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    • 1、19秋学期(1709、1803、1809、1903、1909)大学英语(二)在线作业-0003试卷总分100 得分100一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分)1.The investigation group, which _ 2 men and 3 women, started this morning.A.is composed ofB.composesC.composed ofD.are composed of答案A2.My father is ( ) than my mother.A.three years olderB.three years oldC.older three years答案A3.If it ( ) tomorrow, we ( ) to the Summer Palace.A.wont rain, goB.rains, will goC.doesnt rain, will go答案C4.You may leave your bag ( ) in the room.A.somewhereB.nowhereC.anywhere答案C5.June 1st

      2、 is ( ) Day.A.ChildrensB.ChildrensC.Children答案B6.( ) stole his camera while he is lying on the beach.A.SomeoneB.EveryoneC.Anyone答案A7.Money isnt ( ).A.somethingB.everythingC.anything答案B8.Youre driving ( ), slow down!A.very quicklyB.too fastC.quite fast答案B9.Did you ( ) early this morningA.got upB.get upC.getting up答案B10.He is no one to _ to rules and regulations blindly.A.performB.informC.formD.conform答案D11.Did she ( ) the meetingA.took part inB.take part inC.take part for答案B12.He ( ) by different

      3、 people in the company.A.was interviewingB.was interviewedC.interviewed答案B13.Mr Smith has a ( ) daughter.A.five-years-oldB.five-year-oldC.fives-year-old答案B14.I have worked in this university ( ) 1980.A.tillB.sinceC.for答案B15.She ( ) in America for many years. She hopes to go back to China next year.A.livesB.livedC.has lived答案C16.He ( ) the Museum of Chinese History tomorrow.A.visitsB.visitC.is going to visit答案C17.The money, ( ) was his, was left on the table.A.whichB.thatC.X答案A18.If you ( ) mista

      4、ke, you ( ) pass the exam.A.will make a, arentB.make a, wontC.make a, mustnt答案B19.He arrived ( ) good time for the concert.A.onB.inC.at答案B20.If youre going to come, please let me know ( ).A.in aheadB.in advanceC.before答案B21.I dont know where the key is, but I suppose I ( ) it at home.A.should have leftB.must leaveC.could have left答案C22.It was so cold outside that my toes became _.A.warmB.stiffC.painfulD.numb答案D23.He ( ) to the hospital after the accident.A.was takingB.was takenC.took答案B24._ a ma

      5、n coming, the thief ran away.A.In sight ofB.In sightC.At the sight ofD.At sight答案C25.She wont leave ( ) her friends come back.A.whenB.untilC.since答案B26.This bridge ( ) iron.A.is made ofB.is made fromC.is made by答案A27.I dont like that girl because she is always ( ).A.up or lowB.up or downC.low or down答案B28.Send me an email ( ) you arrive in Beijing.A.whileB.whenC.if答案B29.Last Saturday I ( ) an old English friend of mine.A.metB.meetsC.has met答案A30.Ill go and see you ( ) Im in England.A.whileB.unti

      6、lC.before答案A31.We should judge a man by his _, not by his talks.A.deedsB.activitiesC.actionsD.act答案C32.He went on with his work ( ) the difficulties.A.out of spiteB.in spite ofC.although答案B33.Difficult _ it was, they finished it on time.A.thoughB.stillC.asD.although答案A34.The rate of unemployment is _.A.risingB.riseC.increaseD.decrease答案A35.She _ that if he didnt give her enough money, she would make it public.A.torturedB.threatenedC.scaredD.feared答案B36.Toms computer is broken. Hell have it ( ).A

      7、.to repairB.repairingC.repaired答案C37.She ( ) jogging every morning.A.playsB.goesC.does答案B38.Once the decision _, the most important thing to do is how to carry it out.A.madeB.having been madeC.has been madeD.been made答案B39.While I ( ) the bus, it started to rain.A.was waiting forB.waited forC.am waiting for答案A40.Mary didnt turn ( ) until the train left.A.upB.outC.in答案A41.The new English dictionary I bought yesterday _ me almost twenty Yuan.A.tookB.spentC.paidD.cost答案D42.This cake is ( ) nice. Id

      8、 like to have more of it.A.tooB.reallyC.most答案B43.Jack ( ) a walk after supper when the weather was fine.A.used to takingB.used to takeC.is used to take答案B44.Youd better stop ( ). Were listening to the news.A.to talkB.talkingC.talk答案B45.He told us that he would leave for Shanghai ( ).A.the next dayB.the future dayC.next day答案A46.They attached great importance _ the friendship between the two countries.A.withB.toC.ofD.for答案B47.( ) is ready now for the party.A.somethingB.EverythingC.Anything答案B48.( ) a glass of coffee.A.I prefer toB.I haveC.Id rather have答案C49.Each student will be provided ( ) a computer.A.withB.forC.at答案A50.Is it difficult to learn to ( ) Tai ChiA.playB.goC.do答案C


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