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    • 1、This module serves as a guide to the auditor in completing an audit of the water treatment process. The auditor will determine whether or not the facility is complying with the specifications and requirements of The Coca-Cola Company by completing this audit module. 此模块为审核员完成对水处理生产过程进行审核提供指导。审核员完成此模块可以确定该工厂是否符合可口可乐公司的标准和要求。Plant工厂: Date日期: Auditor(s)审核员: 1) Questionnaire调查表:YesDivNo1Is the design of the water treatment area adequate to prevent contamination (outside, inside)? Does the water trea

      2、tment area meet all approved conditions for the GMP design criteria? 水处理区的设计是否足以防止内外污染?水处理区符合GMP设计标准的条件吗?2Is the water treatment area free of any obvious sources of potential contamination? 水处理区是否没有任何潜在污染?3Does the plant comply with general requirements on water treatment? 工厂符合水处理的一般要求吗?4Does the plant comply with all requirements on raw water (source water)? 工厂的原水是否符合要求(水源)?5Does the plant follow the requirements on full analysis for raw water? 工厂对原水的全分析是否符合要求?6Is the water treatment system mul

      3、ti-barrier in design? 水处理设备在设计上是否是多级过滤?7Are specific requirements fulfilled for the water treatment system? 满足水处理系统的特定要求吗?8Are the chemicals / contact materials used in the water treatment authorized for contact with drinking water? 在水处理过程中使用的化学剂/接触材料是否符合饮用水的标准?9Are all required tests performed at the required frequency? 所有要求的检测是否按要求的频率来进行?10Are all Company requirements regarding Total Trihalomethane (TTHM) covered? 关于TTHM(三卤甲烷)是否包括在公司规定范围内?11Do records indicate that the treated water (as an ing

      4、redient) meets specifications? 记录是否显示处理水符合要求?12Are the requirements for equipment maintenance followed? 是否遵守设备保养的要求?13Does the plant follow the requirements on recycling (potable reuse) of water (as source water)? (if applicable) 工厂是否按照水的再循环要求执行?(作为水源)14Is water stored according to the Company requirements (if applicable)? 水储存是否符合公司要求?2) Reference Standards List参考标准清单:Beverage Operations Manual饮料操作手册BO-RQ-200Good Manufacturing Practices Design Criteria良好操作习惯-设计标准BO-RQ-210Water Treatment Systems水

      5、处理系统BO-RQ-247Source Water水源BO-SP-240Treated Water Specifications水处理标准BO-RQ-245Water Quality Monitoring水质质量监控BO-RQ-250Water Storage and Transportation水的储存和输送Reference Manual参考手册RF-WA-266Total Trihalomethanes MonitoringTTHM的监控3) Specifications and Requirements Summary标准和要求概要:Specifications / Requirements标准/要求1Is the design of the water treatment area adequate to prevent contamination (outside, inside)? Does the water treatment area meet all approved conditions for the GMP design criteria? 水处理区的设计是

      6、否足以防止内外污染?水处理区符合GMP设计标准的条件吗?The listed items are “approved conditions” in order to comply with the general requirement “to prevent contamination in the water treatment area”. 所列条款是批准的条件,以便符合防止水处理间污染的要求。If some of these approved conditions are not fulfilled, the auditor will judge on the possible contamination resulting from water treatment area design observed during the audit. 如果这些被证明的条件中有一些不能达到,审核员就会在审查期间根据水处理间的设计判断可能产生污染的结果。BO-RQ-200 Water treatment area separated or enclosed.水处理要分开和密闭 Preven

      7、t or restrict traffic by non-essential personnel. 防止不必要人员进入车间 Minimize number of doors and openings. 在水处理间与其它车间之间要有最少数量的门和通道。 Non-opening windows in the water treatment area. 在水处理间要有不能打开的窗户 。 Self-closing doors.自闭门 Air ventilation system in place (typically 6 changes / hour). 有通风系统(通常每小时换气6次)If bulk acid is stored inside the plant and/or ion-exchange system is in use, extra ventilation needs are investigated & applied. 如果酸储存在工厂里面或使用离子交换系统,需要检查和使用额外的通风系统。Water treatment area to be easy cleanable.

      8、 水处理区域应容易清洁。 No use of wooden materials in the water treatment area (as a construction material, desks, chairs wooden fixtures, ) 在水处理间不能使用木质材料(例如;建筑材料,桌子、椅子、木质家具 Storage of liquid chlorine cylinders in a self-contained shed with outside ventilation. Local requirements to be met. 把氯水桶储存在有外部通风的独立的小屋里。遵守当地法规。 Adequate draining provided (worst case water load). 提供充足的排水系统(最大的排水量) Floors are self-draining / drains have water traps and screen traps. 地板有自我排水功能,排水道要有水盖2Is the water treatment area free o

      9、f any obvious sources of potential contamination? 水处理区是否没有任何潜在污染These requirements are results from the general requirements in BO-RQ-200 “Implement GMP procedures throughout each section”. 这些要求是根据BO-RQ-200里“每个部份都执行GMP程序”的一般要求BO-RQ-200 The area is clean, organized and well maintained区域要干净,秩序井然 No potential contamination points such as for instance: 没有如下的潜在污染源: Standing water in the area积水- Wet wooden pallets湿的木制托盘- Storage of chemicals in the area区域内储存化学品- Strong off-odors detected in the area区域内测到强烈的异味 Dirty floors, wall, ceiling 安脏的地板,墙和天花板 SOPs available on the housekeeping of the water treatment area在水处理区内要有日常


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