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安卓APP | ios版本


  • 卖家[上传人]:zengy****8888
  • 文档编号:117080055
  • 上传时间:2019-11-18
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    • 1、1 实用英语综合课程 Be aware of Make up for Unit 1A 1.Be away from My school is 200 meters away from my home. How long have you been away from your home? 2.Adjust to sth Adjust sb to sth. You have to adjust yourself to the new environment. Be on ones own = by oneself I am on my own. Have off 放假 5 days First of all Secondly /thirdly finally. Asense of (direction) Be responsible for 对。 。负责任 He is responsible for the accident. Handle 处理= cope with /deal with Look for 寻找 Look in查找 Make ones own decision Be c

      2、onfused about 对。 。感到困惑 Sb be supposed to do sth 某人应该做某事 AddA to B 往 B 里加 A Add some milk to the tea In a row 连续地 5 days in a row Sleep in 睡懒觉 Get homesick Text B Never too old to learn Introduce sb to sb/sth Challenge sb to sth I want to challenge myself to play this game. Look around Turn around Smile at / point at Give sb a hug 拥抱 Take on 接受。 。 。的挑战,承担。 。 。 Dream of 梦想做某事 We all dream of passing the test. Share sth with sb At the end of 在。 。 。的结尾 In the end = finally The Secret to sth / doing

      3、sth 。 。 。做。 。 。的秘密是。 。 。 The answer to the question The key to the door Have regrets for 对。 。感到后悔遗憾 Regret doing sth 后悔做了某事 Regret to say/ tell 遗憾地说 End sth by doing sth 通过做某事结束某事 Unit 2A Its + adj. to do sth 做。 。 。怎么样 Its never to old to learn. Go back to 回溯到 The interaction ofAand B A 和 B 相互间的互动 Be accompanied by 由。 。陪伴着 Accompany sb 陪伴某人 Dance to 随着。 。 。起舞 With sb Have some influence on sb/sth 对。 。 。有影响 Go crazy over /about sb/ sth 对。 。 。感到疯狂 Go downhill 走下坡路 Die with 随着。 。的死去而消失 Text B Bring

      4、 sth/sb with sb 某人带着某东西 Remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事 Thepictureremindsmeofmyhappy childhood. Help sb to do sth with sth as the song says as the saying goes as time goes by Unit 3 TextA Become more and more popular 2 The more, the better. The taller, the more handsome. Use sth for sth/ doing 用某物来做某事 Relate Ato B We usually relate girls to flowers. Be related to Spendon sth/ (in)doing sth At times 有时 When it comes to当谈到。 。的时候 Pretend to do Give out 散布 Trick sb into doing sth 欺骗某人做某事 Part with 舍弃 Insist

      5、 on doing sth 坚持做某事 Deserve to do sth 值得做某事 Deserve sth 值得拥有某东西 Protect sb from sb/ sth Text B Keep sth + adj. Do business with 与某人做生意 Get access to 进入 After all 总之, 毕竟 Complain about Via 通过= by Unit 4TextA Offer sth to sb / offer sb sth Undivided attention 一心一意 1. Suggest that sb should do sth 2. suggest sth / doing sth 3 Suggest that +陈述语气 意味着 Become accustomed to doing sth 习惯做某事 Tell the truth about Apply to 适用于Apply for 申请 Depend on 取决于 Get along with sb At least 至少At most 最多 Text B To a gre

      6、at extent 很大程度上 Take up 采用采取,占据 Side by side 同时并行 Various Avariety of 多种多样的 Order that sb/ sth should do Prevent sb from doing sth Unit 5 TextA Be in (no) danger of (没有)处于。 。 。 的危险中 Sth occur to sb 某人发生了某事 某人想到了某事 It occurred to the man that he had forgotten to lock the door. Mean doing 意味着,意思是 Mean to do 打算做。 。 。 ABe concerned with B A 和 B 有关 Abe concerned about B A 关心 B Confine to 受限于 Sb be confined to sth Text B In part 某种程度上 = to some extent Spread out fromA to B 从 A 扩展到 B Take ones place 代替某人= replace sb I will take his place. I will replace him. Disrepair 失修 Stay behind 留下来不走 Unit6 Text A Apparently = obviously Consequently = as a result Have qualification for = be qualified for sth(to do) 够资格做某事 Encourage sb to do sth Discourage sb to do sth Be willing to do sth 愿意做某事 Except for 除了。 。 。其他的都。 。 。 Yourpassageisgoodexceptforsome mistakes. Besides 除了。 。 。也。 。 。 Besides your dress, your shoes look beautiful too. Be full of = be filled with 充满


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