求允许或询问对方对自己做某事的看法;Would you mind my smoking here? 你介意我在这吸烟吗?Would you mind if I sit here?你介意我坐在这里吗?请求对方的帮助Would you mind

      9、 giving me a lift? 你介意让我搭一下便车吗?该句型的答语表示介意:Please dont./Better not/ Im sorry, but.等。Would you mind my turning off the light?你介意我关灯吗?Youd better not. I havent finished my work.你最好不要,我还没有完成我的工作.表示不介意:No, not at all./Not at all./Certainly not./Of course not./No,go ahead.等。 Would you mind my standing here?你介意我站在这里吗? Not at all. 不介意。Would you mind lending me your dictionary?Not at all.你介意借给我你的词典吗?不介意。小试牛刀:1. Would you mind _ (not play) basketball in the classroom?2. 我下定决心戒烟。Ito give up smoking.3. -Would you mind waiting for me? -.A. Of course not B. Im sorryC. I dont mind D. Better not4. Would you mindthe window?A. me opening B. me closeC. my opening D. my close5.


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