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    • 1、福州市2020届福州市高三毕业班适应性练习卷英语听力部分录音稿Text 1W: The next time we come to a hot country like this, remind me to bring a raincoat and an umbrella. The rain is making me wet.M: Do what the local people do. Grab a banana leaf and hold it over your head.Text 2W: I left my schoolbag at home. Do you have any extra paper and a pencil? Ill need an eraser too.M: I have a notebook you can use, but I dont have any extra writing tools. Crystal might have a pencil and eraser though.Text 3W: Im sure we parked the car

      2、right here. What happened to it? I hope it wasnt stolen!M: It probably got carried away. See the sign? It says no parking during rush hour, and its already past 9:00 a.m.Text 4W: Therere so many people and I can barely breathe. We should have got a taxi.M: The subway is crowded during this hour but it is much quicker. Taxis and buses often get stuck in traffic. Text 5M: How far are we from the town? Have we cycled 40 miles? W: Less than that. Weve cycled 30 miles. And theres another 12 miles to

      3、cover.M: OK, we will make it today.Text 6M: My keyboard is acting up again. W: You should throw it away. Its cheap to replace. M: I dont like to waste things. I want to try to have it fixed.W: Well, it might cost so much that its not worth it. Usually, keyboards dont come with a guarantee to be fixed.M: Ill call Samsung and find out.W: I thought you had an ASUS keyboard.M: I do, but it isnt as nice to use.W: Well, I have a Lenovo.M: It is good, isnt it?W: Very good, but expensive. Do you want to

      4、 try using it?M: Can I?W: Yes, but please dont spill anything on it.Text 7 M: The list says 24 people are coming for tonights dinner, right? W: That is the old list. As of right now, there are actually three more people definitely coming. M: OK, I will warn the chef that he may need to make extra. While I am back in the kitchen, I will bring out the plates and cups. Can you get the wine from the fridge?W: I will need to finish putting the table cloths on first. Is the wine in the basement or on

      5、this floor? I dont want to walk all the way down there for no reason.M: I prepared it this morning, so it should be in the fridge in the kitchen. W: OK, we should hurry. They should be arriving here soon. Text 8W: Hi, my name is Sarah.M: Im Mark. Lets dance!W: But I dont really know howM: Here, Ill show you. You just move to the music. Theres really nothing to it. W: You do it so naturally! Ive only taken a few dancing lessons. M: Oh, this is a much easier style of dancing. No, nonot like that!

      6、First, you need to relax. Move your feet a little. Lift up your arms so they arent at your sides. You look like a stick when youre holding them down! W: Im sorry I just dont feel comfortable. I think everyone is looking at me.M: Ha-ha! No one cares! Theyre all having fun. Come, lets dance together. Just follow my moves, and youll soon get it. W: OK. M: See? Youre already doing great!W: Thank you. This isnt so hard. M: Now, Im going to spin you around. Hold on to my hand so you dont fall down.W:

      7、Lets take a break. Thats quite a workout! All those movements were so tiring.M: OK. Lets get something to drink. Text 9W: Excuse me. I need the next book in a series.M: Mystery or science fiction?W: No, nothing like that. I need The History of the Roman Empire, the fourth book, please.M: Good, its right here next to the front desk.W: Thank you. By the way, I saw the sign on your door. Are you really closing the shop next week?M: Only for a little while. Some of these shelves are getting too weak

      8、, and I want to build another room in the back for our growing young adult section.W: Great! I love this place. When will you reopen?M: At the beginning of next year.W: Thats five months away! Where will I get my books in the meantime?M: You can try the store at the corner of 8th Street and Walton Lane. It usually has a good selection. Otherwise, were going to set up a stand in the downtown market on Saturdays, starting in mid-October. If you like, you can tell me ahead of time what books you ne

      9、ed, and Ill bring them the following week.W: That sounds perfect! Ill bring you a list this weekend.M: Glad to be of service to my customers. Anything else you need this evening?W: No, thank you. See you later!M: Have a good night.Text 10OK, class. Today we are going to draw the persons face sitting across from us. So everyone, turn to your partner now. There should be 15 groups and each group will have two people. This is good because my last class had 33 people in it, and someone had to draw me!Youre going to want to make sure you have the right colors to draw your partner. For example, Joan has green eyes, so youll want to use a light shade of yellow and blue mixed together.Id recommend starting with the shape of the head first so that you have a good base to draw on. Its important t


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