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    • 1、,Your presentation begins here,COVID-19 SPREAD & CONTAGION,“Timely, evidence-based information is the best vaccine against rumors and misinformation”,DR. JARBAS BARBOSA, PAHOs ASSISTANT DIRECTOR,”,Informing the population about the health risks posed by the coronavirus disease, as well as what they can do to protect themselves, is the best way to mitigate the spread and reduce the amount of further contagion cases,WHOA!,What to do to help prevent the spread of the virus,Some numbers and data abo

      2、ut the spread,How long the virus stays on different surfaces,Together we can overcome this pandemic,01. PREVENTION,03. SPREAD,02. SURFACES,04. Conclusion,A person can contract COVID-19 if: They come in contact with another person infected with the virus Someone infected coughs or sneezes directly to them They touch any surface with little droplets from infected peoples cough or sneezes and then touch their eyes, nose or mouth,HOW do YOU get COVID-19?,PREVENTION:WHAT TO DO,01.,Some advice to help

      3、 prevent the spread of the virus,04,05,06,01,02,03,Keep surfaces disinfected and also avoid sharing personal items,If you become sick, stay in contact with others by phone or email,Take care of the emotional health of your household members, including yourself,Continue to practice everyday preventive actions as usual,Keep the ill person in a separate room from others in the household,If caring for a sick household member, monitor your own health too,IF SOMEONE IN YOUR HOME IS SICK,Keep at least

      4、a distance of 1 meter (3 feet) between yourself and other people,Try not to come in contact with the elderly, as they are the most vulnerable to the virus,SAFE DISTANCE,OLDER ADULTS,SOCIAL DISTANCING,ONE mETER,EMERGENCY WARNING SIGNS,04. Difficulty or trouble when breathing,02. Persistent pressure in the chest,03. Confusion or inability to wake up,01. Lips or face suddenly turning bluish,PROTECTION TIPS,Keep objects and surfaces clean,Maintain social distancing,Wash your hands frequently,Dont to

      5、uch eyes, nose or mouth,Cash is not accepted (only cards) Contact between driver and passenger must be kept to a minimum Taxis and other vehicles for hire can only accept one passenger per fare (excepting underage and elderly people) Cover yourself with your elbow when coughing and use hand sanitizer Try not to touch anything,PUBLIC TRANSPORT RULES,PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT,01,03,02,04,Lab coat or apron (wear it correctly),Surgical masks and respirators,Safety gloves (must be worn to the wri

      6、st),Eye or face protection (such as glasses),Clean frequently touched surfaces and objects,THE VIRUS AND SURFACES,02.,Find out how long the virus stays on different surfaces,COVID-19 IN DIFFERENT SURFACES,WASH YOUR HANDS,60% alcohol,Palm to palm,Fingers,Fingernails,01,02,03,04,WASH YOUR HANDS,Disinfected!,Thumbs,Rub until dry,Wrists,08,07,06,05,WE MUST each DO OUR part,INFECTION DATA,Some numbers and data on the spread of COVID-19,03.,EXPONENTIAL GROWTH,To modify this graph, click on it, follow

      7、the link, change the data and paste the new graph here,USA,Spain,China,United Kingdom,South Korea,Germany,INFECTED AREAS,You can replace the image on the screen with your own work. Just delete this one, add yours and send it to the back,EVOLUTION OF THE AMOUNT OF CASES,Evolution of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the world,FEBRUARY: 75377,JANUARY: 9799,MARCH: 630457,To modify this graph, click on it, follow the link, change the data and paste the new graph here,12%,HIGHEST DEATH RATIO PER COUNTRY,Sp

      8、ain is now the country with the highest amount of confirmed cases in Europe,Italy has the highest death ratio due to COVID-19 per confirmed case in Europe,Although the outbreak originated in Wuhan, China, this is the current ratio,10%,4%,COUNTRIES WITH THE HIGHEST INFECTION RATE,These are the countries with the highest amount of confirmed cases over time: United States, Spain, Italy and China (where this virus first originated),ORIGIN,164.536,Total recovered people from COVID-19 as of March 2020

      9、,10,000+,100,000+,Confirmed cases in South Korea,Confirmed cases in Spain,Mobile app,You can replace the image on the screen with your own work. Just delete this one, add yours and send it to the back,Desktop software,You can replace the image on the screen with your own work. Just delete this one, add yours and send it to the back,OUR TEAM,You can replace the icon with a picture of this person,You can replace the icon with a picture of this person,You can replace the icon with a picture of this person,JOHN PATTERSON,HELENA JAMES,JENNA DOE,THANKS!,Please keep this slide for attribution,ALTERNATIVE RESOURCES,ALTERNATIVE RESOURCES,


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